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Posts posted by DEFCON 1

  1. Has anyone ever gone to NML and had the sky be very dark? (No EE) I have also experienced a change in color on the moon, and sometimes a very dark haze fills my screen. Has anyone else even seen this? I feel like there is a significant reason for this, just cant put my finger on it.

    Well, whenever I play Moon split screen the sky boxes get switched around so NML has a dark sky and Moon has a really bright sky. But I've never seen this happen when playing a public match or solo, only split screen.

  2. This hasn't happened to me before until today, at the beginning of the round I decided to shoot at a napalm zombie a few times and then it started running at me like a normal zombie. I kept it alive for a round to see if it would stop running but it kept going till I killed him. Is this supposed to happen or is it a glitch?

  3. Constantly reloading, Rage quitting after losing a quick revive on an early round (I can literally pause the game and press the quit game button in a millisecond) and the last one, when I get to a high round and I want to swap out my secondary for a wonder weapon and it takes a long time to get one, When I finally get it I'm so bored by then I just suicide.

  4. This has happened to me many times in no man's land and I think I figured out the cause, If your close enough to a zombie and your standing still it will make you teleport right to the zombie and knife him (like the commando perk in MW2 but this has less range) so you were probably aiming at a zombie that was in the center of the pack when you meant to hit a zombie that was in the front.

  5. How is not relevant to the story? We go to FIVE where there has an incredible stench of story all over it. First off, since it's a true zombies map, it's included in the story. Secondly, since we know it the same time as Ascension, it helps us find out Ascension's date. And yes we know it's during Ascension, not in the 70's. It's just troubling anymore to hear people say FIVE, or any map really, is a filler and/or irrelevant.

    i just dont think its relevant. and NDU isnt in the story and its a true map (jus saying) but hey if it helps find a date then yea i can dig it. wanna do a run through of FIVE? ill be doing it in a few hours. gamertag in sig

    NDU is a true map sure, but at the time, it was just a bonus feature and there was no story back when it was made, just look at everything in the environment on FIVE,for example, the nova 6 canister's in the basement, the teleporters and a lot more, I have a feeling we still haven't found everything in FIVE. I'm going to be making a thread on a few interesting things I've found soon, but no yet.

  6. Better match making. (Lets you choose if you want a player who has a mic, What their highest round is etc)

    I don't know about the rest of you but I wouldn't really care if they didn't put a campaign in it, I want a zombies campaign just not the ordinary campaign that you usually get from a CoD game.It might sound stupid but it's not like the recent Call of duty campaigns (MW2 and Black ops) were that long so we wouldn't miss much anyways, but that's just my opinion.

  7. Nikolai: "I have black hole(pause) like third wife but we won't talk about that." After getting the Gersh on Ascension.

    And my other favorite, Richard Nixon:"I like to kick ass and chew bubble gum, and I'm all outta gum" That quote has been stolen too many time's to count.

  8. Are you completely sure... it isnt just the floating perk machine. If not photo plox?

    Yeah I was thinking it might be a perk machine cause I didn't see any other "UFO's" at area 51.

  9. I was thinking Dead Ops but can you name all the types of zombies in it? (extra brains)

    I'll have a go at it, normal Nazi zombies, Sergei zombies(Prisonbreak), Creepy crawlers,Stampede zombies, Downpour zombies(I'm not sure what they really are), Abominable Martyrs,Hellhounds and Cosmic silverback.

  10. Hello and thank you for reading my reliable Verruckt strategy that can make this map feel like Ascension (sort of).

    Round 1-4: just start the game like you normally would, knifing zombies and getting a few extra points for shooting them with your pistol.

    Round 5: Leave the starting room and buy either the thompson or clear the debris leading up stairs and buy the BAR.

    Round 6-10: Just kill zombies when you see them and gather enough points to buy all of the perks. Recommended order to buy them in: Juggernog, quick revive, speed cola, double tap. Mule kick isn't really necessary.

    Round 11: Buy a close range weapon to replace your pistol, either the double barrel or if you have a lot of points you can go for the box until you have a good close range weapon.

    Round 12: If all or most of the barriers near the BAR/trench gun room or broken leave them like that, except for the window in the sawed off room, only repair that one and place a bouncing betty a couple feet away from it.

    Round 13: Stand in the corner by the BAR, as soon as one zombie spawns from one of the windows in front of you, do a circle around the staircase once then run to the **** please report this topic, post ****, shoot at the zombies a few times and then run to the power room, shoot at them a few more times, run to the MP40 hallway (remember to switch to your close range weapon when turning corners) and stand at the stairs and unload on the zombies until they get really close to you then run down the stairs to the quick revive and unload on the zombies again, once they get close run to the stairs (if you have the Thompson or BAR nows the time to buy ammo), as you go up the stairs switch to your close range weapon, if there's no zombie up stairs switch back to your machine gun. If their are still zombies left over just keep repeating the strategy until their all dead, but leave one to repair the sawed off room barrier and place a bouncing betty.

    14-20: Keep repeating the strategy above, it will be the same no matter what round your on, other than the zombies will be tougher and more will spawn in a round but all you need is patience.(If you got a raygun don't kill the whole train with it unless your in the BAR room then you can treat it like it's a new round.

    Round 21: Repeat the strategy again but leave a crawler so you can get a monkey bomb if you haven't already. They'll be helpful if you go down in the middle of a high round.

    Round 22-30+: Again just repeat the strategy, weapons will start getting weak and the round will get longer but patience is all you need.

    That's my strategy and I hope it helped you as much as it helped me.

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