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Logan Wilson

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Posts posted by Logan Wilson

  1. I've been wanting to post this for a while but have been very busy so it might already be on here. I was watching my brother play S-L and he was Richtofen and he had the Golden Rod. Now i don't know if he did anything to get it but it was a early round and i played as Richtofen and it wasn't at the bottom of the screen, my friends have said they didn't have it either when they were Richtofen. Any thoughts or ideas

  2. Actually this is not a glitch. If you play a game of Shangri-la and do the easter egg Richtofen says something but I think it depends on who gets the focusing stone. I was playing yesterday, I did the easter egg, my friend was Richtofen and he grabbed the stone, then when everyone died and the game said what round we survived, Richtofen said " It's all coming together now" then he laughed. If anyone doesn't believe me, try the easter egg and grab the stone with Richtofen, then when you die he says it.

    did only you hear him say that and who were you

  3. Well i did the easter egg and someone who wasn't Richtofen picked up the stone, after the game ended only i heard Richtofen say "now that this over with ill be taking that" i was Dempsey if that helps at all

  4. so no one shot it with the VR-11 or got hit with the VR-11 and looked at it

    lol, poor Logan. In the NGTZombies vid for the "zombie vision", they tried that area and didn't see anything immediately noticeable, maybe get a little closer? Also I think I remember someone saying they shot it with the PaP'd Vril and nothing happened. Could someone get a screenshot of the whole thing though? There might be something we're missing.

    i feel stupid, thats one of their vids i didnt watch

  5. not that much stuff tho, we can tell Dempsey is a badass i personally think Richtofens cool, i like Nikolia too but Takeo doesn't really stuff thats funny or stupid he just says "for the emporer", and stuff about honor. really your killing zombies who cares about honor, he isnt interesting enough too mention in most zombie conversastions. i cant be the only one who feels that way

  6. Ok say Richtofen did kill Takeo, who should replace him, i think it

    would be cool to play as Dr. Maxis. Maybe Samantha killed Takeo

    for some reason, like retaining his memory unlike the others when

    they were exposed to element 115, and Dr. Maxis realizes that

    Samantha was too powerful and they unite to stop her. Takeo

    is okay a bit more in my book thanks to your posts but if they

    would kill off a person i still think it should be Takeo, it would make the most sense

  7. Ok so dont get me wrong i like the zombie crue, but i just dont like Takeo.

    i mean he barely says anything worth listening to, he doesnt even look that cool

    besides the UNusable katana.

    so i wanna know if you would or wouldn't kill Takeo and if you would who would you

    replace him with, but not someone from call of the dead or a real person,because the

    zombie crue arn't real people.

    I vote to kill him off in the new place(maybe a zombie infested Savage Land kind of

    place, for all the Marvelites out there) and replace him with a person like Ka-Zar(again

    for you Marvelites), or a bad ass chick, or possibly some kind of agent sent to investigate something(dont know how that would fit in to the storyline, might post a new topic

    about it some time later) again just a thought to replace Takeo. So let me know what you think

  8. Does no one remember the loading screens for Kino and/or Ascension, there were screen shots of the other zombie maps, so

    Shi No Numa doesnt nessicerily(i dont care about my spelling u know what i mean) mean its the next zombie map, yes one of

    the sides is Shi No Numa, the other one is Ascension, and why would you want to revisit a map, thats just stupid, you were

    already there twice, Treyarch would lose money on that.

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