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Posts posted by TexAvery08

  1. Not so sure about a zombie campaign, maybe a game mode were you get to play each map after, say, 10 levels. bring your points and guns to the next level.

    Going back to the beginning experiments would be pretty sweet though, i like that idea. maybe expand your idea into a map layout, new characters or possibly the old characters.

  2. Thanks for the welcome guys.

    And OstonedshooterO, I was going off a table jump, i was the first out of the day and it was warm and slushy, so i bombed it, ended up with too much speed and when i popped i flung backwards landing between my shoulder blades, back folded and i couldnt breath the whole painful whatnot.

  3. Where to start, where to start. Well i'm a long time lurker, i've made a couple posts here and there, but recently have been diagnosed with a thoratic vertebre fracture. Needless to say, my day to day life has been effected. More than likely i'll be going on disability and getting surgery if physical therapy doesnt strengthen and give me my balance back. This means my free time at home and internet time will be huge in the coming year.

    Well now that's through a little about myself. I live in a college town in michigan, i was/am and avid wakeboarder, snowboarder, skateboarder, and biker. Thats changing now, and I've always had a passion for video games (stating that I would become a video game producer in 5th grade). COD:Z is probably the most addicted I've ever been to a video game; the hours spent, friends made, and controllers broken.

    This coming game, I want to be in the mix, finding new snippets of info in maps, as im not too savy of a researcher. Some of you guys are amazing!

    Plan to see more of me in the future!

  4. How, in all of the undead world, is there no zombies effecting Hollywood? I just don't get how the outbreak didn't cause a downfall in the whole world.

    Are the characters going to go back in time and kill the zombies?

    Was the zombie outbreak covered up and ended?

    Is the outbreak still happening and just being covered up?

    Are the zombies just going after our crew?

  5. I see our characters going back in time to try and stop themselves, then i realize, paradoxes. But what really gets to me is that Call of the Dead has famous actors and a director, but in this "zombie world" the world wouldn't have time for movies.

    Maybe we'll just keep going and attempt to get Samantha her body back, then to stop the spread of the virus.

  6. Don't mean to flame here but most pointless thread ever!

    look people, when he posted this, about 5 threads down was a topic that was labeled well about the area 51 round counter. there was no scrolling even involved with seeing this thread.

    See my previous post in this thread for said topic.

    But for shits and gigs lets get back to what he was posting instead of pointing the troll club at people

    Treyarch doesnt need to be playing the game in any console version let only by the rules. another theory is that the easter egg has been completed and thats why.

    ARAS, i think you are completely right that it's just treyarch's own verison of the game. no argument there.

  7. Dont mean to bump this thread or anything BUUT..

    If you replied in the thread thats clearly labeled, "no round counter in area 51" or something to that extent, you wouldn't have had to write that first paragraph. Plus your mucking up the forums. replys on the same subject are going to be split between 2 threads.

    Communication is always so much easier when organized.

  8. Well the 3 things COULD be the vril generator, the stone, and a third missing object (rocket, mass amount of processed 115, etc..). but the trinity in der reise is most likely the clue to pack-a-punching.

    we could say he needs 6 things.. BEWARE OF THE SIX... is written in kino. This is most likely a reference to nova 6 crawlers.

    but launching a rocket from the moon, or towards the moon is a great theory.

    - If Richtofen launches a rocket at the moon I'd assume that he's doing a last ditch effort to mine the moon for whatever they were trying to get before zombies infested the moon.

    -If he's launching a rocket towards Earth with the items he has what could it do?

    -We know the focusing stone gave our players a great amount of power, keeping power ups forever. Almost as if they are past alive and now Immortal.

    -We also know the golden rod is a Vril Generator. this is said to be an ultimate source of power.

    So if the Vril Gernerator passed its energy through the Focusing Stone, would it be a powerful beam that gives all in its reach an improved state of being? AKA zombie- human, human-immortal.

  9. Flammenwerfer, i respect your opinion, but i would like to throw mine at you cause this was my thought for a while. (about the oomph in the maps)

    Thing is, i remember how badass nacht der untoten was the first time i saw it after my roommate told me about it freshman year. then verruct came out and it was kinda like... this is badass but its the same. This went on but the feeling of the maps being the same makes how much work they put into each map seem smaller, even though its just the evolution of you (the player).

    As for an all zombies game, man of course they will try. Not everything that gets started is finished. Problems occur, patents and contracts are violated, and sometimes it just straight up the finances are allocated into a better business model.

  10. Complete the easter egg that gives you (or a teammate) the focusing stone (sitting upon Ritchtofen's "grave") and/or the "Time Travel Will Tell" achievement. As seen in another thread such as this...




    or even this..


    A quick description.

    Eclipse, Match floor stones, eclipse, water slide, eclipse, shrink stone, eclipse, fire zombie, eclipse, spikemore into reservoir, eclipse, wall stones, eclipse, mud pit, eclipse, dynamite, upgrade, dynamite & back up, grab stone.

  11. I have a theory on that if its not a "secret part of the map."

    Quite possibly that is the reservoir over flow. This can be tested too, but i have no time for some intense zombies.

    If it is some sort of secret, I've also seen 2 water shoots above the water wheel, which could possibly be another way to turn on the power.

    An Easter egg before you turn on the power would be awesome!

  12. Just finished a round where i kept that gun until we ran out of max ammos. I upgraded it because i had so many points and was curious. I didnt use it much at first thinking that it would be just the same, but upgraded these were a few of the enhanced capabilities;

    - zombies are shrank for longer duration

    -ammunition can pass through many more zombies

    -slightly wider blast radius

    Overall upgraded is the only way to go with this weapon.

  13. I have to admit, at first i hated this gun and was pissed to have to hold onto it. Then the 20's came and i had the points and upgraded it.

    At this point hoards would be huge from kiting and just one shot lined up the whole hoard and i just plowed through them.

    Another great advantage of the new wonder weapon is that when 2 people meet in a hallway, kiting in opposite directions, you whip this gun out and both of you just stomp your way through one of the hoards.

    Definitely a high level weapon. Great for the medic type player, which is necessary in this map to upgrade.

  14. Please get a picture... :)

    Regards Alpha.

    Ok finally got a log in, lets see if i can post an image.

    And to those talking about the kino containers, obviously I wouldnt be posting this if it was just an object they used to decorate both maps. It's clearly a different being in the capsule as compared to the other containers.

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