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Posts posted by BicBoi96

  1. Anyone notice how the audio of having the PES on (the breathing) sounds exactly like the Black Ops main menu? You can even hear the whispers too if you listen closely.

    Garaunteed they just reused the sound so they didnt have to make a new audio track but still.

  2. But I'm hoping for new GUNS, I would really love some new Assualt Rifles and Machine Guns... not laser guns or rifles that give zombies boners-like seriously fuck off give us something real. ! (Although I'm pretty sure Zombies are fake too...)

    So there it's settled, lets drop the Zombie boner giving guns and shit like that and go to shooting bears instead of zombies lol. :roll:

    Seriously though please give us some new guns Treyarch.

  3. I honestly think that an underwater map (or partially) would be so badass, It could be kinda like Bioshock.

    A New perk would allow you to navigate through massive puddles of water formed by leaks faster, another new one would increase knifing damage drastically and would also increase lunging distance and would help with switching weapons faster.

    There would be actual bosses... not George ._. and swimming enemies (115 effected fish?) new taps such as an airlock etc. and new transporting utilities like slides, subs that transport you to the other side of the map, and transport tubes that go through the water! How sick would that be?

    New objectives to opening certain areas, like finding pieces to doors(like in five for the traps), getting objects to certain people (like Bioshock again), and in one part of the map (you would have to complete a one of the easter eggs) there would be a retro weapons vault with the PPSH, STG, MP40, and Thompson!!! Of course you would still have to pay to buy the weapons but still.

    Upgrading would be buffed and the map would have tight coridors yet some wide open areas and tones of rooms. The map would be a little bit bigger than Call of the Dead but not much, this map would be a team oriented map and would discourage rape trains, but you still could run a circuit.

    I just got a serious hard on from thinking about this(!) how about you?

    Oh and one more thing... FLAMETHROWER!!!!

  4. So some of us think that Richtoffen will be the antagonist or branch off from the rest of the gang in the next map pack.

    Well, obviously then, we need a fourth character.

    Does anybody seem to remember a Mexican that Richtoffen was experimenting on? Maybe he didnt actually die? And like Takeo says when looking at the blank portrait in Kino "Perhaps what once was, is no more, but shall be again!" Maybe he's dead but has become revived (By quick revive lol, jk). I guess we'll have to wait to find out.

    I'm a [brains] whore, [brains] please?

  5. K awsome idea but havent you realized by now that treyarch doesnt give a flying fuck about what we want, they just want money, so yeah.

    Apparently you haven't played World At War. Activision is the enemy here. Not Treyarch...

    Sorry - Activision, brainfart... and yes obviously iv'e played WaW thats the best cod ever.

  6. Do you mind possibly toning down the language in posts? And personally, I haven't known Area 51 or the Moon to have temples and ferns. I think Area 51 will be amap eventually, but not this time around.

    I'm not retarded I know the moon doesn't have ferns lol I'm saying for like map pack 47 (no but really maybe a map in the next treyarch game)

    And just for you

  7. If the speculation is right about the fern and temple, then we will most likely see a map in Southeast Asia.

    I don't understand why you mentioned Aztec ruins in Asia though, but whatever . . . :lol:

    Cause on cotd in the area where takeo and company are there is some Aztec statue or some shit like that. Also in campaign right where he days welcome to paradise there's more Aztec(looking) shit.

    Any yes I'm aware that mission is not in south America.

    So yeah I'm not really sure what the fuck I'm saying lol.

  8. K so I looked around for a while, and I saw the "Richtofen goes to space" thread (or something along the lines of that).

    So good ideas, sounds plausible...

    Anyways... In Call of the Dead doesn't Ricky say (after you get the golden rod) "now I just need one more part." ?

    So... the americans are also experimenting with aircraft etc etc. So, maybe the next part he needs is at Area51, question mark

    Also since hes going to space maybe he may as well make a pitstop where 115 is quite abundant.

    Pit stop? In space? Yes the motherfucking moon.

    Why he would start there? Fuck if I know, maybe he has some wierd fetish for outerspace zombies.


  9. Ok so we all know that the speculated name for the next map is "Paradise", we all know about the Call of the dead loading screen and the fern.

    But anyways, heres my 'gathered' info:

    -There is a Aztec/ or Mayan callender next to the vault with the original characters, insinuating that the map is near Mexico or South America.

    -There are noises like elephants having buttsex (lol jk) in the background, so now it's saying the map is in Asia? WTF?

    -There is evidence on Zombies on the MP map jungle: Mystery boxes, Aztec ruins, etc.

    -The Campaign level 'Crash Site'. The guy in the chopper says "welcome to Paradise" hhmmm. Also as soon as he says that you start to see Aztec or /mayan shit up in this bitch.

    So... "Paradise" will likely be set somewhere near Mexico or South America (or Asia[Elephants]), and the map will likely be made out of the same general set up as Jungle and or Crash Site.


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