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Posts posted by ZoMb_WaR_MacHInE

  1. I just want them to release the WaW zombie maps on the marketplace :(

    This, a thousand times.

    Yeah I could buy a stupid code of ebay, or go re-buy the game and get the special edition, but why should I?

    Release the classic map pack already!

    i Bought the prestige edition (with a stupid toy which i sold) and theres barely any people in the lobbys and if there is there from a far away land and i get a laggy connection with so i really hope they come out so i can play with more randoms with a good connection but sadly i dont think they will release those maps for download from playstation store/ xbox marketplace because they were specially made 4 hardened/prestige and they may want you to pay more to get it since its like 110$ instead of like 20$ for just the classic maps (3arc = greedy bitches lol) so Ebay may just be the only way

  2. How about a new perk(besides taco perk) called gun slot

    It will give you 3 gun slots, but they can only be certain weapons

    Slot 1-must remain a pistol

    Slot 2- machine gun

    Slot 3- wonder weapon

    That way it would prevent people from getting a three gun perk and having a ray gun, thundergun, and rpk. Or raygun, rpk, and hk21. Or a galil, raygun, and fal.

    But if you didn't want the ray gun category, you could get a different gun there, but the pistol class cannot be changed

    I think something like this could actually work. And I want to know the truth, does this idea sound good to you guys?

    If they added a perk like this it wouldnt stop people from getting a ray gun, thundergun and RPK/Hk21 because the ray gun is callasified as a pistol and you could just put in there lol

    I would love for there to be a new perk thats like the new perks that have been released that have 2 effects ie DR phlopper no weapon/fall damage, mini explosion when proning from a certain height. It should have the effect of making swapping weapons quicker (scout pro) and another affect like more ammo, increased weapon damage ect. that would be awesome.

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