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Posts posted by mrpandacyde

  1. Is it just me or does the focusing stone look like it has been shrunk again to fit inside the middle of the V device...

    As a side note... I have seen some people with only the focusing stone in their inventory as Richtofen why is this?

  2. I might try to find my light tonight

    Hide my sight from eyes I try to fight

    My nine eyes die of light die by the blight

    Ride white knight unite my plight tonight

    - not so sure about this part, interesting but I may need help with this one guys :D

    Here's my two cents on this:

    I (Sam) wants to find her light (either turn good and rid the world of zombies or as Gersch ascended in ascension as a light maybe Sam just wants to ascend and be freed as Gersch was).

    In the second line she is trying to hide her sight from the eyes who can see as she sees (The zombies as you mentioned) while she tries to fight (fight the zombies maybe?) She could only defeat them if they can't see as she sees.

    My nine eyes (Phase of spirituality, you have to go through all nine eyes to become god like, so maybe Sam is losing her power because of the zombies/ the blight)

    The actual spelling is "Wight" this is very particular because a wight is a "Living sentient being" (Remind you of anyone?). But it could be perceived that the Wight is a "white" knight in every sense that we perceive a "white" knight (A hero). So Sam actually needs a hero to help her now (Big bang theory? You get revenge as Takeo by helping Sam? Takeo is seen as noble and would be a valiant hero. Or maybe she needs Richtofen to be a Wight to help her be free...)

    "Who has been beyond the wall of death to see? Only the wights, and we know what they are like. We know." - George R. R. Martin, A Song of Ice and Fire series, Book IV A Feast for Crows

    Hope this made sense.. :lol:

  3. Do we know how much gamescore Big Bang Theory is? CSP is 75 GS.

    100 GS...

    I was thinking about Sam/Gersch/Maxis as well but I could not think of a plausible explanation involved with them

  4. Big Bang Theory "In moon, gain sweet, sweet revenge": You finish the Richtofen easter egg but then there could be a buyable ending? But before you get to that the player who plays as Takeo has to do something to sabotage it all...

    Or before you get the Richtofen achievement done then one of the other players has to do something to kill Richtofen or make him fail in his main objective...

    Also with its name probably going to be a huge explosion which could link to the buyable ending???

    What do you think?

  5. Ray gun

    Gersch Device

    Porter's X2 zap gun dual wield

    (Red zap gun yellow zap guns blue zap gun?)


    Regular guns

    Area 51 PaP

    Area 51 Dogs

    Area 51 Jug

    Phasing nova crawlers

    Random weapons drop (Related with Mule kick?)

    Anything else? Post what things I missed

  6. This is the screen shot from the OP. I have seen it before in an xbox preview thing. We have all seen the lack of round identification in the left hand corner.

    However if you zoom in close on the image around the area where you would typically see the round, and it looks like there is a round there, just edited out. It looks like it says 13. What do you think? If it is the case it would debunk the whole rounds stop while at area 51?

    Any thoughts.

    Is nobody noticing that the new perk is in the bottom left of that screen...

    Also that the space helmet is on his equipment, that shows that it isn't the spawn room or it is a room you can go back to...

  7. I would love to do the easter egg with you but I have my team set up with a mix and match of one person (Damn unreliable friends) It'd be good to trade some stuff on day one though. I'll be uploading the whole thing as soon as it is done.

    Xbox gamertag = The Can Cracker

  8. I would say I prefer the DG-2 over the JGB but that is due to the fact that I prefer how cool the DG is and the chain lightning looks awesome, kicking baby zombies was fun for the first 2 games... But this is coming from someone who prefers the Cobra > Lamentation :p

  9. I actually do feel like Carbon should put up a forum wide ban on talking about easter eggs for the first day at least. At least that way, people might try to figure out things on their own.

    Good plan but on Shangri-La it took a couple or few days to get the main easter egg completed by the first people to complete it... Unless you are talking about the small eggs such as music and the rocket monkeys :P. I do agree that when one person puts up an easter egg the whole forum gets flooded with the exact same thing shortly after...

  10. I don't know I just don't like it, it is good for if you get stuck in a corner or if you have to go through all of the zombies but I don't like getting it

    I honestly like it more than the VR11. that angers me sooo much

    VR11 was awful and I never pick that up...

  11. I remember reading your original post... Well done, I didn't think of the Wave gun to be a secondary before but this kinda makes sense Good job man [brains] I hope that the shrink ray doesn't make a return though :(

  12. The easter egg will be 4 player as there are 4 buttons in spawn which I think will be the start.

    Monkeys pick up and change pick ups.

    If you take a pick up before a monkey gets it then a monkey will hit you once and take some points.

    The new wonderweapon does pretty much the same PaP'd as when normal but the effects are longer.

    The Napalm zombie is easy enough to kill but the blast radius is huge.

    Shriekers are simple to kill and hardly pose a threat.

    Perk machines move each game.

    Ray gun is back.

    The trap box under the waterfall which is seen in the video was not there when I looked.

    To open PaP you have to stand on pressure plates with your team which are situated by the spinning statues.

    All I can think of so far. Ill be back soon

    Edit the switch at the waterfall is now a moveable brick which causes the waterfall to push you and zombies to the edge.

    The gongs are in a sequence possibly need 4 players for all gongs. I figured out first 4 gongs to pick.


  13. So in one of the screenshots you see the shrieker zombie leaning back with a light coming from his chest I think that the focusing stone is on a shrieker and they wear it like a necklace but to get it from him you have to do whatever the objective/easter egg tells you to do...

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