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Posts posted by Phoenix

  1. So I was just looking through the program guide for Elite and I was wondering if anyone could clear up how the delivering of physical prizes would go about. I am mainly just saying that as we all know you have to technically be 18 to sign up for Elite. But like thats ever going to happen. What I'm wondering is I'm 14, so would it still be safe to try and win the prizes. Will it just be a "You won and were sending it to you" or a "Were going to check all your credentials and call you five times and ban you if your under 18" before we send it sorta thing.

    Im obviously not talking about something like a jeep prize, but more like that flash drive they're giving away now.

    Also what is with the CODZ group on Elite. I only saw one member but it won't let me view it because Elite is messed up at the moment?

  2. Thats what I meant the only way a hades round lights on fire is hitting flesh. It wont work on gas. I mean it probably would work in real life, but we are in a zombie infested time traveling temple so things aren't really realistic.

  3. Sorry no idea how to embed it.

    I noticed that at :53 in the vid when you see deadshot there is a circular platform in the foor with a metal path down the middle and hazard colors on it. It sort of looks like a railroad redirector.

    It looks like it could be turned to redirect water or open doors to diffrent parts of the map. There is only one pathway leading into the room that we can see so the path and platform might match up to get better water flow or somthing. Definately looks like it moves in some way, maybe a spinning trap?

    What do you think it does?

  4. COTD had a big part to the story: the golden rod. It is some important peice to the Richtofen's plan, and something to do with Vril. The rest of that map was basically for fun and not the story, but had little parts and facts. I have a feeling Treyarch was just testing some of their ideas in COTD to see if we liked them.

    You cant really say the next map is nothing to do with the story because we have only been shown 45 seconds of it, and it might have a lot to do with Vril and Richtofens plan.

    But yes I do see where you are wondering where the whole Sam/Maxis thing went.

  5. Thanks, I was wondering when the trailer and xbox vid came out.

    The info sounds partially real but how could the moon relate to flame spewing zombies? If the moon controls type of zombies then when do monkeys come out? The bubble shield idea dosent sound right. And what about not getting weapons till round 20? How would that work?

  6. Ascension was much more fun because there was always that "Whats going to be next?" and that excitment when one of your teamates is like "Is this supposed to be happening?" (when your looking for a clue) But they should keep the reward and story elements in it from COTD. It also needs to be like twice as long just to give us a real challenge.

  7. I left the ray gun out because it is obviously going to be in there.

    I think we might get some variation of the VR-11 because it probably has something to do with the story and then a new wonder weapon, and i hope we get monkey grenade back.

    I left it at 3 because that seems to be the limit. Ascension 2 grenades 1 weapon. COTD 2 Weapons 1 grenade

  8. I dont think its another George because this map is tighter and narrower than COTD so a George type zombie would block pathways and escape routes and trap you. Hope its some type of flame wonder weapon better than flamethrower.

  9. Pros:

    More Epic Easter Eggs

    George keeping us moving

    All 7 perks

    Huge map

    Still have 4 origonal characters in secret

    Cool new weapons

    Pack a punch moves


    Dead ends in map and ways to be trapped



    No monkey like grenade

    George rage when not near water

    Juggernog so far away

    Box sometimes being on opposite side of map from power

    To many zombies coming out of ground

    And while Im at it: Where are the attachments from the trailer?!?!? :x (I was looking forward to those.)

  10. So there are supposedly attachments for guns you can see throughout the trailer, but i was wondering if it could be like an upgrading alternative. So if you get all the attachments you can get from wherever you get them(random attachment box?) the next time you buy an attachment it could be a special attachment that changes how the weapon works and modifies it like special bullets. Then if you upgraded the weapon it would be like double upgrading it. The price would cost 10,000-15,000 points in total though (5,000 for upgrading and 1,000 for every attachment, 3,000 for modification.) These guns would be effective to round 40ish and frankly give us something to do after we have all perks and upgrades. Electric Shotgun, Fire Sniper, Bullets that richochet around map, Quad rocket launcher, Sight and bullets that can see and shoot any zombie on the map, Exploding revolver bullets, Rapid fire Thundergun. :lol: That sorta thing.

    Just thought that was cool idea. Tell me what you think. :)

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