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Posts posted by ZombieOfTheDead

  1. CoDTV on the console, right? Honestly I've never used it. Guessing if that's true it's probably not on PS3. Dammit, I want to see it in good quality with the better voice.

    Guess that would be true. I guess when the Time comes you are going to ask yourself "Hum, should I get the PS4 or the XboxOne?"

    Hell no, it's not worth it for DLC's. I love zombies, but PlayStation is the best.

    EDIT: I checked to confirm my theory. It's not on there for PS3.

  2. Guys, now i might sound completely like an idiot, but what if, just what if the mysterious guy standing on top on the top right side of the page, is also Richtofen? Now i just sound like an idiot I know but the silhouette and that mysterious figure. I am just saying we cant ignore it, but then i am also saying i sound like an idiot.

    The mysterious "guy" is most likely a random zombie.

    Yeah, I don't see why people would look so far into this, it was always just a freakin zombie.

  3. No.


    Sequel would make it stupid, overly complicated, and defeat the purpose of the name "Origins."

    Cutscene is epic, but you're looking to far into the whole "they recognize each other" thing. Very unlikely that the old maps would be there, most likely due to no only the size of some of the maps, but the fact that they're pushing the limits of hardware with all the detail.

  4. Right after you take anger management ;)

    Anyone can sample a pixel and draw a circle. *clap clap* The overall picture has a strong theme of yellow. It is stylized, and so some color bleeds through. Unless you're going to tell me that the robot is actually blue, please quietly sit back and zip your lip.

    MMX, you lost the battle, discuss it in the eye thread if you want to.

    And haha, as if you haven't gotten pissed off before.

    Damn, yourmapper you beat me to the punch on the pics. They aren't leaks, they're in the files from the new update.

  5. Definitely yellow.

    You're clearly color blind

    - Mix

    You're clearly color blind. With selective vision. Please go back to where you came from.

    MMX, I hate to be rude again, but since you are being rude... get your eyes checked.

  6. Go on the treyarch facebook page. Compare the color with the orange CoD double xp poster. Definitely orange.

    EDIT: there's also a sort of yellow light on the Big Daddy zombie in the poster. That's a better comparison. The thing is, the eyes have a darker color than yellow in them, it's more reddish, making them orange.

  7. What is going on with tank dempsey? He used to look like duke nukems long lost brother now he looks like mason with a pencil stache.

    I understand he is younger but unless he got some plastic surgery...

    Doesn't look like Mason at all, like literally no resemblance except for the hair color. If you look closely you can see how he's a younger version of the Dempsey we know and love.

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