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The Clay Bird

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Posts posted by The Clay Bird

  1. one of the best things they could do is track specific stats for players.

    one of the most useful ones i can think of would be a ratio....

    revives to downs ratio. or even better downs per game ratio. this would make it easier to identify which players are the best at the main point of zombies... surviving.

    rounds survived is helpful, but how many of those were the weak link 20 downs player who really just rode coattails to the high round

    to clarify this wouldn't be a leaderboard stat, just a stat visible in the lobby so you can see what type of players you really about to get into a game with

    [brains] to you sir! I like that idea. I also agree it shouldn't be a global leaderboard statistic. Just an average per player, per map.

    thank you and I wouldn't be completely opposed to it being a leaderboard stat, EXCEPT so many people in multiplayer in attempt to keep their K/d or whatever will alter their play simply to pad the statistic. I wouldn't want it to be something that would change the way people try to play, just a more honest indication of a players overall skill level

  2. one of the best things they could do is track specific stats for players.

    one of the most useful ones i can think of would be a ratio....

    revives to downs ratio. or even better downs per game ratio. this would make it easier to identify which players are the best at the main point of zombies... surviving.

    rounds survived is helpful, but how many of those were the weak link 20 downs player who really just rode coattails to the high round

    to clarify this wouldn't be a leaderboard stat, just a stat visible in the lobby so you can see what type of players you really about to get into a game with

  3. just noticed/thought of this.. the moon on Der Reise is very dark on the front side and there is so much light coming from the "dark side" of the moon... this has to have some significance... sorry if this had been covered before. but especially the difference between the way the moon looks on ascension and how it looks on der reise..? i wonder if there is significance there or just coincidence

  4. i disagree with OP, although the astro zombie was the worst thing ever... (no benefit for killing, and stole perks if he caught you..laaame) but the other ones were great. Especially George. Many people mentioned that he dictated the style of play?... false. They provided us with two ways of making him go away by either killing him outright and getting a perk/waffe-dm or by PaPing the VR-11... so if you want to camp, you need to ensure someone has the pap vr-11... just like if im running i want to make sure i have stamin-up or if i have a raygun or explosive that i have flopper. just makes you make decisions based on what style you want to play

  5. So, lately most threads are about map ideas, new perk ideas, new wonder weapon ideas, etc. But how about the zombies themselves? We were introduced to several times of special zombies in the latest maps. Is there anymore special zombies you would like to see in future maps? How about regular zombies? Anything you would change or add about the zombies now?

    Have at it!

    For me personally, I'd like to see variety mixed up in the casual zombies horde. I know in maps like Ascension there were doctor zombies and Russian Zombies, or Shangri La had the monk type zombies, soldier zombies and female zombies, but they all fit a specific theme for the map. Which, originally, is great and fitting, but I'm actually starting to hope for a map that is set somewhere in the streets of some town, and have a mix between all kinds of zombies. Just like the typical zombies game or film, but set especially for CoD. I'm talking about having (first, and foremost) bringing back actual NAZI zombies into the mix, then mix up the horde with Marine Raider zombies, Red Army zombies, Imperial Zombies, Casual Zombies, special forces zombies (Cops, Firefighters, etc.) you name it! And like the Russian zombies in Ascension, they would all have a small special ability that are different from the rest; just like how the russian zombies would roll or juke bullets. :)

    doesnt make sense to have all of those zombies in one place though... thats why it makes so much sense to have them change from map to map depending on where its located. why would red army zombies be in the streets with marine raider zombies :?

  6. personally, and don't get me wrong, i love high round games, but I wish that they would work on ways to make it harder to get to high rounds, not just longer. it gets to a point that really the only obstacle for a good player from high round games is time. it just takes to long. It would be nice if they could somehow just increase difficulty instead of just exponentially adding zombs. it would allow someone like myself a 20-somthing with a full time job and other responsibilities and my similar friends a chance to have a good showing on the leaderboard without having to use an entire day to do it

  7. I think what I would like most for zombies, would be a career stats page. akin to combat record from blackops multiplayer, or even better even more detailed like cod elite. things like accuracy, total kills, downs, revives, points earned, points spent, etc. Individual weapon stats would also be cool. Loved the gamer pics for completing easter eggs, would like to see more like moon where you can even get the ee done (potentially) with someone who doesnt have a mic/speakers. (whereas shangri la, although an awesome ee, was impossible to do with randoms)

    My main suggestion is definitely the combat record / career stats deal

    :cry: no one listens to me....

    i didnt read any of the thread, so don't take it personally :)

  8. I think what I would like most for zombies, would be a career stats page. akin to combat record from blackops multiplayer, or even better even more detailed like cod elite. things like accuracy, total kills, downs, revives, points earned, points spent, etc. Individual weapon stats would also be cool. Loved the gamer pics for completing easter eggs, would like to see more like moon where you can even get the ee done (potentially) with someone who doesnt have a mic/speakers. (whereas shangri la, although an awesome ee, was impossible to do with randoms)

    My main suggestion is definitely the combat record / career stats deal

  9. i prefer a diferent one really depending on whether I am playing with randoms, or people who i know whoare communicating well.

    for randoms, the between rounds bosses are much easier to deal with. its similar to the zombies but different enough to break it up

    with playing with my friends who we know what were doing, the mid round bosses are more interesting because it does make it more difficult to navigate around them, and especially with george where you can make a concentrated effort and get a reward from him it certainly is nice.

    goerge and the astro zombie in particular are frustrating with randoms because they tend to focus on them rather than the zombies in the round and it is just always disastrous

  10. here is the info in Duckcall's charts thread which I highly recommend everyone read anyway it is fantastic

    Once a fire trap or electric trap it bought it will stay active for 40 seconds. It then takes the trap 60 seconds to cool down.

    The fire and electric traps do 100 damage to the player.

    The Auto Turret lasts for 30 seconds.

    The centrifuge has a 60% chance of spinning on any given round.

    Once it starts spinning, the centrifuge will be active for 4-7 seconds.

    The centrifuge will do 50 damage to the player.

    Landers take 30 seconds to refuel.

    The Landers and Zombapult do not kill the zombies. They will respawn them.

    The Spike Trap does not do any damage.

    The player must stand on the Geyser for 3 second to activate it.

    The Geyser stays active for 5 seconds.

    The Flogger takes 45 seconds to cooldown.

    The Jump Pads on Moon randomly spawn power-ups.

    This includes Fire Sale, Insta-kill, Nuke, Double Points, and Carpenter

    The power-up will move around after 15.0s, 7.5s, 2.5s and 1.5s.

  11. I always found it really helpful when you think you're approaching the end of a round, to turn the traps on a little late so you end up letting a couple of zombies through without the trap killing them. This way you're guaranteed to have at most a small group, which of course is easy to kite even in the hardest of areas.

    thats a great idea. brilliant! [brains]

  12. Okay guys, so I just died on my first legit high round attempt at 97 on Ascension. I know it's no 161 or whatever, but I was proud of it. I didn't regret anything about it—I played well. But alas, I digress.

    Both times I went down (I lost the other revive to monkeys) was because I had Mule Kick and I was trying to get back my Thundergun midround, and I couldn't pull out my Awful Lawton in time to save my butt. There were really only two spots I ever had trouble with: power room spawn, and the Mule Kick spawn. I could imagine on other maps, there are similar box spawns to these as well that would be a pain in the ass to hit midround.

    So does anyone have tips for hitting a box midround? I'm thinking that, as I do more of these high round runs, this will be my Achilles' heel. Thanks!


    the mule kick box in ascension prob best time to hit that would be after activating the fire trap there. that might buy enough time, but the power room one is a really tough one to hit mid round.

  13. The thing that angers me more than the teleporter is when they go down outside of the bio dome :/

    eh thats part of the game, but the fact that all 4 players have to stand on the tele to get back to the moon and start the next round, man after 4-5 trips down there it makes you want to just not get on the tele next time to go down there lol

  14. Is that every single solitary trip to earth for jugg/PaP/speed or whatever takes SO FREAKING LONG. randoms just stand at the stairs and blow all their ammo out of their guns. I mean its one thing if you need a few hundred extra to get jugg, but jeez. we had been playing for maybe 1.5 hours last night and were on round 13. god almighty its unbearable and they wanted to go back to earth every single round.

    I am not a fan of the PaP process for the last two maps (involoving full team cooperation for anybody to pack a punch) they should make it possible for just one player to PaP their gun without making the entire team go somewhere or stand on a plate or what not



  15. Someone that can roll with whatever is going on, whether it's having no ammo on a dog wave, or only having a china lake.

    Someone able to think out a plan on the fly.

    Someone that is able to keep everyone alive, even if it means being reliant on his team.

    Someone able to hold their ground.

    this is what i consider pro. someone who can survive regardless of the circumstances. The first real run I did on call of the dead, I went down at an inopportune time and teammates couldnt revive me. so i had just enough to purchase the mp40. well even though i was basically ineffective against the zombies at those higher rounds, i was able to run a big full map loop to stay alive even w/o jugg while teammates looped the lighthouse and took out most of the zombies.

    its about being able to adapt, and be able to say " you guys keep doing what you're doing, dont worry about me ill just survive until we have a time where i can go get loaded up again"

    thats about it. anyone can survive in perfect cirbumstances, but only pros can survive when the cards are stacked against them :mrgreen:

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