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Posts posted by Suits

  1. Yep, all valid reasons as to why it wouldn't work, I agree with what you've said, but the way I saw it working is such;

    So you go back to a 'old' map in the sense that it's in the past, ie - you've already been there and moved on, so in effect all doors are open and the perks are available to you, also, the wunder weapons available on that specific map.

    A timelimit or countdown would then drag you back to the present 'Moon', with said, level specific perks and weapons. Maybe this is the 'Whole Arsenal' thing.

    Regards Zombies, not sure, but that would perhaps be random too.

    Just an idea.

  2. So what about the possibility of the QED device transporting the player to the other 'old' maps ???

    Could be one of the reasons that 3ARC has given everyone that downloads this DLC ALL of the old maps.

    That would be cool.

  3. I really don't think 3ARC are going to spend too much time altering the maps that much, afterall, they won't be making money on them, they are just old maps tagged onto the final DLC for Black Ops.

    They'll probably just make a few little touches here and there on the level detail to maybe tie things together a bit tighter.

  4. Because really, 95% of players do eff over the Dolls because they don't know how to use them. Compared to the easy use of the Gersch.

    How are you supposed to use the dolls then dude ??

    I just throw them and they're sort of like cluster grenades :? .

  5. IMO, I think the Wunderweapon has something to do with the actual theme of Shangri-La. I def remember reading somewhere that the people who lived in Shangri-La were practically ageless, or how they pretty much never aged because of the habitat of it's location.

    So knowing that and my horrible skills at pausing the video at the right time, to me, it seems as if the new Wunderweapon turns them into little kids/baby Zombies. It'd kind of fit the theme of remaining immortal and living forever. There aren't much babies can do... Aside from the exploding ones in Dead Space 2. lOL.

    Yes defiantly, very good point.

    It has to be something to do with that Dragon/Serpent statue sitting on the weapon.

    There's probably some sort of link between Serpents and the youth of life in some sort of linked culture of the map location.

    I remember reading something similar about Shangri-La, perhaps on Wiki.

  6. I'd like to respectfully disagree with you on that one. In Cotd, when you used the VR-11, it only turned ONE zombie into a dumb ass human. In this one, when you shoot it, you can see that it turned multiple zombies into whatever we're calling those alien looking creatures.

    That's fair enough dude, I understand your point, and it is very valid, no one knows yet what these little mites are going to do once they run off into the map (if they do).

    My gripe is with the fact that the new Wunder weapon turns Zombies into things, I'd much rather it be a silly powered machine gun or laser rifle type thing :) .

  7. There seems to be a golden bar in the new wonder weapon....

    It almost looks Egyptian.

    Looks more like a serpent. :)

    Yeah, it is a bit stand out isn't it.

    Perhaps it needs to be collected and inserted into the gun to activate it.

    Sort of like a Easter Egg weapon. That would be cool.

  8. I feel a little let down by the new wunder weapon so far to be honest.

    Much like the VR-11 it's not going to be that useful apart from the possibility of an Easter Egg role perhaps.

    Saying that there needs to be more info on.

    I do like the wunder weapons to be sort of 'Ultimate' weapons mind you, not make something change and run away.

  9. Thats about ur manatlity.

    Swing and a Miss.

    I hope you didn't mean "mentality"...

    that would be highly ironic


    Thats about ur manatlity. But im gonna be the bigger person and not reply. Sry i dont play with children. But that explains y ur so uneducated in cod zombies. Not to mention a complete grammer nazi. Anywho have a good day

    It gets better when you read the full sentence :facepalm:

    Thank you and thank you.


  10. .... the box always starts in a fixed location if you just let the game load up after GAME OVER.

    For instance, I was going for the 'Stuntman' achievement and deciphered that the best strategy would be for the box to be under the power and to just loop around via the ship to the pond (Zip-line) back up to the ship, etc...

    So I loaded the game and the box was by the lighthouse base.

    Loaded it up again, Stamin-Up.

    Loaded up again, underneath power switch. Win.

    Then just played about 7 games not exiting to the menu when I died just letting it start again and the box remained underneath the power switch, letting me rinse the box until it coughed up the VR-11, then flicked the power switch waited for the PaP and creamed my crawler on round 7.

  11. Can u act more mature then a 11 year old girl? Try reading. The bolt of lightening brings romero to the scene. Any hardcore cod zombie fan can tell you that since we have already read almost everything on this zombie map. Next time u try posting something, get ur facts stright so you dknt look like one of those little 9 year olds that everyone hates to play with

    I know the lightening strike starts the round/map and wakes George, but ave you seen the intro cut scene ??

    Thats about ur manatlity. But im gonna be the bigger person and not reply. Sry i dont play with children. But that explains y ur so uneducated in cod zombies. Not to mention a complete grammer nazi. Anywho have a good day


  12. Hey man,

    Hopefully, there will be lots of new surprises to come, but to be honest, I doubt it.

    When the Dev's were speaking about loads of EE's I assume they meant lots of steps towards the large EE. But hopefully I'm wrong.

  13. Can u act more mature then a 11 year old girl? Try reading. The bolt of lightening brings romero to the scene. Any hardcore cod zombie fan can tell you that since we have already read almost everything on this zombie map. Next time u try posting something, get ur facts stright so you dknt look like one of those little 9 year olds that everyone hates to play with


    I am 9, you are 11, so maybe we can play together ??

    Oh, hang on, I'll type that again for you...

    1 am9, u r 11, maybe so play 2gthr ?!!1

  14. Do u ppl not listen? Trearch already said he comes from the bolt of lightening! Like hes from the aether realm.

    Can you not type like a 11 year old girl ???

    I thought he got dragged over the railings at the base of the lighthouse into the water by a Zombie (in the cut scene), then as you say, get's raised up from the depths of the pond by the lightening.

  15. edit: i just did some more looking around about this next step and next gen tactics just posted a you tube video about the dials in the light house being the next step...

    i'm actually about to start a thread about this.

    Make sure, to the best of your ability, that no one else has a 'step by step' guide that you're just repeating.

    I'm pretty sure there is a offical guide up on the boards that the OP'er is updating when users add new things they've found out, try posting in there first mate :) .

  16. Yeah, Shini ended up solving the puzzle by sitting there for an hour rotating them while i distracted Romero and Skippy (crawler). He solved them so it was 6472 from top to bottom at the same time.

    Also, we just restarted and did it again. Now the light did blink, and the sub appeared and the light stayed solid. So it should be noted having the levers at the right place at the same time as the radios will glitch it.

    Excellent work man, I'm giving these whatever the hell it means [brains] .

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