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Posts posted by FatedTitan

  1. I'm actually really shocked I'm the first to post this. Last night, Kevin Sherwood tweeted "Six Days" with a link to a picture on his FaceBook. I can't seem to get the picture to post, so here's the link.

    https://www.facebook.com/ksherwoodops/p ... 3486236859

    What do y'all think? Looks like we're headed to Mars. I will admit, if you click the picture it looks like he may have just shared the image so he could be talking about something from NASA, but I'm not sure he would have just posted that. Discuss.

  2. I agree that I don't think Maxis is dead, but travelling as some kind of spirit perhaps, as he was in the computer during the Moon easter egg and, although Richtofen seemingly deleted him, he perhaps lived on, evidence of this being those Samantha quotes where she calls for help from her Father. This could imply Samantha knows he's alive, but is more likely she just hopes he is as she admits his demise at the end of the Moon easter egg ("Bye bye daddy. I love you and i'll miss you!"), but it is still possible Maxis lives on in some way.

    You sir are correct.

    Maxis is indeed dead, presumably killed that fateful day at Griffin Station, and his soul is trapped in Aether. The first quote suggests Samantha saw her father die, supporting the fact he was shot that day at Griffin Station:

    Samantha Moon Quotes

    “Why did Daddy have to die?” - upgrade_wait_1

    "Daddy, is that you?” - powerup_axxxes__plr2 (negative(red) powerup drop)

    “Daddy, make him stop!” - quest_step_7

    “TAKE ME TO MY FATHER” - boxmove

    "But I want my body back! And I will destroy that evil Richtofen for taking daddy away!"

    All these quotes support that Samantha has seen her father die, but she still asks for his help to stop Richtofen.

    We can conlude that Maxis is dead, presumably on Richtofen's behalf (based on the last quote). After he is killed, is soul is transferred to Aether, where he then transferes is soul to the intercom and computer at Griffin Station to help minimize Richtofen's damage he will cause(think Gersch on Ascension).

    I've often heard that his response is an AI system that was put into the computer by Maxis. However, this really doesn't make much sense as Griffin Station was hidden from Dr. Maxis. The biggest indicator however is the responses made by Maxis. A few are based directly on what Richtofen has said. There's no way Maxis could have known exactly what he was going to say:

    Richtofen: "Login: Teddy. Password: is a liar. I'm not, but that's why no one would guess it! Ah..."


    Richtofen: "What is Groph's obsession with American women? All they do is play games! No matter… Time to charge up the Kassimir Mechanism... carry the one..." (Continues typing on key board)

    Computer screens turns green


    Screen turns red

    Dr. Maxis: (interrupts) "ACCESS DENIED... Richtofen..."

    Richtofen: "What is happening? Scanning for haxors (hackers)." (Continues typing.)

    Dr. Maxis: "You fool! I should never have trusted you!"

    Richtofen: "Maxis… How on earth did you get into the machine!? No matter." (Continues typing)

    Dr. Maxis: "I know what you are up to and I will not allow you to succeed!"

    Richtofen: "You should never have kept the DG-2 from production, you should have never have tried to steal the plans for the MDT!"

    Dr. Maxis: "Stop the madness Edward; we were supposed to help the human condition, not destroy it."

    Richtofen: "Indeed, and now you are dead (said in mocking tone). And your little girl is going to be next... ahh... She is the source of madness! Ahh... Not I."

    Dr. Maxis: "She is just a little girl Edward! She doesn't even know what she is doing!"

    Richtofen: "And, delete. Goodbye, Dr. Maxis."

    Also, Maxis has another quote that is said after the nukes hit the Earth, that Treyarch ultimately left out of the game.

    "Well, that was a much larger explosion than I had anticipated. I have done all I can, I certainly hope those calculations were correct."

    I think we can conclude Maxis is in Aether, and has the ability to communicate via electrical devices just as Gersch did while we were at Ascension.

    The problem with the last Maxis quote is, as you stated, it was left out of the game. We can't take things that are just in the files as part of the story because they aren't in the game. You had to go file hunting for it. So while they may have wanted to go there at one point, they changed it to just let Maxis have his evil laugh time.

    And since no one has addressed it, the video that was mentioned earlier about the news reporter is a fake.

  3. Doesn't this

    [ Image ]

    Remind you of this?

    [ Image ]

    I know it's not the same bar but it felt familiar...

    I thought about that and went and checked it earlier, but they are just too dissimilar.

    Also, why does everyone think there will be a zombie campaign? I'm not saying there won't be, but I have yet to see anything that comes out and says there will be a zombies campaign. Only fake menus and such.

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