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Posts posted by FatedTitan

  1. So Extinction mode has been teased. Looks like it's a replica of zombies in a fashion, except going against aliens. Seems like it could be really interesting. I know this forum is dedicated to zombies, so da Flammen and I worked a bit last night and grabbed a domain name and some Twitter/Facebook stuff.

    So check out callofdutyextinction.com and follow it on Twitter @CoD_Extinction and on Facebook Call of Duty Extinction.

  2. I could see this being Richtofen. The blue eyes point toward it being him over Samantha. And if my theory about Richtofen being captured within his body while a demon controls it is true, then that could be the personification of who Richtofen is now. A face decaying away, dying daily, but still alive.

  3. I understand what you're saying. How about this though. I talked with some people right when Origins came out and this always was an interesting theory I heard.

    What if the cutscene at the end, Samantha and Eddie in her room, was in the Aether. Samantha, being a god of sorts, contorted this sphere to be exactly how she wanted it to be. She's the god of it. She controls what happens. So when she's playing with her action figures, as we see in the cut scene, it's like she's actually playing in the real world what is happening. She's causing it. The MPD is like a talking stick, where the one who is given control takes over what happens in our story.

    So in a way, is what is happening from WaW through Buried actually happening? Yes. But it's still being persuaded by this little girl playing with her toys. It's not in her mind, per say. It's actually happening. It's just like she's in another dimension(Aether) affecting everything that is happening in our dimension.

    How much knowledge she would have that she is actually effecting it is debatable.

    And sadly, while that sounds really good(at least in my mind), I could substitute Aether as the real world and our dimension as her imagination and that explanation would be the exact same thing.

    I'll be honest I really don't have a good answer. Origins just doesn't add up for me with so much of what they introduced not correlating or working with what we've previously known(retcon?). I don't know if everything is real or if everything is fake. But I do know this.

    What happens to the T4 after Buried? What happens to the O4 after Moon? Will we see them in their older forms again? Will the T4 die or will Richtofen/Maxis use them in some way as Maxis attempts to enter Agartha and Richtofen is all powerful?

    We have so many plotlines left unanswered. We have so much that has been left with a cliff hanger. So whether it's real or not, there is still more to our story left to be told. And I'm okay with that.

  4. Why Origins Doesn't Add Up

    Shown to be a story told be Samantha to her friend Eddie.

    Samantha has a body...How would she find a body if she was just a demon, or Satan even?

    Maxis' brain is in a robot on Origins...not so much any other time

    Maxis' recognition that Samantha is his daughter

    I just can't see Origins, the map, being real. I'm still entertaining the possibility that the end cutscene is the actual beginning, but I'm still not positive. I'm still not completely against it all being made up, since we have the toys from all the maps, movie posters from maps, zombie action figures from maps, and the MPD is a metaphorical "talking stick" for who gets to tell the story. Is it a coincidence that Sam has two times as many hash marks as Eddie and she's been in control two times as many games? (WaW and BO vs BO2)

    There's just too much in Origins that doesn't correlate with what we already know. Unless we're doing some heavy retconning, then I just don't buy much of Origins itself.

  5. Or Origins could all be the creation of a little girl and boy.

    I mean we have the beginning cut scene of the Sam starting the story then the ending of her ending the story, or Origins at least. Not to mention all of the things inconsistencies within Origins.

    I don't want to argue what we've had before is real or not. But I just don't see Origins as real in any way. If so, they gave a giant finger to a lot of previously established story.

  6. Well no responses could mean two things to me:

    1. No one gets how it relates

    2. No one cares

    I'll assume the first! So let me explain what I'm seeing here.

    We were born in a cave where we could only see the shadows on the wall. Our knowledge of the world was always from the shadows, not clear vision. This is zombies for us. We were introduced to zombies, but the storyline has always been veiled in shadows. Then, after being in this Cave for so long, we were allowed to exit. We were allowed to see truth...to see the real world how it is.

    The shadows aspect is shown in the song Abracadavre. The shadow is hinted at in the first verse. And then talks about how everything we know...could it all be imaginary, a hint toward the Cave and a hint toward our perception of what is reality, not actually being reality.

    And this all culminates in our end cut scene. We see the truth of our world. And there are two types of people that we are left with.

    1. Someone who has seen the light and goes back and tells others. But since it looks nothing like they know and he seems like a fool when he comes back into the area previously known, they laugh at him and say that any who follow should be killed(not that violent though).

    2. Someone who remains in the Cave and avoids the truth, choosing to stay in the darkness and continue to have their knowledge based on what they've seen from the shadows.

    Does it connect better now?

  7. [socrates] And now, I said, let me show in a figure how far our nature is enlightened or unenlightened: --Behold! human beings living in a underground cave, which has a mouth open towards the light and reaching all along the cave; here they have been from their childhood, and have their legs and necks chained so that they cannot move, and can only see before them, being prevented by the chains from turning round their heads. Above and behind them a fire is blazing at a distance, and between the fire and the prisoners there is a raised way; and you will see, if you look, a low wall built along the way, like the screen which marionette players have in front of them, over which they show the puppets.

    [Glaucon] I see.

    [socrates] And do you see, I said, men passing along the wall carrying all sorts of vessels, and statues and figures of animals made of wood and stone and various materials, which appear over the wall? Some of them are talking, others silent.

    [Glaucon] You have shown me a strange image, and they are strange prisoners.

    [socrates] Like ourselves, I replied; and they see only their own shadows, or the shadows of one another, which the fire throws on the opposite wall of the cave?

    [Glaucon] True, he said; how could they see anything but the shadows if they were never allowed to move their heads?

    [socrates] And of the objects which are being carried in like manner they would only see the shadows?

    [Glaucon] Yes, he said.

    [socrates] And if they were able to converse with one another, would they not suppose that they were naming what was actually before them?

    [Glaucon] Very true.

    [socrates] And suppose further that the prison had an echo which came from the other side, would they not be sure to fancy when one of the passers-by spoke that the voice which they heard came from the passing shadow?

    [Glaucon] No question, he replied.

    [socrates] To them, I said, the truth would be literally nothing but the shadows of the images.

    [Glaucon] That is certain.

    [socrates] And now look again, and see what will naturally follow if the prisoners are released and disabused of their error. At first, when any of them is liberated and compelled suddenly to stand up and turn his neck round and walk and look towards the light, he will suffer sharp pains; the glare will distress him, and he will be unable to see the realities of which in his former state he had seen the shadows; and then conceive some one saying to him, that what he saw before was an illusion, but that now, when he is approaching nearer to being and his eye is turned towards more real existence, he has a clearer vision, -what will be his reply? And you may further imagine that his instructor is pointing to the objects as they pass and requiring him to name them, -will he not be perplexed? Will he not fancy that the shadows which he formerly saw are truer than the objects which are now shown to him?

    [Glaucon] Far truer.

    [socrates] And if he is compelled to look straight at the light, will he not have a pain in his eyes which will make him turn away to take and take in the objects of vision which he can see, and which he will conceive to be in reality clearer than the things which are now being shown to him?

    [Glaucon] True, he now.

    [socrates] And suppose once more, that he is reluctantly dragged up a steep and rugged ascent, and held fast until he 's forced into the presence of the sun himself, is he not likely to be pained and irritated? When he approaches the light his eyes will be dazzled, and he will not be able to see anything at all of what are now called realities.

    [Glaucon] Not all in a moment, he said.

    [socrates] He will require to grow accustomed to the sight of the upper world. And first he will see the shadows best, next the reflections of men and other objects in the water, and then the objects themselves; then he will gaze upon the light of the moon and the stars and the spangled heaven; and he will see the sky and the stars by night better than the sun or the light of the sun by day?

    [Glaucon] Certainly.

    [socrates] Last of he will be able to see the sun, and not mere reflections of him in the water, but he will see him in his own proper place, and not in another; and he will contemplate him as he is.

    [Glaucon] Certainly.

    [socrates] He will then proceed to argue that this is he who gives the season and the years, and is the guardian of all that is in the visible world, and in a certain way the cause of all things which he and his fellows have been accustomed to behold?

    [Glaucon] Clearly, he said, he would first see the sun and then reason about him.

    [socrates] And when he remembered his old habitation, and the wisdom of the cave and his fellow-prisoners, do you not suppose that he would felicitate himself on the change, and pity them?

    [Glaucon] Certainly, he would.

    [socrates] And if they were in the habit of conferring honors among themselves on those who were quickest to observe the passing shadows and to remark which of them went before, and which followed after, and which were together; and who were therefore best able to draw conclusions as to the future, do you think that he would care for such honors and glories, or envy the possessors of them? Would he not say with Homer,

    Better to be the poor servant of a poor master,

    and to endure anything, rather than think as they do and live after their manner?

    [Glaucon] Yes, he said, I think that he would rather suffer anything than entertain these false notions and live in this miserable manner.

    [socrates] Imagine once more, I said, such an one coming suddenly out of the sun to be replaced in his old situation; would he not be certain to have his eyes full of darkness?

    [Glaucon] To be sure, he said.

    [socrates] And if there were a contest, and he had to compete in measuring the shadows with the prisoners who had never moved out of the cave, while his sight was still weak, and before his eyes had become steady (and the time which would be needed to acquire this new habit of sight might be very considerable) would he not be ridiculous? Men would say of him that up he went and down he came without his eyes; and that it was better not even to think of ascending; and if any one tried to loose another and lead him up to the light, let them only catch the offender, and they would put him to death.

    [Glaucon] No question, he said.

    I can fly like a bird not in the sky

    which can always swim and always dry

    I say goodbye at night and morning hi

    I'm part of you what am I

    I follow and lead as you pass

    dress yourself in black my darkness lasts

    I flee the light but without the sun

    Your view of me would be gone

    I don't feel

    Like I am real

    But I know it's all imaginary

    Are they real

    And do they feel

    Is all the pain

    Just inside my head

    these shackles they come

    with certain opportunities

    they won't let me get away

    but they show me we're the same

    we're the same

    we're the same

    they show me we are the same

    I can't give in

    I won't give in

    It's not a state of mind

    I'm wretched but I'm powerful

    Anyone else think it all relates?

  8. Did we ever get a full picture of this?

    Nope. The last great Origins mystery. It seems unsolvable...

    Not the last, there seems to be some sort of hidden music easter egg that we're missing.

    and this was long after the Shepherd of Fire egg was found, so there's something else we're missing. Hmmm...

    This song has been found. It's called Aether. It's activated by laying down on the two 1s at Generator 1 and then walking up to Generator 5. 115.

  9. Origins was all just a story her and Eddie played that day. It is NOT canon, besides the fact that they played that story out in their heads. And it is this fact that makes me question how much of the information in Origins can actually be taken as factual information. How much were the devs trying to give information for and how much was just for fun factor based on Sam's imagination?

    It honestly makes complete sense. How do you bring the O4 back in the last map pack without starting an entirely new story arc? You give them a prequel. How can you do that? Well let's just set them in WWI and mess with fans a bit and make it a story told by Sam.

    I disagree with the underlined statements.


    Because it seems that you believe Origins is an isolated event and this is the only thing that was imagined.

    You're close to understanding the truth, but have you forgotten the dialogue of the cutscene between Samantha and Eddie?

    Eddie alludes to all the elements we've seen in the other maps. If Origins is isolated, how did Eddie "predict" those elements in other maps?

    The Tranzit bus is a toy, the N4 are toys, a zombie from MotD and Buried are there. In a literary sense they're foreshadowing with this cutscene, but we've already seen what they're foreshadowing, thus they are instead explaning where those maps came from and in this case, Eddie's Turn. If the bulk of BO:2 maps are confirmed to be imagined by Eddie and we can surely know that Origins was imagined by Samantha, doesn't it make better sense to include it ALL as imagination? After all, how could some maps be real and others be imagined?

    Yes it does, but JZ seems to be pointing that it isn't all fake.

    And something else I thought about after I posted last night. If you disagree about Origins being made up, look at the end cutscene. Eddie says "That's not how it goes!" She's obviously telling a story. She's not recollecting on an event she experienced.

  10. I have to argue that I believe Origins is completely a made up story. I can see the end cutscene being the beginning of the zombies storyline, but Origins itself is a load of crap.

    There's just WAY too many inconsistencies in Origins that don't make sense going into our other maps. We know Maxis had a child. He talks about Samantha being his child with his late wife on Moon.

    I will give credence to the fact that Maxis seems to know of some power Samantha has, as he tells her to kill them all, but that doesn't deny the fact of talking about a mother and him being her father, which Origins denies.

    We know Maxis had a body. How else could he do all of the things he clearly does in the radios? It's no coincidence the the first time we hear Maxis' voice as a robot is on Moon in the computer. Before that, he was NEVER seen as any part of electronics. I'll also use a radio from Moon to support this, as we can hear him walking and shutting a door near the end of the radio.

    And to AlphaSnake, the voice that is heard in the trailer did sound like a chain smoker, but it was updated and changed to the little girl in the cutscene in game. I believe we have to take the in game cutscene for more worth than Treyarch's chain-smoking 9 year old.

    At the end of it all, we have an opening cutscene, that has the voice of a little girl talking saying "Long ago..." as she is telling a story. Then we go into the map. Then we have an ending cutscene that has her concluding the story. Origins was all just a story her and Eddie played that day. It is NOT canon, besides the fact that they played that story out in their heads. And it is this fact that makes me question how much of the information in Origins can actually be taken as factual information. How much were the devs trying to give information for and how much was just for fun factor based on Sam's imagination?

    It honestly makes complete sense. How do you bring the O4 back in the last map pack without starting an entirely new story arc? You give them a prequel. How can you do that? Well let's just set them in WWI and mess with fans a bit and make it a story told by Sam.

  11. Eh. We can dream, but I don't think this means anything. This is proof that the trailer had enhanced graphics, although you could already tell. This just proves what you could already tell by looking at it. It's not unlikely they just touched up some particular spots for second-long scenes for the trailer.

    You have a point, but I just don't see them enhancing a meteor for just a couple second scene. But they may. You never know with Treyarch. I hope they do though.

    I'm still frustrated my rounds are frozen on Kino. Would love to be able to play that again and my rounds actually count.

  12. Wow this blew up overnight. Let me see if I can address a few of the questions raised. Remember that I can see both sides of it and I know that some of the points I argued are a stretch(you're shocked after my other theories? ;) )and some have evidence against them within the end cut scene as well. I'm just trying to give some form of argument to continuation. As stated, I'm in that "denial" area still I believe. Don't mistake that for not wanting to believe it's over. I've accepted that theory from the moment I saw it. But part of me wants to see if there's another way it could work and this is the way it could work.

    She only calls them Hero's. I think the O4 were put in their because of Sam's history with them all. By History I mean them trying to stop her in WaW and Black Ops. If its her view point I honestly believe things were changed in her image to try to tell a more better story to Eddy.

    But she couldn't have history with them if this was truely "the beginning." To say they have history is to say it's all a fantasy world. I'm trying to argue differently.

    OK, ignore my last post. Now to talk about the inconsistency in Origins:

    1. The drone.

    Yes, Maxis' brain is used to operate the drone. However, who's to say that Maxis doesn't get a new body to use after that? If Richtofen somehow can create a quadrotor drone controlled by a single human brain, then brain transplant isn't all that hard to him. It's a possibility.

    2. Maxis claiming Samantha to not be his daughter.

    As I said before, I came up with a theory that Samantha may not be Maxis' legitimate daughter. However, it is very possible that after Origins, Maxis adopted her. That clears up the whole confusion. That is, assuming that Maxis' wife is still alive in 1918.

    3. Samantha present in 1918

    Here's the biggest question of them all. Now answer this: how could a mere child possibly end up in Agartha? And how is she capable of controlling the zombies? Samantha remains a mystery to us all. Even when we thought we knew her, we still don't. Is she related to the ancient evil in any way? Is she a child of the devil? Seems likely, otherwise she wouldn't be able to control all this.

    Those reasons I stated above should be good enough to connect Origins to the rest of the zombies storyline. As for the kids not making up the rest of it, no arguments there. You nailed it.

    Once again, I'd state that Moon radios don't seem to indicate that whatsoever. And I strongly believe that it's stupid to throw out all that we've known because of information we receive from a map that WE KNOW is told in fantasy format from Samantha's perspective. There's no argument there. And if I'm wanting to argue that it is the ONLY map told from her perspective, then the inconsistencies between fantasy and reality just don't correlate.

    Pretty solid read, the only thing I'd have to disagree on is your strong view on Eddie "not having his turn yet" and "their eyes should be blue" and that its stating that its possible that the "real events haven't occurred yet" which is possible yes, but this cutscene could just have easily been depicting what happened the first time they played their game just as well which of course he wouldn't have had the time to craft their eyes blue.

    Also take into account you can see the N4 characters under the bed and they only knew of Richtofen being in control so obviously the kids have been playing their game a while now and that statement from Richtofen was simply a statement by a disgruntled child not getting his turn, along with all the etch marks on the bed leg showing that Sam won 20 games and Eddie only 10 lol

    Yes I understand this completely. You can argue a lot from hash marks and presence of items throughout the end cut scene. As stated, I'm just trying to make things connect in any way possible, while not COMPLETELY ignoring "duh" things in the cut scene. So I'll pull the weak argument of "we don't know what those hash marks are for."

    I can totally understand that you want more...you've put time and effort into these theories and you deserve better.



    Accept it bro, it's not easy - but we've been had.

    Yes...I know. I'm just trying anything at this point. On a side note, it's a poor move by Treyarch because I only buy their games for zombies. Sucks to suck they aren't getting my money next time.

    Going against my own theory thread for a minute.

    Maxis quotes keeping Samantha close ever since Samantha's mother died, and even brought her on base to a top secret R&D site known as Der Riese. As for the link between Richtofen is as follows so read carefully.

    Richtofen quotes having a sister and tormenting her toys

    Richtofen is Samantha's Uncle (Samantha's quote)

    Samantha has a mum

    Maxis is Samantha's Father.

    Richtofen Says to Samantha YOUR Father in origins

    Richtofen is alot younger than Maxis

    This concludes to the possible following outcomes.

    Richtofens mother is Samantha's Mother hence why Richtofen is having a sleep over with Maxis And Samantha and why Richtofen DOESN'T call Richtofen his dad but does for Samantha (and also Why Samantha calls him uncle) due to Richtofen refuses to acknowledge Maxis as a father figure (age gap is too great to be "friends" as Richtofen calls him) and would also explain why Maxis choose to Bring Richtofen into Project Der Riese despite his wishes against it (quotes)

    The other outcome is

    Richtofens Sister is Samantha's Mum Hence the Uncle part, Although Richtofen used to pick on his sister as a very you g boy, He Blames Maxis for her death and seeks revenge.

    Quotes prove he didn't always hate Samantha, looking out for her, creating teddies for her and so the quotes continue, this may be due to the fact that Samantha Looks like Richtofens sister and wants to protect her

    (Until that moment when everything changes)

    I just don't see Richtofen and Maxis having any relation.

    I don't think there's any connection to Eddie and the Big Guy though. Probably may have both been based off the same


    This was a grasping at straws moment I'll admit haha. But I will say that their faces are the same, which could mean something. But who knows.

    The one thing that gets me is the "My dad has a plan" I am not sure if this implies that in the future at this point (1918), maxis will indeed create the zombies, however I doubt it would be similar to whatever they had in mind.

    I don't know for sure if we're in World War II or not, but I do know we aren't in 1918. It just doesn't add up at all for this. Samantha is telling a story. The map itself is in 1918, but her story telling is far after that. I argue World War II because it would be a great place to start the zombies story from that we know, but also the use of the term "The Great War", which was used before WWII was over.

    I'm not going to speculate on family ties between Richtofen, Sam, and Maxis.

    As a matter of fact, the names Maxis, nor Richtofen are even mentioned in the cutscene. The voice of the Father surely sounds like Maxis and we know Richtofen's first name is Eddie, but factually those names are not directly spoken during the scene.

    Here's the transcript I've produced and it's 100% accurate.

    Samantha: As the gates to Agartha were opened, the four heroes were rewarded with riches beyond their wildest imagination. From that day forward, they knew that Samantha would keep them safe...Forever.

    Eddie: You're getting everything wrong. I told you before, their eyes should be blue.

    Samantha: It's my turn, Eddie. I can do whatever I want.

    Eddie: ...But, you don't even know how to play properly. Girls don't know enough about zombies.

    (Sirens sound in background)

    Father (Maxis?): (Shouting from a distance) Put your toys away, children. Make sure the windows are locked before you come down to the basement.

    Eddie: You better do what your dad says.

    (Samantha closes and locks window)

    Eddie: ...I didn't even get my turn.

    Samantha: Tomorrow, Eddie, you get to make the rules...I promise. (beckoning to her dog) Come on, Fluffy!

    Eddie: I wish the heroes in our stories were real, Sam.

    Samantha: I know what you mean, but we will make everything OK. My dad says he has a plan.

    So, initial reactions are that the entire story and all of our gameplay across several maps was just the imagined world of two children playing with toys. This is a fair assumption, but the implications that this is how it ends I think are false. Here's why...

    The siren in the background and Sam's father's instructions to lock the windows and head to the basement shortly after implies they're living in some dangerous world, possibly zombie infested? Eddie states that "girls don't know enough about zombies" and this could imply that zombies are a huge part of life and not just a fictional ocurrence that only fans have knowledge of. Sam states that, "tomorrow, eddie, you get to make the rules" to imply that there's more to come. Sam also states that her "dad has a plan" and that "we will make everything ok" to imply there is more to come.

    Based off those key quotes and the storyline so far, I am theorizing that these two children are playing make-believe and that imagined world is what we've been experiencing throughout the 3 Treyarch titles. This much is pretty solid in my mind and it fills all the gaps in the storyline because it's imagined so it doesn't have to be perfect. However, for a child to imagine certain things we see during our gameplay, there would have to be some real-world knowledge they're pulling from.

    I think the world these two children live in is infested by zombies and this is where they get their inspiration for their game from. This is why Eddie desires the heroes to be real. Their world has no zombie slaying heroes, so the children make them up as a hope that heroes like the O4 would truly exist and help cleanse their world of the infected.

    If that's the case, it's quite possible that the true origins of the zombies in Samantha & Eddie's world were created in some other way. This is a clever way for Treyarch to wipe the storyboard clean and start anew, so I'm excited.

    On the other hand...

    Let's suppose that everything we've gone through was real. Samantha was trapped inside the Aether, Richtofen is also there within her body and Maxis has a presence there as well, perhaps not directly connected to Rich/Sam. Maybe they've been there for ages, after the entire world has been destroyed. Their only communication is with themselves and this scene depicts the imagined world they've created for themselves in order to perpetuate their existence. We all do the same thing. Quantum theories suggest our perception actually creates the reality we live in, so it's not difficult to suggest that a person trapped within some other dimension, alone and isolated, could recreate their reality as they saw fit. Having lost all connections to their pre-conditioned world that the rest of humanity would call "real", Sam would most definitely have had to recreate her reality out of necessity.

    Richtofen and Maxis seem to have suffered a similar fate, Richtofen being more directly connected to Sam, would have to appear as a closer entity in Sam's imagined world. Therefore, Sam has given him the role of her playmate and they continually "play" together.

    In conclusion, I think either these are children living in a zombie infested world and the real story is just beginning...


    Sam, Richtofen, and Maxis are trapped within another dimension, immortal, and share the same imagined reality: Sam and Richtofen playing together, Maxis continuing his research.

    I think the only two realities we have at this point are Samantha's fantasy world and the real world. Either it's all made up or only Origins is made up. I don't see alternate realities, timelines, or anything like that anymore. I also don't see a zombie apocalypse being what's occurring in the cut scene. It just doesn't seem to fit, but I could be wrong.

    The one thing that bothers me is that in no way shape or form could two little kids in 1917 could think of the Cia/cdc. No way could they think of the pentagon. No way could they think of space travel. Skyscrapers in die rise wouldn't have been thought of. Nome of the above could be thought of in the 1918 period that we think they are in. So they could possibly be in the future. No point in the cutscene is their a reference to time besides the use of a gramophone and an old clock. They could be way into the future after a couple generations have passed and these could be rictofens and maxis kids that are just given the same names.

    Plus how would these little kids think up so many complex things like the mpd/ avocado/thundergun and other wonderweapons/ancient riddles/Agatha/the moon/and all these other things.

    Plus why would Eddie let Sam make his character a complete psychopath. And why would richtofen let her.

    The children aren't in 1917.

    I think Eternal is on the money. I think they're living with no electricity and sirens outside their door because they live in an actual zombie apocalypse. I dislike how Treyarch ended their story but all things have to end I suppose. At least now Treyarch can possibly start a new story about zombies. With the next gen consoles coming out soon, they can possibly up the amount of the shit they can do and possibly make a better story and game than ever.

    They have electricity. There's a chandelier above them that is powered. The candles may be there because you never know when power might go out.


    All this talk about time-travel and parralel realities/universes doesn't matter! It was all in her head and then in her friend Eddie's head.

    CotD and MotD were probably movies her Father was watching (A George Romero flick on day 1, mobster Alcatraz escape film on day 2) that the kids just kinda incorporated into their games. I think the kids were having a sleep-over and this was a weekend.

    The sirens and the demand from Father to come to basement is the most intriguing thing because it sets the stage for more to come.

    Now that the slate is clean because everything has been explained, Treyarch can write a story that will make sense because they can give it direction from the beginning. This ending is awesome!

    It's hard to argue this point, though I'd state that you'd have to argue it from a zombie apocalypse scenario and not a WWII scenario. So if I wanted to argue my theory, I'd just say this doesn't add up because no one had home movies in the early 1940s. But if you argued WWIII/Zombie Apocalypse, I could see this.

    They are living AT NTZ. That bedroom is in one of the 2 houses at Nuketown. The sirens are the same (I think) as you hear when a perk drops.


    This is tough to argue. And I know I edited out some of your post, but still hard to argue. The houses at NTZ were all destroyed by the nuke. There was no place they could live.

    @LJx19 (sorry couldn't quote your post too big haha)

    Yes I know there are some holes in my theory. I'm just trying to put SOMETHING together, however easily argued some points are or aren't.

    This is all I've got for now. I'm still on the fence of what I believe. I could make a strong case for it being the end of our zombies story as well, but that's a post for a different day.

  13. Was really disappointed in the song. Malukah and Elena sound so similar that their voices begin to fade together and I can't tell when one is singing or the other. And Clark just sings background vocals, which was disappointing.

    I guess when I saw the vocalists, I got really excited, expecting epicness, and got let down hard. I really thought we'd see a going back and forth between Elena and Clark or Malukah and Clark. That probably would have been more appropriate for Buried though.

  14. So before I begin this, I will direct you to the ending cut scene of the Easter Egg. I'll be honest and say that I believe it is best that the cut scene was banned from these forums until the Easter Egg was solved because it gave me time to think more about it.

    Now before I continue, I just want to say that I've been thinking about this for a few days. I've felt like I've been in Mob of the Dead as my emotions toward this scene have gone in a cycle over and over again as to how I feel about it, what it means, and "Where are we going?" So know that as I write this, I see both sides of what could happen. Could this be the end of zombies, with it all coming to the culmination that everything we've known was made up by a nine year old girl? Yes, I can see and understand the point of view easily. But I want to argue a different point of view here. I will argue that the ending cut scene is not the end of zombies, but the beginning...our Origins.

    To begin this argument, I must address the map of Origins. I do not believe that Origins ever actually happens within our zombies storyline. There is just too much conflicting information within it. Let me give some examples.

    1. The Maxis Drone is a huge red flag concerning this map's validity. Not only is Maxis' brain in a drone, which already makes me question what is happening, but this situation entirely conflicts with what is occurring throughout World at War and Black Ops. We know Maxis had a body. How could he beckon Samantha out of the MPD on Moon and be shot? How could he be locked into a teleporter with his daughter? Now I understand you're saying that these are both possible, but I'd say they are highly unlikely that she'd be emotionally attached to a little robot with just a voice. But there are more things.

    2. Maxis claims that Samantha is not his daughter. This is just entirely far'fetched. We know that Samantha is Maxis' daughter. In Moon, Maxis beckons her out of the MPD and says "Your mother and I love you" and such. She is a part of their family. They are family. This doesn't add up at all.

    3. Samantha is in Agartha...in 1918. This doesn't make sense at all. She isn't even born at this point. This doesn't correlate with anything in the maps we've had before.

    So with just three of many inconsistencies, I'd say that Origins is the map that is being made up by Samantha in her room in the ending cut scene. Origins itself does not pertain to the true zombies storyline. The "Origins", as the devs want us to search for, are actually found in that ending cut scene as Maxis calls Samantha down to the basement. "My dad says he has a plan."

    But we're getting ahead of ourselves. Let's look at the cutscene and notice key elements as to why these two children have not made up the rest of the zombies storyline.

    "I told you before, their eyes should be blue."

    The character, Eddie as we'd find out, believe the zombies eyes should be blue. Seems to remind us of Richtofen, correct? And the name would suggest relation or some link between the two. And as I stated, I could argue both ways at this point, so that could be what was intended, but for the sake of this argument, I'd state that Eddie is believing the eyes should be blue. But that also means that they aren't blue. And we know the eyes aren't blue in Origins. The real question is have they been blue before? Or better yet, has Eddie had a turn?

    "It's my turn Eddie. I can do whatever I want."

    Samantha is in control of the game. She gets to decide what happens within the zombie world of Origins. This kind of reminds me of Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep. She'd be telling her story of what was happening, then randomly change her mind and the world around you would adjust to her desires.

    "But...you don't even know how to play properly! Girls don't know enough about zombies."

    Key quote. Highlight, Bold, Italicize, 72 pt font size. This is huge. Girls don't know enough about zombies. If they had played many games before this, as some would suggest, wouldn't she know a good bit about zombies? She's not new to this. Yet he seems to believe she is new...like this is her first time playing with zombies. Very important quote here. If she had been doing this for every map, she'd know about zombies fairly well and her friend Eddie wouldn't be questioning her.


    These sirens are actually very important as well. Some say that perhaps the children are living in their own zombie apocalypse and the stories they tell are a fantasy where they can escape the real world tragedy they live in. But I don't believe we're in a zombie apocalypse here. Let's go back to the intro cut scene to look more into this.

    "It began long ago...on the battlefields of The Great War."

    I pull this quote because it tells us exactly when those sirens are going off in the Ending Cut scene. Before World War II, everyone referred to World War I as "The Great War." No one called it WWI because...there was no reason to. There was not a second world war to compare it to. This tell us that WWII is the war that is occurring during the ending cut scene. That puts us right in prime position for this to be the beginning of our story. Right at the beginning of World War II.

    "Put the toys away children. Make sure the windows are locked before you head down to the basement."

    Real life calls. Dr. Maxis calls the children down to the basement to protect themselves from bombs dropping in the area. The windows must be locked because you don't want someone breaking into your home while you are trying to remain safe in the basement.

    "We better do what your dad says."

    And this quote gives more confirmation of Origins being fake and the ending cut scene being the real "Origins." Eddie tells Samantha that Maxis is her dad. This flows with what we know to be fact from World at War and Black Ops.

    "But I didn't even get my turn."

    This is a HUGELY important quote. Why? Because Eddie never got a turn! Richtofen has been in control in many maps, but Eddie is saying he never got a turn to be in control. This means that it doesn't align with them making up those maps. Eddie was never in control.

    "My dad says he has a plan."

    What plan does Maxis have? Could this be the plan of super soldiers, aka zombies, to help lead the Germans to a successful victory over the Allied Forces? Could this plan that Samantha speaks of be the beginning of our zombies storyline that we know?

    A few other things I want to point out. Eddie looks very similar to Sloth from Buried. This striking resemblance could be of importance. Remember that the zombies never attack Sloth. What if Eddie was Richtofen's son? A father is likely to pass his name to his son. And Richtofen and Maxis were coworkers, which means their families probably knew each other. Eddie is far too young to be the older Richtofen, especially since Maxis is shown as being real in the cut scene. I would say Eddie is Richtofen's son. Some will argue that Richtofen has no son, but I'd say that there is no proof that he does not have a son.

    Now let's just assume that Eddie is his son. Imagine tests being done on him at Group 935. He becomes this super solider, but loses his mental capabilities. He can only respond to certain stimuli. To keep him in safe keeping, they bring him down to where Buried is. Richtofen won't let zombies attack Sloth because it's his son. Would you let zombies attack your child if you were in control of them? I'd think not.

    I stated it at the beginning and I want to state it again. I could go through this cut scene and argue the end of zombies just as solidly if I desired (and I may at a later date), but I guess, as Ehjookated has told me, I joined him in the "Denial" phase and don't want to accept an end. I'm looking for a way out, and I sure hope I've found it. But I don't know.

    Let me know what you think of all this. Do I have some solid points? Weak points? Agree? Disagree? Give me your thoughts and opinions.

    Thanks for reading!

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