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Posts posted by FatedTitan

  1. I've never heard any quotes about a Gersche Device or Yuri in CotD. I HAVE heard the quote about Gersche made by Dempsey at the end of CotD EE. And like I stated before, my interpretation of that is it is a joke. The devs are intentionally pointing out the hate that there was for the death machines in Ascension. It has nothing to do with the story. It just is there for a laugh. Nickolai's wives aren't in the story, but they sure are funny to mention.

    But as I stated, that is a tough one. And I stated, my only answer is that it is a joke and it has nothing to do with the storyline.

    to regard that as a joke after the fact that call of the dead is the next map after ascension is a big leap. you cant compare it with nikolai's wives because we have never had any interaction with them therefore they are not a part of the storyline, while we have interacted with gersche. to disregard a piece of evidence because it doesnt fit with you theory isnt a good idea. teleporters are what take us to practically every map on this game so that isn't really supportive, he says the teleporter they are on isn't working and its more than likely because it hasnt been touched for decades. the russians obtained 935 documents as well as the americans so who is to say that they didnt have a teleporter at ascension? im sorry but im not sold on your theory. and if people think im being harsh then so be it, because when the new dlc releases i will look like an old man giving advice compared to the new members who get so hung up on a leak or are 13 years old and haven't learned how to act polite on the interwebz.

    Look you can disagree with me, but you don't have to act like an incredible douchebag.

    I've acknowledged that he says it. I can't fight that. I just believe that the throwing in of a joke to the community does not always have to be directly related to the storyline.

    I will agree that one should not disregard evidence because it doesn't fit with their theory. But it is clearly a joke. I'm not disregarding that it's there. I'm just saying it's a joke.

  2. I know but it's also meant to be a joke people can laugh at. That's what I was trying to reference.

    Also, look at this. Start at 1:38. Richtofen talks like the teleporter is what brought them to CotD and now it's completely broken and needs to be repaired so they can get out of there.


    Look, I know my theory isn't full proof by any means, but I do think that outside of a few minor details(like a joke) it's got some good evidence backing it.

  3. I've never heard any quotes about a Gersche Device or Yuri in CotD. I HAVE heard the quote about Gersche made by Dempsey at the end of CotD EE. And like I stated before, my interpretation of that is it is a joke. The devs are intentionally pointing out the hate that there was for the death machines in Ascension. It has nothing to do with the story. It just is there for a laugh. Nickolai's wives aren't in the story, but they sure are funny to mention.

    But as I stated, that is a tough one. And I stated, my only answer is that it is a joke and it has nothing to do with the storyline.

  4. I've always believed that some of the maps are out of order to help with the DLC releases of the MP maps. I think that the order of Kino, CotD, SL, Ascension, Moon is much more straight forward.

    There is no teleporter in Ascension. So how do the heroes arrive in CotD with a teleporter? They even state that they got there through that, as mentioned in earlier posts what Richtofen says. There is a teleporter in Kino though. When you spawn into SL, you hear the sound of a teleporter's electricity, so they were sent from CotD to here. But when you spawn into a Ascension, you are riding a lunar lander. How did they get on that? Saying they teleported to outside of the facility and rode in on that makes no sense. My answer lies in the debris around SL. A lot of the debris you buy to remove is lunar lander parts. They could easily have built a lander and rode it to Ascension where Richtofen planned to go to the Moon with the rocket. But instead of getting a lift to the Moon, they end up in Area 51 somehow.

    I didn't say I had all answers to this, so I'll let y'all play around with it more. I've just always thought this was more logical. The mural paints the picture of the scientists pointing toward the Moon. That's where we're headed from here.

    Now I'll answer some obvious questions that I know will arise. Why aren't the items in their possession on Ascension then? Well how would you feel if you were playing it and saw two random items and you had no idea what to do with them. I imagine the Ascension EE hunt parties would still be full swing. It's easier to just not put them in there to stop people from going nuts.

    Another question that will come up is Dempsey's quote at the end of CotD EE where he says something along the lines of "I hope this is better than the last time...stupid Gersche." My answer to this would be that it is not part of the storyline. It is a joke that was thrown in in reference to the outcry over the ending of the Ascension EE. It has nothing to do with the story.

    Of course those are just my explanations and you can take them for what they are...theories. I just think, order wise, it makes more sense to go in maps this way. Also, the Ascension icon has the static on it. Could be a hint saying that this isn't completely in the right spot.


  5. Here's the real question. The pyramid is on the Moon, yet Edward gets teleported there and looks at it, touches it, talks....you see what I'm getting at? He doesn't act like he's being affected by the environment at all, even though he should be suffocating since I sure can't breathe when I'm next to the pyramid without a suit on.

  6. Here's the real question. The pyramid is on the Moon, yet Edward gets teleported there and looks at it, touches it, talks....you see what I'm getting at? He doesn't act like he's being affected by the environment at all, even though he should be suffocating since I sure can't breathe when I'm next to the pyramid without a suit on.

  7. First time I heard it I had shot a China Lake into the alley by the Thompson room that you can see from power. I shot there, then I shot at the wall of the room above the Thompson room. I have no idea what the other players on the map were doing at the time. The next time I was near right outside of the power room and my friend shot a zombie to end the round in the room above the Thompson.

    I'm on 360, Black Ops, first ten rounds.

  8. This is not the laugh that is made when the box moves, but is kind of similar. A bit deeper. I've heard it twice now. Once when I shot a china lake at a certain spot it triggered the laugh. Then another time my friend shot the last zombie in a round and it triggered it. Anyone have ideas?

  9. "Come baby we do the '59 eh?" -Nickolai Kino der Toten

    "I've fallen and I can't get up!" -Nickolai Ascension

    "I wish there were another Pack-a-Punch machine that could put this Pack-a-Punch machine in to make it go faster!" -Tank in NML...funny reference to the double pack a punch ideas that floated around last summer.

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