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Posts posted by FatedTitan

  1. Ok now that my freakout that the link went somewhere is complete, all it is is the CoDz forum with a new look. And LiamFTWinter is logged in. So was this is a complete bs to screw with us and just show off a new design for the site?

  2. Here's my answer. Richtofen knew Sam had gone into the device. He then left Shusta and Groph to deal with her and told them to get Maxis. He then left. He never found out what happened at Griffin Station. He wasn't around when Maxis was brought there. Maybe he was wondering if she was still there since he was in a different time period.

  3. Strange. I thought this was one of the most well received CoDs in a while. After MW3's reveal trailer, I saw Twitter explode with "MW2.5" stuff. With this, I saw people pretty excited about the possibilities.

  4. Before I start, I want to say the Verruckt is one of my top 2 maps. But guys, if you switched the released on the maps(made WaW come out when the Black Ops maps came out and vice versa) then you would all say that the maps that are from WaW suck except Der Riese. It's all timing. Yes, the WaW maps brought new things to the game such as teleporting and PaPing and secret songs. But what next?

    We live in a consumer culture where we always want the next best thing. The same applies for zombies. Yes we started with Nacht and had nothing. Then they added perks in Verruckt. Then a radio in SNN. Then a ton for Der Riese. They had to keep moving forward, making the game bigger and better. People wanted a different round than dogs, so they gave you monkeys. People wanted a boss round, so they gave you George(though I do believe he was implemented incorrectly). Then people complained so they toned it down a bit and gave you two different types of bosses in a Shrieker and Napalm zombie. Both of those were great and could be used for your benefit, especially the Napalm zombie being a walking fire trap. Then Moon came and they wanted another boss type enemy, but they gave him massively weaker health than George and created a way for you to one shot him(QED).

    Things move forward. Maps get bigger and better. Moon is my favorite map of any. It has a ton of diversity. I find it humorous that people same DR was the greatest map because you could camp, run circles, everything. It had diversity. Well so does Moon. I understand getting Jug takes coordination. But you can't argue both ways. One second you say you love Shangri-la because it takes coordination, but then you say you hate Moon because it takes coordination. That makes no sense. Yes, I understand there's a difference because in one Jug is not readily available, but it's not hard to get. And if you do the EE, which isn't that hard if you know what you're doing, you don't have to worry about Jug.

    They did a lot with Moon that people begged for. Solo leaderboard. A new way to get around the map(Biodome booster pads). A way to make upgrading wall weapons worth it(hacker). An epic EE. Did the oxygen levels get annoying? Sure, but you can get to everywhere you need to go without a mask if you go straight there. It's called a challenge. You say you want a challenge, then you get mad when they add it. Hacker was a great add on to the map. It made it where I would actually upgrade a wall gun because I got my money back. It also gave us a way to share points. It also let us have the ability to get a max ammo, especially when there wasn't a dog round or monkey round.

    Moon brought many great things to the game. I don't know if we'll see hacker again, but that was one of the best. Everyone's entitled to their opinion and so far I've only seen the bashing of later maps, which, in my opinion, is quite unjustified. Because if the Black Ops maps had come first, you'd think the other ones sucked.

  5. I mean they'll have to pay them. I did wonder why I didn't see any IW tweets about the trailer after it released. Normally they'll give props and stuff. I know Treyarch gave props to IW on their game release and trailer. We'll see. I think they'll have to pay a lot of money though.

  6. I'm in college and have Elite. I guess it depends on your situation. For instance, I went to midnight release of MW3 because my friends and I were gonna check it out when we got home. We were up till about 4 am checking it all out.

    Also, for me at least, I like to have new maps as early as I can. I enjoy playing new things. If there was a zombie map out and I had to wait for it while others explored their little hearts out(sorry PS3), I would hate it. Not to mention, if I'm going to buy the DLC anyway, I save money with Elite. I paid $40 for Elite(Hardened Edition). If there are 4 map packs, I saw $20. IF there are 3 map packs, I save $5. Not to mention I was able to sell my Founders Code on eBay for $36. So in other words, I paid $4 for Elite. Totally worth it for me.

  7. Also, I think this is real. I'm as big a skeptic as anyone, but honestly, this is very well done. Looks like concept art to me. Those who are like "fake fake it's a fake." Well I guess that's your opinion. But just because there is a zombie in the picture that looks like it's from Nacht means nothing. It means that Treyarch had someone do concept art and they took a few easy steps to finish. It's small and most wouldn't notice.

    Also, a picture like this comes from the source. And by that I mean Treyarch. They wanted this to be found. There's no way something like this "accidentally" leaks out.

  8. This isn't a thread with leaks in it. I just had a question. Where do leaks come from? Sure there are some that are pictures taken at a Gamestop that received their merchandise and an employee wanted their YouTube to get famous. But that's not always the case. For instance, the picture today that was "leaked." That wasn't taken at a Gamestop. Someone put it out on the internet. Who did that? Well most likely someone from Treyarch. It's a way to hype your game. It's done all the time to gauge interest and get player feedback before things are complete.

    So my question is, if the leak is from Treyarch, then why do we block it? Why do we delete them all? Sure there are some that are obviously taken from an iPhone at a Gamestop, but others are too high quality and perfectly scanned in to be "leaked" like that. They are obviously leaked from the source. From Treyarch. So why do we not discuss this information when it is obviously from them?

    Now I understand the reasons for no leaked information. You want the respect to stay that you have from the zombie team. But if they're the ones putting it out there, then how would they lose respect for you. It's like if Jimmy put it out there and you completely ignored it because it was leaked. Well he did it on purpose for zombie fans and the real zombie fans ignore it. It's actually probably funny for them to watch because it's there and they put it out there for us but we won't discuss it or give feedback because it's a "leak."

    In conclusion, a leak doesn't get out by accident. These things are done on purpose. So why evade them? Why ignore those that are obvious? What difference does it make?

  9. Paredolia grew on me. The part that sucked about it was when they started the "I might try to find my life and...whatever" Once that hit, I said what the heck is this garbage. Coming Home was dreadful. 115 and Abracadavre are the best two songs they have. And while many of you will yell at me and say they aren't the best, the number of views on YouTube says differently. And that's from the average fan who doesn't care about storyline or whatever. They just want good music.

  10. This is an interesting topic. Honestly, I'm going to ignore when what console is getting it because I have no idea about the contract ending or being renewed and I'm 360 so it wouldn't matter for me. But this is what I wonder.

    The structure of the MW3 map releases has been 2 maps, 1 map, 1 map and 2 spec ops, 2 maps, then we have 4 maps for May. That's to this point. If you look on the calender, the patterns continues a bit. What concerns me is this.

    In Black Ops, the first map pack was released at the end of January. I believe it was either January 30th or 31st. Maybe February 1st. Oh well. But with how Elite is working, I don't think the zombies team would want to release their map in January with the first content drop. They would rather wait and make that the last drop so it's closer for non premiums to receive and help with a possible easter egg. In other words, instead of getting our zombie map in late January/early February, we will be receiving our map mid March.

    Now personally I think zombies should be one of the first maps in a content drop each map pack. That is a huge incentive for some to sign up for Elite and gives those of us who are premium an actual advantage.

    What do y'all think?

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