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Posts posted by FatedTitan

  1. Artist Rendition? Who pays a firm $1000s of dollars to get three of the characters spot on(sorry, I believe the other three are very close...close enough to where I didn't question who it was when I saw them) and then drastically mess up another? It makes no sense. Artist rendition is a huge cop out to not understanding why they would throw him in there.

    So here's my question. Whether you believe that it is Richtofen or not, tell me who the man on the poster looks more like. Does he look like Richtofen, or does he look like the man from CoDZL. Honestly that's all I want to know.

  2. Because the devs wanted to diversify the wonder weapons. That's the only reason I see.

    And look at the man's left eye in the poster. There is a scar under it. I'm not talking about the shadow under his right eye that is seen. There's a different scar that is not present on Richtofen that is present on the poster AND on the man from CoDZL.

    To those who disagree, answer me this. Do the man in the poster and the man in CoDZL not look more similar than the man in the poster and Richtofen. Whether you agree that it is or isn't him, just answer me that.

  3. I completely understand why you want it to be Richtofen. But the evidence doesn't add up.

    He may play a greater part of the story in BO2. Richtofen isn't present, which would suggest that this is a scene after Moon. Richtofen wouldn't be there in this case. So we still don't know who this is. It could be Gersche or Yuri or Maxis, or it could be no one we've met. I honestly have no idea who it is, which is why I posted this thread. I wanted input and I appreciate both sides of the argument, but I want to see evidence besides what I've seen so far for it being Richtofen before I will give into that belief.

  4. It looks NOTHING like any Richtofen model we've had. No artist can screw a character up that bad. The scar for Richtoden is on his right cheek. This drawing and actual character has a scar on his left. Richt has hair. This man doesn't. The build of Richt and this man are COMPLETELY different. And who is going to pay someone money and tell them "Draw every character exactly as they are in game, but ya know what! Just have fun with Richtofen." That's ridiculous to believe.

    I honestly believe some of you aren't even considering the possibility. You're just saying "it's Richtofen 100% confirmed so shut up." That is ignorance.

    Here are the facts:

    1. The man looks nothing like Richtofen.

    2. The man looks exactly like the man in CoDZL video.

    3. The man's head fits almost exactly in the blank portrait.

    4. The man and Richtofen have completely different body builds.

    5. The other characters on the poster look completely accurate.

    And many are still ignoring the fact that the poster is almost completely inaccurate with nova crawlers and all te wonder weapons that aren't in the map.

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