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Posts posted by FatedTitan

  1. How do you build hype for a game? Make sure more info about it comes out in the months leading up to the game. Make sure you don't let it all out at once. As you've seen with this year and in years past, normally details about different aspects are released in different months. Multiplayer info was released in August. It's been announced that Elite info will be released this month. Zombies in October. Nuketown Zombies was shown to give us a lick of the ice cream cone and to make us want more. And they didn't really release any info on zombies besides Nuketown being a map. We still don't know about "The Map", which I think is in Berlin, or anything about 4z4 etc. Lots of details to be released. Look toward October. We may get another taste this month, but it'll just be another teaser pic or something.

    This is all my opinion of course.

  2. As has been stated, I believe we're at the point where the sides have been made and the only thing we can do is wait to see if someone in the know will tell us. I highly doubt that will happen though. They never confirmed an end to Ascension's EE until CoD XP, so why would they do this.

    Also, we aren't debating minor details. We're saying he looks nothing like Richtofen unlike many of the concept arts that have been presented who at least resemble the character.

  3. If it's Richtofen, ok. Honestly, that's fine with me. I started the topic wanting to know who this is. If it turns out to be him, great. If not, then we have a problem. I promise I'm not trying to just ignore things. I understand where all of you are coming from, but I disagree with one point that someone made. I first looked at that poster and recognized every character except the man on the left and just assumed it must be Richtofen. After looking at faces, body builds, outfits, etc., I just don't see it. It doesn't even look like him, IMO. It looks much more like the CoDZL man than Richtofen.

    If I'm wrong, fine by me. I just wish we could get some confirmation one way or another...oh Reza...

  4. Also, the scar I see in the poster is under the man's left eye(from his perspective). In the CoDZL video, he also has that same scar under his left eye. I highly doubt he came into shooting with that scar under his eye. He also is dressed almost the same as that picture.

    Treyarch could be epic trolling us with this, hoping that this discussion would start. But they look exactly the same, probably on purpose.

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