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Posts posted by FatedTitan

  1. I'm guessing the following things:

    1. It'll feature a campaign centered around the popular character "Ghost."

    2. Chaos Mode and Survival Mode will be making a return along with the classic Spec Ops Mode.

    3. Multiplayer will not have dolphin diving and will not be Pick 10. This I really don't mind about because I rarely go outside of the normal system anyway.

    4. Assault/Support/Specialist will make a return in some form or fashion.

  2. I haven't gotten to that point in the side quest, so I'll assume that you have evidence that says Lucifer gave us this audio?

    And what are you talking about it couldn't have been operating as a federal prison at this time? I'm sorry but the environment says post-1942. The story says 1933. My answer puts both of those together in a consistent manner that I believe the devs would be drawn to due to their conspiracy-minded selves.

    MMX, I know you. And one thing I know is that you are stubborn. :P And one thing that I know about myself is that I'm stubborn. So I know you are not going to agree with my ghost theory, and I'm going to solidly stick with it. I think we're just at a standstill on that haha!

  3. So explain to me how a Shock Gibson comic can appear in a map that is in 1933 when Shock Gibson wasn't created until 1940. Explain to me how a water tower that wasn't completed until 1941 is in a map in 1933. Explain to me how there is a radio in the map of a man recounting what happened and saying that he WORKED(past tense) until 1942 at Alcatraz. The map is post 1942. The men involved are ghosts. They're dead already. The radio tells us that. Is it controversial? Sure. But it makes the most sense of anything else. It completely explains why we have so much pointing to post-1942, but why these characters are reliving this experience over and over again.

    Check this link out of a true ghost tale.


    "Years ago, a small boy named Jeremy was out playing in front of the house when a horse and carriage passed by. The driver didn't see the boy and ran him over, killing him instantly. Guests have seen his ghost, replaying the accident over and over falling to his doom beneath the battering hooves and wheels. The ghost of his distraught father has also been spotted in a window of the hotel, watching in mute horror as his son is killed over and over for all eternity."

    It's the same for our M4. They are repeating this important sequence in their lives over and over again for all enternity. For some reason, though, a they broke away from what they did way back then. They actually went through with the plan for some reason. In this cycle, the time rift messes up, since this didn't happen, and all hell breaks loose.

    I'm sorry but there's too much in the map that points to it being post-1942.

  4. Great thread Undead! It is interesting because the rounds don't start until after you've revived yourself. So it's like nothing ever happened at all. It's EXTREMELY complicated to understand MotD and when it happens and such.

    How much it's connected to the main story, I'm not sure. But I will say that this map has to happen post-1942. It could happen anytime after that. This make me question if it happens before Samantha takes over(someone had to be in control) or after Richtofen has been dethroned.

  5. Guys everything is coming together and they devs are screaming it at us, but we still haven't put it together. We will not play as the O4 next map, but we will definitely be rescuing them or hearing them in some form or fashion. There are some things in MotD pointing to it.

    1. Weasel's quote about hearing Nikolai

    2. Samantha's Lullaby the and camera panning toward the moon

    3. The announcer not being Richtofen

    4. Where Are We Going (a Kevin Sherwood Easter Egg song) being sung by a female and not Clark S. Nova

    Guys, I could be wrong, but it just seems like they're putting it out there on a silver platter for us to eat. I think we'll at least hear them next map pack.

    Also, remember last May/June when the guy who voices Dempsey put on his LinkedIn something about coming back, but then took it down quickly once Activision saw it? I sure do.

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