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Monopoly Mac

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Posts posted by Monopoly Mac

  1. Sorry, I once heard about that Operative=Thief thingy before but nobody bothered to expand on it so I kind of nurtured it and made it one of my own... Anyone who mentions this theory will get smacked in the face by my link. Let that be known.

  2. Your theory is complete shit if you don't have a reason for it. You might possibly have physical proof of it but your not bothering to back it up reason wise. Through out the forum whenever we have tried to deduce who someone is like Edward=Dr.Richtofen, or the blank portrait is Peter, we have had our damn reasons. You do not.

    Were all saying the same thing... How does a man get shot through the head, dropped 7 stories or so to the ground, break his back on an electric billboard and become a zombie... It hasn't been proven that Nova6 can reanimate and there is no damn 115 anywhere near Kowloon. Japan, Siberia, Washington D.C, Russian Cosmodrome, German Asylum. Any of those places next to Kowloon?

  3. CjDog

    (it was the zombie guy...

    *zombies in his name ;) *

    Monopoly Mac,

    I guess you're ignoring how both characters have hair in THE SAME PLACES.

    How Clarke has a beard where the Thief has stubble.

    How there is a darkened patch on the Thief's head where Clarke was shot.

    How Clarke worked on Nova6, Thief surrounded by Nova6 Zombies.

    How Clarke has a collection of Guns, Thief steals guns.

    How Clarke's corpse underwent a huge fall, Thief is buckled over

    How you cry that 'Clarke died', yet the Thief's eyes glow yellow, plus he comes back every 5 rounds after you kill him.

    How Clarke is in the mission 'numbers', and red floating numbers trail behind the Thief.

    Nice one,


    -They don't have hair in the same damn places. The way Clarkes hair is it would be impossible for it to grow like the thief. And if you noticed there faces and skin are completely different.

    -When he comes, he is not surrounded by Nova 6 zombies.

    -Far point.

    -Could you show me a picture of the darkened spot? Chill out don't flame me I'm not trying to argue I just wanna see it. Fair point when I see it.

    -From that fall his back would have been completely broken and he would have been paralyzed...

    -The Thiefs eyes don't glow yellow. Recheck your information.


    Now I see like 3 points that can somewhat make the Thief Clarke... Now can you just attempt to explain why? Why is he in Aether? Why is wearing a lab coat in the Pentagon? Don't tell me because he is a scientist because he had to have physically gotten up from the fall to put one on.

  4. Dude...His entire theory is based soley on the fact that he shares some equations on his face like clarke... Thats it...

    Guess you haven't been reading through this thread.


    A guy back there suggested that the fact they were 'wearing different clothes' was counter evidance.

    At least even you MonopolayMac aren't that bad.


    Sorry. What I stated was a fact. The only evidence is the writing.

  5. HOLD IT!

    I'm pretty sure the supposed death date you are all referring to was the creation of Salad Man, not Treyarch. Check your facts lads ^_^

    STOP RIGHT THERE GUYS. That supposed death date of Takeo is and was never true. It is bullshit made up by you know who.

    ... Er... Isn't that what I said... :?

  6. ^ Confirmed via videos on youtube lol.

    How the hell can you dare compare the Lazurus to the Mustang and Sally. M&S are in my opinion the best power weapon next to the Thundergun and Scavenger. One shot can kill an entire hoard of zombies and you have 60 bullets so you have plenty to spare. The Lazurus on the other hand has an extremely small amount of ammo and its puny crosshairs don't help to conserve ammo.

  7. Oh yeah its definitely possible. I've gotten that combination before on solo trying to complete the easter egg just like you. Although it was round 25 and it didn't quite fit my strategy well... Scavenger angered George... VR-11 is just a waste of a weapon slot.

    Its possible but don't expect to get far with them.

  8. That makes sense. The song "Not Ready to Die" its thought to be sang by Richtofens point of view.

    One of the lyrics was "I'll control the world one person at a time". Definitely something going on in that mans head.

  9. Well I know for a fact that in Ascension if you use the Gersch device with Richtofen he has some stuff to say. For example at one point he mentions how he wishes they perfected it so you can actually know where your going... We know at this point that Richtofen is pretty good at fixing stuff and building stuff. Perhaps he somehow tweaked the Gersch to teleport to the CotD facility but he did not expect time travel to occur. Whether the Kassimir affected it I do not know.

  10. ^ I knew I wasn't the only one thinking hard on this! Look at the dates... Tank was somehow captured BEFORE the actual rescue team was sent in... Now where ever did Peter go... We know by the fourth radio Edward and the other know Peter and Harvey are spies...

    We need to figure out how Tank and Peter got to where they are now.

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