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Monopoly Mac

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Posts posted by Monopoly Mac

  1. Hey if Shangri La did in fact happen after Call of the Dead then what really was the purpose of Richtofens space suit because he only wore it in Ascension... Maybe at one point between Kino and Ascension he went somewhere?

  2. Awesome. I love your map analysis threads and your research. I can't really talk much right now so I'll just say whats on my mind. Maybe the person Gersch is talking to is his "friend" who is part of the Illuminati which is why he is reporting to him.

  3. OMG... I think I finally got what Richtofen is trying to do... Building on what Jeager said, Richtofen wants to replace Sam in Aether... A perfect position to control the world right? Well he probably needs a few things to kill or take her out of the Aether...

    We know he has the Golden Rod. Now this isn't confirmed but I'm gonna take a guess here and say thats the core of the V-R11... So he wants to either build his own V-R11 or make something that has the same effect... And this is also a guess maybe he also took a Gersch Device from Ascension as a way to travel... to Sams world...

    So Richtofen will use the Gersch Device to travel to the Aether Dimension and use the Golden Rod to rehuman Samanta... But he is missing something. What can it be? :o

  4. 42?


    Thats... Wrong. No matter how many players there are, there can only be 24 zombies on the map at once.

    There can only be 24 zombies in the map at one time. Reserve zombies come in when existing ones are killed.

    The maximum number of zombies is 24 for one player.

    +6 for each extra player.

    For example,

    a two player game:

    Round 16 * 0.15 = 2.4

    2.4 * 30 = 72 zombies

    Whoa where did all that math come from? I thought since it was +6 every extra player that would be 18 more for 4 players so it would be 42?

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