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Monopoly Mac

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Posts posted by Monopoly Mac

  1. I wasn't here for the entire thang with Gknova but when I joined I still saw some posts about it. It kind of actually made me wanna stay from Ptg completely...but I saw some of their videos and I got hooked. I'm subscribed to Ptg but that doesn't mean I poop on Codz. Lets get along now :D

    Exactly....I joined really smack in the beginning....I subbed to them mainly because RAD joined them but they are very good players with theories just like us...I even PM'd them on Youtube on my take and apologies etc. because i think i was one of the flamers I don't remember :lol:

    I really don't want to start a flame war but their Game Over custom song was pretty good *scared*

    *looks side to side* I liked the song too....

  2. I wasn't here for the entire thang with Gknova but when I joined I still saw some posts about it. It kind of actually made me wanna stay from Ptg completely...but I saw some of their videos and I got hooked. I'm subscribed to Ptg but that doesn't mean I poop on Codz. Lets get along now :D

  3. The Wavegun according to intel is capable of frying zombies from the inside. I believe this gun is a third generation Raygun. First you have the Prototype. Then the Porter X2 Raygun and then you have the Wavegun. What cooks things in the inside? A Microwave.

    ***SERVANT ENTRY A00359***

    “Ray Gun summary: “Prototype developed by “Doctor Ludvig Maxis, “origin Der Riese facility “Based on designs seized from “Rising Sun facility at SNN. “Powered by Element 115 “Ray Gun works on microwave technology “And discharges a burst of green “Plasma energy between 220 and 230V. “Second generation currently under “Development by H. Porter “To reduce excessive peripheral “Damage.

    From 1943 technology would be extremely developed by now. Notice how it looks like two rayguns combined?

  4. "I have no god damn idea who the Thief is


    If it has to be anybody we know, or his identity is of anysignificance,

    I would say he is Clarke.

    However, we've been given no indication that his identity is important.

    We're just curious :D

    (So I think it's either Clarke, or it doesn't matter who it is.

    Get it?)"

    "I still think Clarke is the Thief, but I don't have a God Damn clue why yet."

    Both taken from your old thread. Keep tryin. Tryhard.

  5. Its not that important or vital to the story so why care? If you have a nice theory that makes the Thief important to the story go ahead and post it. If you don't then just stop.

    I agree. Your right and I'm wrong lets be friends now :D

    Cool to see were on the same page now.

  6. Stop being so sensitive Anti Earth... We brought hard evidence to the table and you rejected it... Fenny,

    Clarke died in 1968 and was hiding in Kowloon. "Five" takes place in 1963.

    Wow, you're a troll.

    You wasted a 1000 Litres of your breath,

    complaining that Clarke couldn't be in FIVE because he was already dead.

    You've just switched your story.

    Thief has blue eyes.

    Clarke has brown eyes.

    You're wrong. Again.

    The Thief has blue eyes on the PC.

    His face looks entirely different on PC vs Console.

    Have a look at his eye colour in the pictures I posted.

    Thief is an electrician.

    You're wrong. Again.

    How many electricians' wear labcoats?

    A picture label in the CODE says he is an electrician.

    Obviously you've never programmed before.

    The Code also says that Der Riese is a factory.

    Since you've chosen to repeat all your apparent 'counter - arguments' that are supposed

    to be so lengthy in number,

    I'll repeat all the true evidance, and well see how they balance out?


    Clarke was a scientist - Thief is a scientist (evidant from labcoat)

    Clarke is covered in equations - Thief has identical equations

    (It was suggested the equations were a re-used texture. Not true, because the Thief has

    unique equations on his labcoat, which Clarke is not seen wearing during the campaign.

    Thus, it's not a re-use. It's an original - use)

    Clarke and the Thief share the same hairline, and hair colour.

    Clarke and the Thief have hair in nearly the exact same places, except the Clarke's is trimmed

    at the high sides.

    (However, this is just a hair style. If you grew Clarke's hair, you get the Thiefs. SPOT on)

    Clarke has a mustache and goatee combination. Thief has visible stubble in the exact same spots.

    Clarke has a hidden collection of stashed guns. The Thief steals your guns, and runs away with them.

    Clarke died. The Thief is a re-animation

    -- He has glowing, yellow eyes

    -- His sash says 'Living Dead' in illuminati cypher

    -- He re-spawns after you kill him. Think about it.

    Clarke's corpse fell a long way, the spine would have damaged. The Thief is always buckled over.

    Clarke helped developed Nova6. Thief appears in FIVE at the same trigger as the Nova6 zombies.

    Clarke is featured in the Mission 'Numbers', which also featured floating red numbers.

    Clarke knew the secret of the numbers.

    QUOTE = "Oh yes, the numbers... They're the key too" HEADSHOT

    The Thief is followed by a trail of red numbers.

    Were the numbers the key to re-animation?

    Clarke was shot in the side of the head, straight into hair.

    Hence, the Theif's hair covers the wound.

    Clarke mentions escaping the Ural Mountains with "Lazarus".

    Lazarus was a friend of Jesus' whom was brought back to Life.

    This biblical reference ties in with the Thief's resurrection.


    I have more evidence.

    I don't know why I bother arguing over the Thief,

    with somebody who has probably never even managed to reach him before.

    Save your arguments to yourself. I'm not reading them stop wasting your time. In all honesty I don't think its possible for Treyarch to address this situation at all in the next map... Its not that important or vital to the story so why care? If you have a nice theory that makes the Thief important to the story go ahead and post it. If you don't then just stop.

  7. Stop being so sensitive Anti Earth... We brought hard evidence to the table and you rejected it... Fenny, Clarke died in 1968 and was hiding in Kowloon. "Five" takes place in 1963. Thief has blue eyes. Clarke has brown eyes. Thief is an electrician. Clarke is a chemist.

  8. Typin on phone forgive me. I setiously dot want them to be rissian. That means they can"t refer back t group 935. Which means more plotholes. I personally want them to be nazis. My only proof ie tjat in your first pictire t the left it looks lile the s in the ss symbol.

  9. -__________- They didn't know shit.

    Nearly every smart person in Codz knew a lighthouse map was coming because of the picture of Der Riese. So did PtG. They didn't even know what the name of the map would be. In fact if I remember correctly they implied it would be called Der Leuchtturm. They changed the description when they announced the map you gullible fuck. They also thought Capitalism would be a map. No. It wasn't. Also in one of Benns videos he implied the next map would be Quarantine. So they guessed a shitload of times and one just happen to be right.

  10. It said it wouldn't be included in the standard edition of Black Ops. Its not. Now 8 months later their not updating Black Ops and giving us the maps for free. Their releasing it in a freaking "map pack" for 1200 MP. Its an ADD ON to Black Ops. Now calm the fuck down.

  11. My favorite gun to kill the pig is the python... I like to fire all my shots into the zombies and don't reload just yet.... I look into the yellow eyes of the hopeless pig as he squeals in fright.... I slowly reload every shot into my python in front of him... I aim it at the forehead. And end his misery in one shot.

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