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Posts posted by ZiipCode

  1. This would be amazzzzing!!!!.............The only thing if see going wrong is that it would be a steep learning curve to the average zombie player.........The only way i could see this working is if Treyarch introduced this mechanic slowing like they did with the Easter eggs..first they did a short one in Der-rise and went crazy from there, which was the first really big evolution in zombies, I strongly think that these new gameplay mechanic will take zombies to the next level just like the introduction of easter eggs did.

  2. I thought woods died in BO he did jump out a 3 story window with a live grenade...........the tattoo is a military brotherhood type of tattoo.... so it could be a new character that was close with woods and was part of his squad before the events of BO......or he somehow survived

  3. My idea would be to implement a new Inventory Menu to the next CoDzombies.

    How it works

    -Pressing the (select)key brings up a screen that shows all items that have been picked up and which player holds them.

    -If all players hit the (select)key within 5sec the game goes into a pause mode that will allow players switch and combine items they have picked up.

    Ex) Player1 picks up the head of a hammer and Player3 picks up the stick......all payers press (select) and they combine them to be able to board windows faster......take this example and think of all the possibility's it could mean for a figuring out a major Easter egg

    -This pause function could also be used for a emergency break

    -To stop people from just randomly trying to put stuff together....if you do it wrong 3 times the object breaks and u have to go find it again

    Other ideas of things to put together

    Parts of an ammo box-->max ammo(10pieces)

    x4Hammer Head and x4Stick-->Faster window boarding for players that have completed hammer

    Shin-Guards--> No crawler Damage(10pieces---2plates 6straps)each player

    Body Armor-->Take one extra it before going down(12pieces---4plates 8straps)each player


    Some these items would be randomly on the map the rest could be a out of the mystery box

    -This would give people who have tons of money and nothing to spend it on something to go for

    What do you guys think of this idea???

  4. I hope Shangri-La will be vary vague in the clues to the Easter egg, like Ascension because it made the hunt way more fun and longer because you really did not know if it was the end or not. I would also like it if there was not achievements for finishing the Easter egg, but just one for starting it. I think this would add a little more mystery as to when it ends.

  5. I just played kino last night looking for eastereggs, before reading anything online about them. I found the three rocks quite easily as they make that buzzing sound. But when i did the third one in the dressing room area theres a window and if you look through it and listen, you can see a chest that sounds like someone is trapped inside. I say someone because it was knocking in Morris code SOS(help). I died soon afterwards so i didn't have time to investigate, iv looked around the site and i read that people have see this and that their is not much more to it. So maybe their is more to that easter egg and we did not expect it to be so complicated to trigger it until what we found out in Acension.

  6. Just had a new idea on sacrifice!

    Well after you get all the guns like the PaP Ray, Thunder, and crossbow to get the DMs what if you have to sacrifice your guns into the Pap Machine. Doing this by just putting them in and not grabbing them, i'v lost guns in their before but i'v never lost both of them, so i don't know if this is even possible or what happens if you do.

  7. Been reading other forums and found this on all of them, apparently you do not get the death machines and you free the guy to continue the easter egg. I would try this out for my self but someone always screws it up when i play with my friends.

    "You will need to shoot Upgraded Raygun(3 bullets), Upgraded Thundergun(2 bullets), Upgraded Crossbow(3 bullets), dolls(all 3), into the gersh device after you spell LUNA! "

    Add me if you want to try GT: NO xM E R C YxX

  8. I need to know if any one else has started the next round while you all have the DMs. Because I have done it twice now and both times it was a monkey round i want to know if it was by chance or if it happens every time. If it does happen every time. it might be possible if you don't let the monkeys hit you or the perks you will get a max ammo, perk, and the next piece of the puzzle. or you have to do something during the monkey round?

    Let me know if this happens to you?

  9. One of three things are happening when you do the Death Machine easter egg. First is that it is the end of the easter egg and the point of it was to advance the zombie story line for the the next Map Pack. You may pick right back up on the story now that yuri is free in the next map pack.

    On the other hand this could not be the last part of the easter egg but more of a hype generator for the launch on the pc and ps3. Treyarch is known for there hot fixes and may be planing to launch one on the zombie map. Some clues that would lead me to this explanation is that in the code there are references to passkey HITSAM and HYENEA but do not activate anything on the map. A hot fix may enable these passkeys. Also making the community buzz over what to do next is a good strategy to create hype and make sure that more people know whats going on before a team of zombie easter egg busters do it all in a few days, this way more people get the chance to enjoy the hunt without going on you tube.

    lastly we could all just be missing something obvious to get to the next step for me i think there is some thing u have to do before the death machines because there are 4 more lights on the other side of the device.

    Tell me what you think?

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