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Everything posted by firmmervinator

  1. Heres my thought tell me what you think, try looking for more power near the spinny thing also known as the centrifuge at the quick revive because i think if u make it spin constantly in the same sort of way that a windmill produces power by spinning, it generates power without the cassimir device online and fully powered. Also it can't generate enough power by randomly spinning which it does. Firmmervinator=Hitman Friend me if u want to play some nice ascension with me and my crew! or if u have some nice ideas for more hunting
  2. i've been on the forums practically all night i have found some cool stuff that my friend was able to confirm on xbox but can anyone just list all the steps to fixing the mechanism, i know u gersch device the generator then hit the tv under the stairs, wait for a y monkey round hit buttons next to each perkocola except revive then go to pap machine in the room before it u do something involving the clock and pressure pad and walking counterclockwise still unsure specifics on that, then the letters spell LUNA but you must use lander in right order to do that, after correct order is done where is the 3rd and 4th node? not sure what number im on by now really tired. Firmmervinator=Hitman
  3. yea dude i think...and I hope your right I was playing the other day and it seemed to me like even though ascension is as large as it is (which is pretty big) that there is more to it because over by the sickle I saw i think a couple windows to the left of the other side of the missile, besides the two that are in that general area, does anyone have any ideas about the mechanism my friend (mthawoffspringb) and i (firmmervinator) were exploring on acsension and found a glowing white thing that looks like it might attach to the two nobbs that are near the stammin-up machine and the repair icon with the yellow and black stripes. we also found a tv under the steps through the door and it looks intact so were wondering how we start this mechanism? Any thoughts that'd be sick and I'd love to explore for this mechanism with anyone that is serious about it, send me a message on xbox live or something and I'll freind ya would be sick to figure out the next biggest thing in zombies, and has anyone teleported through the gersch device yet I know on the wiki it says you can? Firmmervinator=Hitman
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