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Posts posted by Ny643

  1. Hi guys I wanted to let you guys know about this because it seems a lot of people are missing this. You can notice if you look really closely. When the letter is being typed you see hidden letters that pop up. The main ones you can see are a Z and a Q. Here is a video that show more hidden letters please check it out and make people aware of this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJVE89On ... ture=g-u-u

    letters: WZQOH

    Nice finding, I thought I was going crazy from yesterday's code cracking upon seeing the hidden letters :D

  2. I was snooping around when I came across the same site perfectlemonade was talking about. I deleted everything past the .uk part and it shows test 1 and test 2. Inside those was hundreds files. Most of them named ILLUMINA. I don't know if it has to do with anything, but don't download any of the files. We don't know what they contain...

    EDIT: I was lurking and saw MOST of the files in the /ftp folder were modified TODAY. Hm... Interesting.


    EDIT 2: They don't need to be downloaded. All are readable.

    i think your over thinking just a tad bit :/. most of the clues from gknova6 were literally right in front of us just everyone over thought about certain things. If something has you digging across the web its probably not correct. treyarch wants you to speculate, think, more than search.

    Looking back at it, I sound like a lunatic xD I'm sorry about that...

  3. I was snooping around when I came across the same site perfectlemonade was talking about. I deleted everything past the .uk part and it shows test 1 and test 2. Inside those was hundreds files. Most of them named ILLUMINA. I don't know if it has to do with anything, but don't download any of the files. We don't know what they contain...

    EDIT: I was lurking and saw MOST of the files in the /ftp folder were modified TODAY. Hm... Interesting.


    EDIT 2: They don't need to be downloaded. All are readable.

  4. First off, let me say that yes, there is a topic about this, but I am providing a video and more about this strange occurrence in SNN... I am outside the Doc's Quarters when it occurred. I don't know if this happens anywhere else in the map, although Camo Wildcat did mention he heard it coming from atop the stairs in the Main Hut as well...

    Original Thread by Camo Wildcat: viewtopic.php?t=531

    Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JUOrnUNQaE

    When I first start recording, at about 00:15, u can hear, what sounds to be a 2-syllable word... What I thought it may be is, in a man's voice, the word "Whispers"... Also, at about 1:35 or so, you hear the same voice say something along the lines of "*undetermined* wants your soul..." I listened a few times and thought it may have said "Satan wants your soul." But if you think it may be something else, please don't be afraid to let the community know...

    You can hear another whisper at about 1:49 saying something that sounds like: "So Close..." You can hear the last whisper at about 2:29 saying, what seems to be, a 2-syllable word. I have no clue what it may have said as of right now...

    I'm eager to hear what you think...



    PS. Yes, I jumped at every noise because I am using very, very good surround sound headphones :lol:

    PPS. And this is the PC version in case you didn't know...

  5. When reviewing the Inside Xbox Video for Moon, I noticed something odd. At around 2:25, when Dempsey has the Commando, if you look at the ground on the bottom right hand corner, you can see what looks like a tomahawk. Now, there is the possibility that it is a Ballistic Knife, but from the shape of it, it looks like it COULD possibly be a tomahawk. Lemme know whatcha think...


  6. I would like to join the "Dempsey" Group and the map I would like to submit is Ascension, Round 40 exactly, no glitch used. Me and my friend just ran trains. Unfortunately, I don't have a camera, so is there any way you can add me and see for yourself?

    Xbox Gamertag: Ny643

    Thank you so much and happy Zombie-Slaying!

  7. When I did the Easter Egg four times with Strwrsbob, LiamFTWinter, and Dave, we were looking for ways to continue it. We were talking about the gongs and someone brought up the fact that writing on them says what you stated it does.

    I have no idea what it means. But I'm sure there is more to this map than meets the eye.

    Dragons = Naga Dragons = Dragons with WATER coming from their mouths.

    Maybe we have to either not turn the 'power' on, or turn the water off/create a fire.

    I'm sure this is the first step in a chain of threads about this, and be jove I hope it culminates in us finding something.

    - Waffles

    Regarding the 'Naga Dragons'... There are two dragons with water coming out of their mouths at the spawn... We may be on to something...

  8. Guys, sorry to rain on your parades... But it looks to me like a door, since it leads into the temple and is on the other side of the bridge...Kind of like in Der Riese, there were markings above the doors, like Z-C. Not saying it CAN'T be a perk machine, but there's a possibility it may be a door... Especially since you can see the crack in the middle, where the door would open... Just a guy's thought...

  9. I'm going to cut to the chase, when loading up Call of the Dead, you see in the top right hand corner leaves... If you load up Black Ops Shi No Numa, in the top right hand corner, you can also see leaves... But in the top left hand corner of CotD, you see Ascension... Now, I'm saying that perhaps Ascension and CotD take place BEFORE SNN... Several Proofs:

    1. When you finish the EE, you get Takeo's Profile Pic from SNN...

    2. Takeo is wretching and vomiting in both CotD and in the SNN radio...

    3. Leaves in right hand corner...

    4. Richtofen says "A better question is WHEN are we?" He says this in both SNN and CotD...

    Sorry if this has been posted, I looked and couldn't find anything having to do with relating these two maps...

    PS. The only contradictory to my theory is the fact that in "Ascension", Dempsey says "Treyarch, can we get a new objective, PLEASE?" and "Can somebody tell me why there's always a big switch to go find, I mean really!"

    This has been brought to you by Ny643 :D

  10. Maybe there should be some sort of "Initiation Ceremony" to where, like Teddy_RuXp1n said, there's a randomly given temp username, and they have to make a certain number of contributions to the forum before becoming an actual "Member"... As for the number of contributions, that's up to you...

    Just a guy's two cents...

  11. Well, I've heard of this happening before, but I have no explanation for it... I was in the MPL room and my friend downed, so I through a Gersh towards the chained up door and Samantha took it, now I'm not saying it has anything to do with the EE, but that it's pretty annoying because I wasn't able to get him and was quickly swarmed...

    No round 50 record for me.... :facepalm:

  12. I just thought of a new perk that sounds pretty epic:

    A perk that allows you to "Roll" or "Somersault" around... Similar to Halo Reach's "Evade", you will have to wait until you recharge stamina and also have to recover from it... This is where the perk "Staminup" comes into play.

    Having Stamin-Up and Roll-a-Cola at the same time allows you to:

    -Recover Faster from somersaults

    -Let you do 1 extra somersault

    In order to somersault, a player must:


    Hold Forward

    Double Tap B

    Not that difficult...

    I'm at the end of my rope on this thread :\

    What are some perks you guys and girls would like to see?

  13. TBH I'm more surprised, I just came on here, expecting for some random noob to flame me off... Nope... found some smart people that don't flame... And yes, we have quite a few good ideas :D

    PS Does anyone know a program that I can use to create quality images besides paint and GIMP? I can't afford the $700.00 Photoshop right now...


    "Nikolai's Special"

    :lol::lol::lol::lol: :lol:

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