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Posts posted by RZArazorSHARP20

  1. haha, what?

    Is this a serious post?!

    2v2 Zombies wouldn't be a measure of skill atall!

    And who would want to challenge a couple of bitching 12 year olds anyway :lol:

    Good call on 12 years old, but try again, and add a college degree... While we're on the subject of your stupidity, learn to spell before you come into a thread spewing ignorance

  2. Actually wouldnt a true test of skill be how long you and your partner could survive? And therefore you would be measuring survival skills as well as points, using the launchers and traps to screw over the other team. I know it's a team game you joke, and not every dude who has under 100 posts is a troll... I swear, half the 15 year olds on this site spam garbage in every thread... Go make another thread about the same lap you run on Kino... Meanwhile, your obvious fear of our dominance makes me laugh... I like the excuses though, keep em coming

  3. My guess is you can only have 4 perks at once, and the other five perks are which one you want to replace to get Stamin-Up (if you already have 4)... This shouldn't be a problem though, since no one really should get Double Tap... I kind of doubt you can buy all the perks at one machine, you can see the Quick Revive in the trailer... Also, when the perk you have is bulging, thats when the monkeys are attacking that perk machine and everyone who has that perk should be trying to keep them off of it...

  4. Holy shit so monkeys throw grenades back at you... This map also looks HUGE... Also, if you pause it right after the dude grabs the Thundergun out of the box during the fire sale at the end of the ascension part of the video you can see one of the new perk machines on the wall...

  5. Ok well you're wrong on both counts, and I'll tell you why. First, the catwalk on prison break is a terrible idea. Not only do you and your partner (neither of you has Firepower yet, clown, Prison break is round 9-12) not get to any items/treasure/power-ups, but you also corner yourself with little room to move. Second, the fact that I even need to point out how dumb spinning around with the flamethrower is means you're probably one of the idiots who do it. Thanks for trying to help, but these are two terrible pieces of advice.

    This is correct, in the later rounds fire will do nothing but give zombies a hiding place, and they WILL KILL YOU

    As far as a guide goes I feel that is correct in saying don't grab the flame thrower. But as long as you keep it concentrated on a door it works very well.

    I agree, if you know what you're doing with it, it's absolutely useful... Thanks for the props Jackyboy, this was co-written with ClintSmeastwood...

  6. Most of it is good, but two flaws:

    1. Always use the catwalk on the prison rounds as long as you have at least one buddy. Just sit there and camp by the stairs, one of you shooting down the other up unless you need extra firepower in one direction for a few seconds.

    2. When you get the flamethrower, spin around as much as possible! Even though you can't see, the zombies burn almost instantly when they touch your large sphere of fire.

    Ok well you're wrong on both counts, and I'll tell you why. First, the catwalk on prison break is a terrible idea. Not only do you and your partner (neither of you has Firepower yet, clown, Prison break is round 9-12) not get to any items/treasure/power-ups, but you also corner yourself with little room to move. Second, the fact that I even need to point out how dumb spinning around with the flamethrower is means you're probably one of the idiots who do it. Thanks for trying to help, but these are two terrible pieces of advice.

  7. Sorry about the language, this was originally written and posted on nazizombies.com, but that forum is terrible so I'm bringing it over here. ClintSmeastwood and myself are always willing to help people trying to get better, just message me here or on XBOX Live...

  8. "The Dead Ops Manifesto" Strategy Guide:


    We, ClintSmeastwood and RZArazorSHARP20, the founding members of X-Box Live’s Wu-Tang Clan [WTC], in order to address the terrible quality of DeadOps play in the world, provide you, nazi zombie forum, with a guide to excelling at Treyarch’s only invitation to slaughter more than 5000 zombies in under three hours.

    Article I: Starting the Game:

    The first round is on the island map the largest map. There is no importance on sharing treasure and items on levels 1-5. If you can’t get past the first five levels, you suck. Too often on these levels you see people burning nukes and lightnings. You shouldn’t use an item or lose a life before round 8. If you do, swallow many many many prescription pills and rid the taxpayers of one more expense.

    Article II: Sharing is Caring:

    While rounds 1-8 exist for everyone to have a foot-race to gold piles and have lots of laughs about who got there first or who could swear to god that they should’ve gotten their death machine, once you get past this round into the challenge round Prison Break, the primary objective for the team is to stockpile lives by stockpiling multiplier. Make sure the person with the lowest multiplier is getting treasure.

    Section One: The Life Roulette:

    It’s crucial to understand that your lives are your partners’ lives. If a teammate has 0 lives and dies, they will automatically “borrow” a life from another teammate with lives to spare, and give the lending player a reward of 3 nukes, 3 lightnings, a helicopter, or a tank. So again, keeping that multiplier high so you can acquire the 9-life maximum is necessary in order to get past round 20. Having nine lives is not a signal to disregard your multiplier; if you start lending out lives to sucky teammates, you’re gonna want to be able to get 200k quickly and replenish your stockpile.

    Section Two: District 9:

    Remember that this is a team game, fellas. No player can have more than 9 of anything. So if you have 9 nukes and a nuke pops up on the map, don’t be a twat and take it for yourself, announce its location on the map and help somebody in need of a nuke get to it. There’s time, items sit on the map for at least 30 seconds (what feels like ages in DeadOps); so DON’T BE A TROLL AND TAKE IT FOR YOURSELF. You have 9 fucking nukes. Burn one and let your buddy pick it up. Everyone needs to be able to nuke for themselves if possible, calling out for a nuke is simply not an efficient way to save somebody’s life at later rounds. Naturally, all of this applies to lightnings. You can’t have more than 9, make sure there’s a good distribution amongst your teammates.

    Article III: The Room of Fates:

    By now, you have reached round 12, and the “Creepy Crawlers” challenge round. This is one of the harder early challenge rounds. It’s acceptable to die on this map; however, by now you should have preserved enough nukes/lightnings to save yourself from a stinky death at the hands of these crawlers. Somewhere between round 13 and 16, you will be taken to the Room of Fate, where you and your teemmates will each be given a permanent power-up: Firepower (permanent death machine), Furious Feet (permanent Lightweight perk and you start every round with at least 3 lightnings), Friendship (permanent chicken), and Fortune and Fortitude (base x2 multiplier, all weapons including tanks and helicopters last twice as long). We further postulate that the best fate combo for two-player DeadOps is Firepower and Fortune and Fortitude.

    Section One: Fortune and Fortitude:

    The person with Fortune and Fortitude must remain vigilant for tanks and helicopters. If you have Furious Feet and a helicopter pops up on the map, DON’T BE A TROLL AND RUN TO IT! Instead, use those fancy feet to shepherd the horde away from the heli so the Fortune and Fortitude guy can grab it and give everyone a breather.

    Section Two: Firepower:

    The person with Firepower already has the best weapon in the game. If you have Firepower, feel free to grab Pillars, Wunderwaffe orbs, “Fancy Feet” (the temporary Lightweight perk), turrets, teady bears, monkeys, and especially chickens (another death machine always comes in handy). But, for the love of Cthulhu, DON’T BE A TROLL AND PICK UP ANOTHER DEATH MACHINE! You don’t get double death machine, you don’t get a more powerful death machine; all you accomplish is preventing someone else from killing zombies more efficiently for a short period of time, and possible saving your life. Furthermore, Mr. Firepower, plow the fucking road. You must clear the path so the team can stay mobile and stay alive on the increasingly small maps.

    Section Three: Final note about the Fates:

    If the person with Friendship picks up a bird, it’s not a terrible loss, because that player gets a second bird and gets it for twice as long as anyone else would have had a single bird.

    Article IV: DON’T BE A TROLL!:

    There are more than enough zombies and other creatures to kill you without having to worry about doing something stupid and killing yourself, a teammate, or everybody. So here’s a list of Do nots in no particular order to make sure that when you die, it’s not because you’re stupid, but only because you suck.

    Section One: Lightning Poles:

    Don’t run into lightning poles. They turn red before they turn purple. Once they’re purple they kill you AND zombies on contact. They can be a benefit, but also a detriment. DON’T BE A IDIOT AND RUN INTO LIGHTNING POLES!

    Section Two: Catwalks:

    Don’t go on the catwalks on the Prison Break map. You will only trap yourself & miss out on drops.

    Section Three: The RPG:

    DON’T SHOOT RPG AT YOUR TEAMMATES! You will either launch that teammate into a hazard or make them lose their place visually on the map, getting them killed.

    Section Four: Flamethrower:

    DON’T PICK UP A FLAMETHROWER IF YOUR A TROLL! All it does is not kill zombies and lower your visibility exponentially, making it much easier for you to get killed. The ONLY time you should pick up the flame thrower is to concentrate it on a door way, which will slow zombies spawning from there giving your team a few seconds of freedom.

    Section Five: The Cosmic Silverback:

    DON’T RUN INTO THE COSMIC SILVERBACK! When he runs out at the end of a level, understand that he has a red shield around him and it can and will kill you if you touch him. That little piece of bronze treasure is not worth a life and is not worth cutting your multiplier in half. Give the ape a wide berth.

    Section Six: Helicopters & Tanks:

    DON’T HOVER AROUND YOUR TEAM IN A HELI OR A TANK! Use your invincibility to fearlessly shepherd the hordes away from you while your teammates chill on whatever side of the map is safest (be prepared to move around if necessary of course). But if you shoot that tank or heli missiles around your team, they can’t see and they’ll probably die.

    Section Seven: Treasure:

    DON’T LEAVE A ROUND BEFORE ALL THE TREASURE IS COLLECTED! What, that money is no good to you?

    Article V: Miscellaneous:

    Obviously we haven’t included every facet of the game, because quite simply nobody here has gotten that far yet. The tips in this manifesto should not be taken as dogmatic truths that cannot be broken. But this should be taken as a good piece of knowledge from two players who have been further in DeadOps than few others could dare to attest to. So if at any point in the future someone thinks something could be added, let us know, we’d be happy to add tips for getting past the dogs, or the Cosmic Silverback himself. ClintSmeastwood and myself play DeadOps at least once a day and rarely, if ever, die before round 40.

    Thank you for reading the "The Dead Ops Manifesto" Strategy Guide.

    By ClintSmeastwood & RZArazorSHARP20

    Finally enjoy this video from Telixion completing Dead Ops by killing the Cosmic Silverback, only to discover the ape has many brothers:


    :twisted: 8-) :twisted:

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