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Everything posted by Justin79234

  1. ive found a way to get all the switch's to get mist out but im sure what they do maybe you guys can help figure out what they do cus i havnt yet unless they dont do anything. but the order is shoot go to the room left of the theater shoot the switch across from were the mystery box should be there will be two switchs there and you shoot the one closer to you on the left. then go to the room left of were you start were the fire would be hit that switch. then go back to were the first switch you shot was shoot the other switch. then from were you start shoot the switch in the theater on the left side then the one across from it and then head to the switch were you start hit that and finnaly go the the alley where you while find a green switch near the end of the alley and hit that im not sure what happens after because i havnt really exploered on what would happen but maybe you guys will.
  2. Ive read through this whole forum and the mist that is release from the power box's mentioned in the beginning of this forum. i believe that they do have some affect to the game as no one has ever been able to get the mist to be released from all of the box's. i have been able to get it to relase this mist from 3 of the box's starting with the one on the right side of the theater, then the one by the room with the fire, and finnaly back beside the first one but the rest i havnt been able to get the mist to be released from the other three being the one at the begining and the two in the theater im not to sure if these will activate the green power box but its the only thing that seems to have the most relation to the "beware of the 6!" because there are six box's and i feel the need to beware of the crawler since they are easier then the zombies to kill.
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