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Posts posted by owner_101

  1. What perks do you think will be returning for CoD9? Obviously Juggernog will come back aswell as Quick Revive, Speed Cola might return but will the other ones? After all Double Tap was cut on Ascension and no one really uses Deadshot (do they?).

    Also what would you like to see added?

    Candolier (a cut perk)

    It would increase the amount of ammo you can carry by 25% (maybe 50%)

    It would cost 2500 (25%) 4000 (50%)

    Prk Bru (Irn Bru)

    Would increase/improve the effect of other perks that you have (e.g. Juggernog 8 hits, Speed Cola Reload even faster, Stamin-Up run faster and longer etc.)

    Costs 3000.

    Also they should increase the perk cap (maybe to 5?)

    Pro Perks anyone? Maybe doubles the cost of the perk to buy the pro version.

  2. What kinds of Easter Eggs do you want?

    -small ones e.g. notes, boards, noises etc.


    -radios, film reels, audio reels

    -giant ones (can only be done with 4 people)

    -giant ones (solo version, 2+ players)

    Which ones would like?

    I would like all of them!

    When the game is released this will become an Easter Egg thread.

  3. Well I would want CoD 9...

    Seriously though, it will be a W@W 3 or BO2


    Black ops was a continuation to W@W in a small way-Reznov, Nazis etc. so B.O 2 will be a small or direct continuation from B.O where Mason finds Reznov. (there's this code but I can't remember it so can some one explain it please)

    I looked at post-cold war wars but found small minor wars (either internal wars or very minor semi-global wars) so it might be Mason avoiding everyone.

  4. Interesting. Perhaps it's going to be exactly what everyone has nicknamed it: Black Ops 2. If this is true, makes me curious where exactly things will go as far as the operations they cover and even the time era, will it be the same?

    As the CoD wiki article says it is probably just a placeholder name.

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