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Posts posted by beefbobjones

  1. The mechanical elephant: Frustrated by a lack of decent tarmac in the jungle, as was evident during the Vietnam war, DARPA sought to create a mechanical elephant. Its vision of high-tech Hannibal piloting them through the forest never came true. It is alleged that when the director heard of the plan he scrapped the “damn fool” project immediately in the hope no one would hear about it.

    Giant robot elephants for kill streaks in Black Ops 2? I think yes.

  2. 0mfg Maxisss is the thief you guys are no0bz!!!!!1... Jk

    I do however believe that clarke is the thief because of the writing all of his body matching that of the thief and I really don't think treyarch is that lazy that they'd reuse clarke's texture.

  3. Listen, I personally don't believe that there is another step to the easter egg but there is something that I think needs investigating. I searched the forum and couldn't find anything in the first few pages about this so don't flame. When you have the death machine in the "final" step of the egg and walk onto the launching pad by the pap I believe Everything starts shaking. I personally have never tried it but I think I saw in a video once. Can someone please try this out. Thanks.

  4. Things I'd like to see in mw3 (lol that rhymed):

    Co-op campaign like from Waw

    different melee weapons like different knives or bayonets or even a taser

    no commando or riot shields

    Drivable vehicles in online

    and earlier this year in school I had to do project about military robots and wouldn't it awesome if they had this:

    instead of the RC-XD for a kill streak.

  5. Area 51 would be awesome but I think that Paradise will be in Vietnam. Because In the campaign mission Crash Site when you're driving the boats down the river near Laos one of the soldiers says: Welcome to Paradise. Also in that mission it says Dragovitch kills hundreds of Vietnamese with nova gas. Lots of dead bodies= lots of vietnam zombies. Plus their plane crashed that was holding all the nova 6 it might have been carrying 115 too cause Steiner may have been working on the zombies with Richtofen seeing as how he was a crazy german scientist from WW2. Also the leaves in the top right corner of COTD look like leaves you can see in that level in vietnam. And in DOA the temple at the end sorta looks like a Vietnamese temple.

  6. Interesting Fact: A pig's orgasm lasts for 30 minutes

    Hmmmm..... maybe we have to teabag the pig making it scream at 115 decibels and orgasm for 30 mins and that will start a huge easter egg.

  7. hey i'm new to this site i just wanted to submit something I noticed. I don't know if someone else noticed this first but in one of the transmissions it shows a baseball and a baseball diamond. In the new first strike map pack one of the maps is called stadium and is probably what the baseball represented. I don't know if any of the other maps they're making are hidden in the transmissions.

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