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TFG Dubz

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Posts posted by TFG Dubz

  1. sigh, ok for a start, it wouldnt look exactly the same would it?! ffs come on guys, treyarch are not only making it cartoonized but also doing it like a book, it would have to be redone from scracht anyway,

    The Plants may not be the same but the ARE in the same place! and they ARE SIMILAR plants, only a fool couldnt see that, theres even 2 plants on both if you look hard enough, in the SAME place

    i could give very good ingame details as to why SNN "Could" be set AFTER COTD and as of yet no one can proove it otherwise unless theres something i dont know from w@w

    Also as for the pictures do you deny simply observation that the Polaroid colors on SNN original loading screen are the SAME clors used for the COTD image? regardless of the fact they are different, Treyarch have changed things considerably so dont tell me they wouldnt for a second change a damn loading screen when in DER RIESE they changed the garage sign twice in updates (i mean a sign for a garage? and your trying to say treyarch wouldnt do this? seriously? its completely possible so dont dismiss it until the next map is released and im either proved wrong or right, dont just shoot the idea down)

    anyway the 2 pics mentioned for colors are below

    btw edited pics using my phone so no digs at my artistry, well proud of those arrows

  2. Er this is just me but wouldn't Call of the Dead be sort of like a Tunguska map? I mean its in Siberia and it would make sense to where those guys got their meteors from...

    Tunguska event happened over a forest if i remember correctly?

  3. because your saying complete bullshit. the announcer never says that...ever. maybe sarah does

    do you know the difference between the demonic announcer and Samanthas Demonic voice? or SMG's voice for that matter? they are completely different, this isnt being a troll as ive heard it 3 times now, and ive been playing Zombies since NDU on World @ War!, im not some retard who only discovered zombies when Black Ops was released.

    so kindly stfu with your misguided assumptions.

    Thank you dont come again

  4. why is it lately when i do the solo easter egg, when i get the Wunderwaffe DG-2 the Demonic announcer says either "I dont know what to do with all this Power" or "What shall i do with all this power"?

    ive done it several times now and ie had 2 different variations on the demonic announcer, and its definitely not Samantha, wierd thing is, out of the countless times ive done this easter egg, this is the first time ive started to hear this as of today

    troll... :facepalm:

    Wtf how is that being a troll?

  5. why is it lately when i do the solo easter egg, when i get the Wunderwaffe DG-2 the Demonic announcer says either "I dont know what to do with all this Power" or "What shall i do with all this power"?

    ive done it several times now and ie had 2 different variations on the demonic announcer, and its definitely not Samantha, wierd thing is, out of the countless times ive done this easter egg, this is the first time ive started to hear this as of today

  6. Simple truth is, they're not going to spruce up an already remade map and feed it to us again. People would be pissed, it's just not going to happen. Not sure why there's so much speculation about Shi No Numa being the next map.

    I think people dont seem to realize we dont play the maps in order, people think we.might get SNN again but in fact its a.hint at a timeline only if the leaf is a.cartoon version of shi no numa. We wont get shi no numa again because its already happened

  7. ^ But... There not the same leaf at all?

    Cartoonized version is the point ive been trying to make


    The Leaf IS in the right place compared to Shi No Numa original W@W loading screen

    Treyarch are NOW using cartoon book/style images for their loading screens (so therefore they could adapt previous loading screens)

    In the background leaf image of the original Shi No Numa Loading screen, behind the leaf is a Polaroid and it is the same colours as the cartoon loading screen image on Call Of the Dead

    Shi No Numa is set in the future, so therefore the call of the dead loading screen leaf could be a hint at Shi No Numas timeline being after Call Of The Dead (posted extensive data to support this on another thread)


    Although the same place, The Leaf is completely different, this could be treyarch simplifying the image, but none the less its a con as its completely different

    the Polaroid behind the Call of the dead Leaf is slightly different compared to the original SNN Polaroid

    also although not directly related to the image in question, In Call of the dead ive been told theres elephant noises that can be heard (still not heard them myself yet after al this time playing) anyway, as we know, theres no elephants in SNN, so if Call of the dead is set directly before SNN, then why would elephants be heard?

  8. As I stated in the other paradise thread, Treyarch didnt start using the cartoon loading screens till black ops, shi no numa is a w@w map.

    So no it isnt proof at all until the next map is announced

    That arguement is still extremely vague. Especially since they made the classic maps cartoony in Blops. Compare the Blops SNN loading screen with the WaW version:

    Even with the comic/cartoony theme of SNN, it still would be obvious that that corner was SNN.

    ok fair enough that is true, and unless the next map contains a loading screen with that exact leaf, then the Leaf being a cartoon Shi No Numa Leaf will still be the strongest possibility though

    and i do agree with the Black Ops classic map loading screens, however the originals were not cartoonized on W@W, and the Black Ops versions are not anything like the originals as far as ive seen although i dont own the Black Ops Classic maps (refuse to play twice for the same thing)

  9. As I stated in the other paradise thread, Treyarch didnt start using the cartoon loading screens till black ops, shi no numa is a w@w map.

    Therefore it could be treyarchs adaptation of the original, shi no numa is set in the future stated by the new radio easter egg so therefore it cant be set before der riese

    Secondly proof of a mixed up timeline is NDU was the first map yet TREYARCH THEMSELVES tell us NDU was the SECOND outbreak

    So no it isnt proof at all until the next map is announced

  10. So is was playing split screen in verrückt on BO with my friend, he was doing random box in the power room and i was just messing around there. But then i heard a voice and asked my friend and he heard it too. So i pressed square in de corner of the power room (left from random box) and i heard it again. It's a man and i think he said: 3...8...13...16...43...43.

    Can someone confirm me it was on Black Ops.

    EDIT: Maybe these number are a coördination?

    It happens at random times and repeats you cant trigger it manually, on a side notr its been therr since thr original on w@w

    Most people seem to be under the impression its to do with the show lost, however thr numbers are different so.therefore nothing to do with that

  11. Something doesn't add Up. These are the First Radios with Dates. The Date are After the War Ended. WTF? We know the Four Locations in WAW Zombies happened in Germany, except Shi No Numa. How was Group 935 able to be hidden so well from Allied Forces. I don't remember the Date displayed when your first start Verruckt to well but it was the same month Dempsy was captured.

    the only date mentioned was September 1945 in Verruckt, not very clear i know but can narrow down the date thanks to COTD to the nearest day or two

    and Group 935 wasnt hidden from the allies at all, after all they sent Agent Peter into Der Riese near enough as soon as the Facility was opened

  12. I don't remember hearing anything saying he was experimenting on Samantha, only that he says in one about getting rid of Maxis and "that little brat", meaning he didn't like her, whether it was that there weren't supposed to be family members involved

    Log entry 1471

    Date: September 2nd 1945.

    Dear diary.

    Another day, another failure. This time subject N3WB just slightly improved. The Russian subject still smells like urine. even after he was given a bath and deloused TWICE. I think i might have killed the specimen from Mexico. His spleen is on the floor and and he's not moving anymore. I can verify with certainty that the barrier is not located in the spleen.

    (static)Dr Maxis must continue no matter the cost. I wonder what he might think of the experiments on the little girl. ahahaAHAHAHA.

    *Animal screech* (which i believe is the monkey bomb)

    NIEN!!! drop that! That's my Spleen! MINE!

    Log entry 1475

    Date: October 1st, 1945

    Deeeeeaar diary.

    As for the control group tests. they have been put on hold. Recently i have discovered that Doctor Maxis has not been mass producing the DG-2 as he swore he would. If he wont move those plans forward, then i wont continue following his dream of an undead army!

    He doesn't deserve his perch of power!. He doesn't know what to do with it! but I know just what to do with him.... and ill take care of that little brat when i get the chance to......

  13. Alright, well the leaves arguement seems very vague. I think it would be a bit more obvious that that had they actually torn a piece off of SNN loading screen. Not to mention it looks like there's a large building or structure in the background of the leaves. SNN had huts, which leads me to assume that it's definitely not anywhere local to SNN.

    True the leaf is very vague, but my question would be why would they have a very small scrap of paper as a hint at another map? Weve had so many hints in nazi zombies for instance the lighthouse, its very clear, but a leaf? Not very helpful if its a clue to say Tunguska...

    Plus the background behind the leaf is extremly similar to the 1 in the same location on the SNN loading screen, all though as you have mentioned it looks like a building, I believe it is definatelty a clue, however its not something we can base a logical guess

    On a side note: whats this elephant noise or what have you im hearing abiut? Ive done the easter egg several times.solo and co op and heard all the skits inbetween but never heard an elephant or animal, is there a.recording of this about anywhere?

  14. sigh ok, let me say it this way then

    Der Riese > Kino - In Kino Richtofen Firsts Mentions about time travel, this is the FIRST TIME they have traveled forward in time aswell correct?

    Call of the Dead > Shi No Numa (Black Ops new Radio) - Also Mentions Time Travel, its not the same radio as the loading from Richtofen, so therefore negating the need for Richtofens Loading entry for Kino.

    The below link is to the said transmission

    If Shi no numa Happened before the Der Riese > Kino time travel then why was

    1. Time travel mentioned

    2. future mentioned "Back tracing us to the Future"

    i cant see why people are dismissing the idea of me saying SNN is actually set forward past Call of the dead, theres more than enough supporting it as possible

    yes i already know about the cartoon leaf, however as i have said in multiple places already, Treyarch didnt start using "CARTOON" graphic loading screens until Black Ops, SNN is a W@W map. so therefor there is a huge change the Green Leaf on Call of the Dead is a Cartoon representation of the SNN Leaf, it even features the same type of colour picture behind it on both

    and no, i dont want to here temple/jungle rumor as it features on the Nintendo DS zombie maps which i play also, a sound effect and a leaf is not enough to even support it as a estimated guess, unless you want to incude the Aztec /Mayan Link to the VRIL which im sure you know about dont you? ......."Shaman"

  15. Nah, Shi no Numa was the original gang's first encounter with zombies.

    In Ascension, one of Tank's quotes while waiting for the Pack-a-Punch is something along the lines of "I don't like Richtofen. I think I've seen him before Shi No Numa. Matter of fact, I don't really remember anything before that."

    ok, but the why would treyarch go out of thier way to include a new radio in black ops that specifically mentions time travel when they first traveled forward in time from der riese to kino, which is set after SNN....or as I said is it?

    We all know treyarch makes edits, hell der riese was supposed to be alot bigger but wasnt, so whats to say they didnt edit the story so to include a modern setting.

    Ok now mosts peoples argument will be about the wunderwaffe DG2, saying they go to SNN to get the DG2, well that I can now counter that, if indeed SNN is set after call of the dead, we get the wunderwaffe in call of the dead, so if it proceeds it, theres the link there

  16. :facepalm:

    Area 51? Failsauce. It will not ever be area 51, there will not be aliens, I've been having to explain this for two years now because people suck, there are not palm trees in the Navada desert, IT IS NOT AREA 51!

    Believe me i know what your saying, while 90% of ALL zombie communities (even a fair few on codz) believed map pack 4 would be area 51, and i spent alot of time and effort proving Area would not be possible, and it turned out to be true, however The team have traveled forward in time thus making it 100% plausible.

    Here me out, the Call of the dead loading screen offers 1 clue and is a clue to do with the timeline, although the right hand side is taken straight from Ascension, the right has been changed into the same cartoony graphics now used by treyarch, this happened long after Shi no numa, its a clue, it is Shi no numa.

    However the clue is saying the Shi No Numa is placed AFTER call of the dead, il further explain on why this is the case and why Area 51 is now fully possible

    - most though or believed the team parachuted into shi no numa, we know now this is not the case as the new SNN easter egg proves they teleported there

    - The original Easter egg radio lists 2 geographical locations, Tunguska and Area 51

    - SNN is set in the Future proved via Richtofen "Back tracing us to the Future

    this alone is enough to put SNN after call of the dead, but theres alot more to prove it but i dont want even bigger wall of text

  17. Theres no mistaking the shi no numa leaf and picture and the 1 on the left being from ascension, so from this we get the simple fact that call of the dead is set between ascension and shi no numas timeline

    Further proof of this being the case is shi no numas new black ops radio where richtofen states "back tracing us to the future"

    I still firmly believe paradise means paradise ranch aka area 51

  18. The containers are for restraining zombies, going by richtofens "the army is stored until I can fix this, this trust barrier"

    however this is where things get foggy

    Maxis and richtofen only worked together at Der riese, also nikolai dempsey and takeo were.experimented on at der riese

    So my question is, how did richtofen know about this place? despite the radios being here I doubt richtofen has ever set foot on the ship or the area in which call of the dead is situatedid, he knew the co ordinates to teleport to, and he knew the vril generator is here but how?

    my theory is simple but not easily proved, and goes back to ascension, yuri mentions a dairy, I believe this is maxis dairy, and could.have been found by richtoen while at ascension. But would.mean they would have.had to teleport from ascension

  19. yous do know that the other 4 radios transmit morse code after the vodka step and each tranlstes to a letter each:

    V R I L

    and its timed, and you'll get the samantha laugh...

    the dummy radios are only interactable during co-op easter egg hunt therefore are not part of the radio transcripts which can activate anytime

    wasnt that what i said?

    Yeah but this is for radio transmissions so I dont see what 4 dummy radios which can only be activated via easter egg has any need to be included, thats why I replied, I dont see the relevence

  20. I hated cotd when it was announced, but after playing, treyarch truely have created an almost perfect map


    Huge map (also a con)


    weather effects

    Original crew included

    finally after ascension a easter egg that can be completed solo aswell.


    great inclusion of.the DG2 as limited use gun

    Bringing sprinter zombies back from verruckt

    amazingly long easter eggs which are well worth the effort

    enviromental.effects on characters (ie water)

    new guns although the dissapoint imo

    in fact apart.from.the below cons cotd is an almost.perfect map


    Huge map, perks too far spread out in awkward places imo

    no traps as such

    miss playing as original characters

    new characters already annoy the hell out of me

    Virtual reality gun not really useful apart from.easter egg

    In short its.an amazing map, treyarch have listend to all communities well and for that they deserve an epic zombie.cookie

    Keep to.the forumula for the next map, however DO NOT include camping spots, no offense carbon I know you loved der riese, but the maps are getting alot bigger, and I dont see the point in sitting in 1 corner getting easy kills and sailing through the waves of zombies, tbh if you want that ask treyach to do a corridor survial game mode and have that, I wanna explore the map, I want to.survive, sitting in a corner isnt surviving, its a death spot where you wait die, if your surrounded in a.camping spot like.der riese thats it, game over, at least if your running you have more chance.

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