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TFG Dubz

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Posts posted by TFG Dubz

  1. I class any map not with the furious four team members as fillers mate, they provide alot of information to nazi zombies as a whole, but nothing directly related to Richtofens team

    NDU we learned was the second outbreak

    Verruckt we learn so much due to the wall writings, too much to post here

    Five we learn of what the americans have started to do, for a start teleporters powered by Element 114 which allows zombies to pass through etc

  2. @ swissGrizzv (first of all great post, thanks for your input :D

    i agree completely, as NDU, Verruckt and Five didnt actually feature the furious four, they are fillers imo

    but, kino is very important imo, this was the turning point for Richtofen as he then found out Time travel is possible and that started off his hunt for what i believe to be a self built space craft, but not just any kind of space craft, one that can travel not just through space, but time itself and possibly even flow freely through the Aether itself, looking back at the other maps il say why i think this

    Shi No Numa

    i believe this was only needed for the co-ordinates to Area 51, it was this that got Richtofen thinking imo

    Der Riese

    here is where Richtofen created the WW-DG2 and worked on teleporters, but more than that, this is where he got the ideas of a spacecraft, if you look at the boards in Der Riese, there is pictures of the Vril mk 7 "Spacecraft" along with quotes about same etc, These boards were Richtofens, of that im 99% sure

    Kino Der Toten

    It was here Richtofen learned time travel was possible, not only that, but found Maxis was using the Difference engine to travel to different places around the world via Aether Projections. which further back up the point im trying to make (although until Shangri-La is here, its still just an educated guess)


    Now in ascension, Richtofen learned you can travel to and even be released from the Aether, he also learnt of the Gersh device and the Casimir mechanism, the casimmir mechanism is what i believe Richtofen was after, and the whole reason for the Easter egg. Adapted into NAzi Zombies, and taken from the Casimir Effect, would provide a portable wormhole protection field around said spacecraft. but more importantly not only that, but allows you to travel freely and unrestricted through the Aether (proved by us fixing the casimir mechanism and releasing Gersh from the Aether)

    Call of the Dead

    This is an Easy one, the Vril generator, the power source for the craft Richtofen plans to make

    this is just a rough guess now but after the 28th i will be able to give more detailed and edited reasoning

    Area 51

    The reason for Area 51? the shell of a spacecraft so he doesnt need to built one from scratch, just put all the relevant parts in and bobs your uncle

    Richtofen doesnt want anything more to do with mj12 (illuminati, his quotes proved that) infact theres only 2 possibilities as to what richtofen is planning to build and why (at this current time in my chain of thought)

    1. Building a spacecraft (capable of timetravel) to escape the end of the world which is supposed to happen in 2012 december 21st

    2. but im starting to lead towards this, yes he wants to travel through time ect, save himself etc, BUT i believe richtofen is biulding this craft so he can freely travel through the Aether and STOP Samanha once and for all...yes bare with me and think about this for a second

    the one thing consistent with Zombies is the Fact Samantha is always there

    Richtofen is the one who Experimented on Samantha and is the cause of all the outbreaks

    Richtofen is looking for Samantha (kinos loading screen)

    I believe Richtofen wants to undo what he did and either free Samantha or destroy her

    ever notice where ever Samantha is, so are the zombies (before anyone says anything, Samantha Tricked Yuri into doing her bidding, therefore she was there long before the team and so were the zombies)

  3. as ive done a far few timelines for the various maps, and even done a huge complete timeline, figured id do one for this aswell, although it precedes directly after COTD, i believe its also coming to the end of Zombies as we know it (well the current story arc anyway(, i will shed some light to things of what im starting to see happening and what i believe to be true

    Time Set

    Precedes directly after Call of the dead but set before 21st of December 2012 (theres a reason why im this specific)

    now i know there seems to be 2 different light settings on this map which could indicate that night time could be when PaP appears but i also believe its there for another reason, and why there was a mayan 52 year calendar in Call of the Dead


    Mayans (along with other cultures) believe (or believed) that the world would come to an end on december 21st during the planetary alignment, aka Doomsday or Day of enlightenment. (if you look at the above picture you will understand)

    The reason why we are here is simple, Richtofen needs something from here, this is the whole reason richtofen has lead the team to each map, what does he need? the Vril machine? the secret mayan Spacecraft pictured below

    once we know exactly what richtofen needed from each location, we can deduce where he will take the team next

    Shi No Numa - Meteorite piece? / Co-ordinates to Tunguska and Area 51?

    Der Riese - Wunderwaffe DG-2? / Teleporter Technology? / info on the Boards?

    Kino Der Toten - Thunder gun? / Difference Engine?

    Ascension - Gersh device? / casimir mechanism?

    Call of the Dead - Vril Generator

    what is he building and for what reason?

    As richtofen already knows how to time travel himself (he did it and travelled forward in time to COTD) than we know it cant be a time machine persay, maybe its an ultimate teleporter but i doubt it, look at the spacesuit in Ascension and read below

    i believe its a spacecraft, maybe he thinks the world is coming to an end, Dead rising from the grave, biblical text etc, maybe he wants off the planet? maybe he wants to travel to the source of Element 115? possibly, but i do believe we will get those answers in this map

  4. America has had teleporters already, in Five powered by element 114

    now add that to groom lake terminal file and der riese radio, its clear america already has the tech

    I will say to people that searching through the multiplayer map hanger 18 will give us a peek at an area 51 zombie map

  5. i find it quite ironic and funny that Richtofen is played by the same voice actor who plays as Nathan Drake, in uncharted 2, in which he goes to shambala (Shangri-La)

    Gotta love Treyarchs sense of humor. I guarantee Richtofen (or dempsey) makes a quote or 2 to do with uncharted 2 or "someone called Drake"

  6. 52 years represents the 52 year Mayan calendar as far as i can tell going by the symbols they look mayan, so is it a possible map to a Mayan temple? or what about the fabled shangri-la?

    EDIT: or could be something as simple as a Lunar calendar

    Oh yeah, i still got the touch :D

  7. Ascension is top left, and Leaf* is top right, just thought id correct that. as for the theory, theres 2 theories on it atm

    1. the most popular, the top right is the next map, jungle temple what have you

    2. is a reference to Shi No Numa's loading screen

    although i love all these theories, we cant actually progress with more theories until treyarch tell us more, its either one or the other

  8. so if theres a calendar or something then to me that leads to mayans and that my friends, leads to South America cuz i dont think weve had a map there have we? no i do tthinkcso so that means a temple and there wil be a sorts of traps n stuff cuz i t s a temple u know

    this is all off the top of mychead

    they look mayan, or incan or aztec, but again, there is a moon directly in the center of the map, this is extremly confusing, but i believe now 100% its a map, there should be 2 words which have been ripped off which are

    Boreal = North

    Oriental = East

    Austral = South

    Occidental = West

    also made a start at looking into the other near impossible to read writing, so far its not even 90% complete but i think i might have a partial translation

    Como los amos

    paso en sobre

    Earth as moustros!

    As the masters

    step on

    Earth as monsters!

    theres alot of tears so is making things difficult, but we will get there (big thanks to MrRoflWaffles for pushing my attention towards it)

  9. 52 years represents the 52 year Mayan calendar as far as i can tell going by the symbols they look mayan, so is it a possible map to a Mayan temple? or what about the fabled shangri-la?

    EDIT: or could be something as simple as a Lunar calendar

  10. That was my Theory Too. I'm thinking after they Teleported to Kino from Der Riese, the DG-2 was Damaged. Richtofen, seeing how he created it, must of fixed it between Kino and Ascension. What I really would like to know is. How they Teleport to Call of the Dead from Ascension if there isn't a Telleporter in Ascension.....That we can't see at least.

    there is broken teleporter piece in ascension, but thats not how i believe they got there

    I believe either through the Gersh device (travels through aether im guessing) also, in Ascension we fix the Cassimir Mechanism, we know it freed Gersh from the Aether, so its possible Richtofen used the Powered up Black hole + Cassimir mechanism to teleport to Siberia (Call of the Dead), not far from Baikonur cosmodrome where Ascension is located. seem most likely answer so far imo

    That's a solid idea, but a heads up, it's Casimir not Cassimir

    my bad mate, am using my touch screen phone n thats the predictive spelling for it (saves me time and hassle, but yea, i did know that, took me long enough to help convince everyone its Casimir not Kassimir or kasimir :lol:

  11. The Thundergun is made by Maxis

    No, Richtofen thinks its created by maxis, however looking at the COTD radios about maxis not allowing americans into group 935, what makes you think he would except Russians aswell? PLUS as i said, there is russian writing on the Thundergun, Not German, He either stole it, or was secretly working with the Ascension group, theres no other reason to say why there would be russian on it unless im missing something? which i prob am cos im so tired n need sleep but wanted to reply cos i do love your and nayarcs threads

    I assume dropped by Sam.

    i dont think so in the slightest, the dairy pertains to Element 115, and Yuri wont let go of it , kinda gollum complex, which is why i believe its Maxis dairy

    According to the posts above, you can't get out, not that you can only stay in for a little, it's forever.

    oh but you can, Samantha came out and took gersh, not only that but not only do we travel through the aether when we teleport, but the Aether Projections allow us to interact with objects in the Aether projects also, so as time travel is possible, whats to say travel through the Aether projections to permanantly locate yourself somewhere else "Could" i guess be possible?

    I doubt that Maxis would have had a personal teleporter with him when he died, because I assume he didn't have one and also didn't think he would die.

    Terminal files state maxis Death is unconfirmed, therefore when Sam got sent to the Aether, Maxis went also, or to another place altogether, and continued research into freeing Samantha, so the fact remains, the pentagon thief not only has a group 935 logo on him, BUT, MAxis himself created the Teleporters, if anyone could do it, Maxis would be the one, given enough time and resources (which being in the Aether could do, look how Gersh got the Casimir mechanism working whilst in the Aether)

    I think it was the Group 935 American Operative (if there actually is 935 logo on the Pentagon's lab coats :| ) that Maxis was talking about to the letter to the Reichstag High Command

    ok, this could also be true, i dont really have a counter for this as you are completely right

  12. Boreal can also mean of the north.

    What I find most intriguing is the Borealian language connection which is a hypothetical "master" laguage of the northern races of Europe.

    Definately sounds like something the Nazis/935/Masons/Illuminati would have interest in.

    makes sense as aastral means southern, and as nay mentions, the x marks the spot, its a map after all and not a calendar, its in spanish, and could be linked to mayans looking at the symbols, however, could this be the work of Harvey Yena? mentioned in the COTD radios

  13. also looking at the pic, you can see a doted line ending with an x...

    do i even have to expalin :lol:

    hmm maybe richtofen wants to play pirates? :D

    also, i think ive figured out Richtofens goal nay

    all these items hes getting, and things hes learnt along the way, points to one thing....the end of the world. i think he doesnt want to be hear when it happens, hence why hes wearing a space suit (in preparation for something big)

    have more details but will post them on ur thread on tgp later on

  14. That was my Theory Too. I'm thinking after they Teleported to Kino from Der Riese, the DG-2 was Damaged. Richtofen, seeing how he created it, must of fixed it between Kino and Ascension. What I really would like to know is. How they Teleport to Call of the Dead from Ascension if there isn't a Telleporter in Ascension.....That we can't see at least.

    there is broken teleporter piece in ascension, but thats not how i believe they got there

    I believe either through the Gersh device (travels through aether im guessing) also, in Ascension we fix the Cassimir Mechanism, we know it freed Gersh from the Aether, so its possible Richtofen used the Powered up Black hole + Cassimir mechanism to teleport to Siberia (Call of the Dead), not far from Baikonur cosmodrome where Ascension is located. seem most likely answer so far imo

  15. i still strongly believe the team got from Kino to Ascension Through the Teleporter Aether projections thanks to the difference engine

    i mean if you look at all the minor details, for example

    The Thundergun, its Russian right? yet was in Kino, so did Maxis work with the Russians, or did he travel through the projections and take it from the Russians?

    The diary in Ascension Yuri mentions, was it dropped by maxis or better yet given to Yuri by maxis?

    your all going under the impression we can only stay in the Aether projections for a small amount of time, this is true....for us as the players...

    but i put it to you, what if the Pentagon thief IS maxis, and can use his personal PORTABLE Teleporter at whim anywhere he wants? the thief HAS the group 935 logo, Maxis does have the technology to carry this out

    before you dismiss this obvious link, id liketo remind you of the 4 Aether Rooms, he was obviously trying to Save Samantha, and the is an American airbase of sorts as another aether room, the american link IS there. just gotta look at all the angles, the difference engine was the key

  16. Shi No Numa was at Tunguska

    no, it really wasnt.

    "The Rising Sun Facility at Shi No Numa" means the Japanese facility, Tunguska isnt in Japan.

    Secondly terminal files state BOTH

    Shi No Numa



    as Element 115 locations. so no, they cant be the same place, and i really cant see how people still dont realise this, was pretty obvious since W@W that Tunguska was reference to the Tunguska Event, and the Fact Tunguska will be the map AFTER Shi No Numa in the timeline

  17. ok now all this is just an idea, but, it does make some sort of sense if you bear with me, this all due to great research from member nayarc, and info taken from my own thread on another site.

    Now why tunguska? easy enough, out of all the areas named to have Element 115 locations, the 2 (well 3) that are left are


    Area 51 (Groom lake)

    and the moon (which i believe is Ascensions link so i disregard moon for now.

    now why Tunguska? well, apart from the fact that Tunguska is extremely close to Where the team are in COTD? and for the fact its a not yet played map? well theres more.

    alot of people are saying that the loading screen plant is a jungle plant, and although true it could be, it could also be a connifer leaf species (pictured below are just a few examples)...let me explain.

    now on to Call of The Dead

    notice at the top of this image we have the word BOREAL

    well Boreal could refer to Boreal Forests, the Tunguska Event, happened over what was classed as a Boreal Forest.

    now im still going over the image, as it is probably more important that we know, anyway, il edit any more findings in later on today.

    Other meanings for Boreal

    A period in time

    the Canadian Shield (canadians mentioned in Ascension)

    borean languages


    52 Años

    translates to 52 Years, referring to the calender itself?

    Austral/ aastral

    Austral translates into southern (which would make sense as its at the bottom of the page, so is it a map and not a calender?

  18. well if my theory on SNN being set after COTD, that could explain why the DG-2 is in SNN if you get it in COTD, we all believe the DG2 was destroyed when the teleporter overloaded sending the team into the future, what if the DG2 was just damaged, and needed new parts from say Ascension and COTD to be fixed

  19. Kinos location:

    COTD possible location:

    Zhokhov Island this is different from the usual ideas of where Call of the Dead might be (look at Alphasnakes posts to see the other more popular theory on COTD location, anyway, the reason i picked this island is for one silly little reason, Zhokhov Island is mentioned in Stanley Kubrick's Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb as a place where the Russians built the doomsday device, the Doomsday device has also been linked (all be it loosely) to the documents entitled DEATH RAY in Zombies

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