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Posts posted by Zables93

  1. I don't think we're failing to work together at all. I think we've disagreed clearly, yes, but we've kept this conversation mature. Neither of us has flamed the other, called names, just been outright douchey, etc.

    If you're going to lock every thread that has a disagreement, you might as well lock them all. I'd say we've managed to do MUCH better than most other arguments on this forum.

  2. I haven't in any way said that the Cosmic Silverback would appear in any traditional zombie map. The only point I was making with my original post is that the Silverback HAS existed/been referenced in a map other than DOA unlike you said.

    I also never wanted the Silverback to be in reg zombies but if the connection is there, so be it..

    Also, the magazine can't be dismissed as a reused texture, because it has only been seen in Five. While campaign and multiplayer levels/maps may have reused textures from zombies, I highly doubt they would do the reciprocal to zombie maps. In multiplayer, they wouldn't expect players to look for clues and details, but to simply pass by a book for example. In zombies, knowing how thoroughly we search every inch of every map for any tidbits of information that exists, they know that we would see something like that and we'd be looking for connections where none exist.

  3. I'm not saying Five played a significant role, but that doesn't mean anything within it should be ignored or discredited.

    It is a part of the zombie story, however insignificant it may be.

    I personally take Five as a brief view of the zombie story from a perspective other than the original four characters, to show that the zombie problem isn't only occurring wherever the original four are.

  4. So from what I've noticed over the past few weeks, we have hit a dead end with Ascension. Not that there aren't more secrets on Ascension, but no one seems able to find them and there hasn't been any new news in AWHILE...

  5. No no no. I didn't mean they are the SAME PERSON. I'm showing that it's the same situation, and these people play the same roles. In no way did I mean to say imply that they were literally the same person. But iif they aren't happening at the same time, then why would the phones on Ascension only ring some of the time? and the characters from Five do answer the phones.

  6. Okay. So from what we know now we can tell that: Ascension and Five take place at the same time (the red phones on Ascension similar to the ones from Five, and when activated they place audio from Five.) Also, my friend and I were discussing it and what we've determined is that Richtofen=Yuri and Maxis=Gersch. Richtofen was Maxis's assistant, he went mad and "killed" Dr. Maxis with his own experiments (teleporter/hellhounds) and Sam wants to kick his ass. Yuri did the EXACT SAME THING to Gersch. He "killed" Gersch using the Gersch Device (under someone else's influence, possibly Sam) and is now being chased by Sam. The major differences are that one group is Russian and the other is German. They are fulfilling the same roles in a similar situation. Not that they are the same person, but it's like this: Richtofen is to Maxis as Yuri is to Gersch. Get it now?

  7. Okay so I've figured out that there is a doll hidden on the map for each character (Richtofen, Dempsey, Nikolai, and Takeo). I've found all of them except Dempsey's. Each character has multiple responses to the dolls, but I've only played as Takeo. If someone could get the rest of the responses, that'd be great.

  8. For one, last time I checked, this forum wasn't about correcting other's grammatical errors. You should work on your own before criticizing another's. This forum is, correct me if I'm wrong, made for people to share their ideas and theories about the zombies story. Also, Treyarch knows how big of a following Nazi Zombies has created. They know how every little detail of every map is scrutinized and researched by many, who will find every bit of relevant information that exists. They wouldn't put a story-irrelevant map in the game and lead us to believe that it pertains to the main zombies story if it didn't. The textures get reused over and over and over and over again multiple times, so that has nothing to do with making the map non-canon.

  9. In Dead Ops Arcade, the Cosmic Silverback is the final boss. In a loading screen hint, it states "The Cosmic Silverback has many brothers." Many people claim that Dead Ops is endless, but I believe that there is an end, although it's difficult to reach. Once someone plays through it at least 5 times, and I mean fight the Cosmic Silverback 5 times in one playthrough, then I will believe it. I would like someone to test this theory, as I suck balls at Dead Ops Arcade.

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