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Posts posted by Papi_Jr

  1. I know, Im saying the breakout happened in 1962 in both of those maps maybe but its hard to say what maps came before and after ascension

    Oh ok I gotcha now

    And how do we know FIVE is last? That outbreak occurs in 1962, but the one in Call of the Dead is in 2011.

    well i think in richtofen's eyes the futrue is kino and far in the future is Cotd and Five is in the middle but its the last map becausof the outbreak..

  2. well heres mine

    if been 15 prestige when i had 10 days..

    (this is from 7/15/11)


    Time played: 26 days 2 hours 35 mins 20 sec

    Total Wins: 4273

    Total loses: 2135

    Ratio: 2.01

    Best Streak: 41

    Kills: 81,652

    Deaths: 35,028

    KDR: 2.36

    Assist: 9073

    Accuracy: 18.79%

    Headshots: 5520

    Best Kill Streak: 49

    Top 3 most Fav/Kills weapon:

    M14: 11,270

    Mp5k: 5469

    ASP: 1339

    Top 3 most Fav killstreak:

    Spy Plane: 10,169

    Counter: 3410

    Blackbird: 411

    gold guns have them all..

    best K/d in a match .. 22..

  3. Im new here so bear with be.

    As we all know that the original characters are capable of time travel, and I read a theory that where you get the focusing stone maybe is Richtofens grave, what if when they traveled in time to call of the dead, the older versions of them went to shangri la and died and they travelled there and that is a paradox. I know it's a long diluted theory but it could be true.

    in the last radio in shangri-la the british guy says the same thing in the first radio...

    i dont see anything about a paradox or brock saying anything about a paradox

    the EE repeats so no matter wat there stuck in time..

  4. Im new here so bear with be.

    As we all know that the original characters are capable of time travel, and I read a theory that where you get the focusing stone maybe is Richtofens grave, what if when they traveled in time to call of the dead, the older versions of them went to shangri la and died and they travelled there and that is a paradox. I know it's a long diluted theory but it could be true.

    in the last radio in shangri-la the british guy says the same thing in the first radio...

  5. i dont think its the smg but more on the plyer than the gun.. u might need to be more skilledful with them (except the 74u need no skill at all) SMG'S arnt made to go head on with an assault rifle or with anything else...smg's are more on flanking and CQ.. ur not gonna snipe some1 with a mac11, but get closer to that person and flank them. u also gotta know the maps..

    i use alot of single fire weapons and pistols then fullauto but i dont go head to head ill get raped, but like i said flanking and speed is the smg's best friend.. i can still dominate with the silance uzi with scout pro and my asp..

    btw i also hate the dumbass snipers out there mostly on SnD.. running with the sinper come on man pull out ur pistols.. or quickscoping from a long range, just hardscope .. i know im not the greatest sniper but im smarter than the some of the dumbass snipers out there, dont get me wrong if ur super good at snipping then ill give u props, but still ply smart.. mostly on SnD

    sorry if i got a liitle off topic, hope this helps or not ...

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