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Posts posted by Matuzz

  1. I think you might have to take look on this one (taken from Terminal):


    BYE 0108-56


    1. The Ascension Group is a coalition of former scientists from the German

    Wunderwaffe program and Group 935. These scientists have been co-opted

    and organized by Soviet General Dragovich for the purposes of pushing forward

    Soviet weapons devlopment.

    2. The Lead is one Fredric Steiner and his focus was on the NOVA 6 program.

    He and the remnants of the Wunderwaffe scientists disappeared on 29 Oct 1945

    near the Arctic Circle. Around the same time, the Soviet Operation designated

    "Olympus" consisted of the 3rd Shock Army Special Operations unit led by

    General Dragovich.

    3. British Intelligence records state that MI-6 had a commando unit in the

    general vicinity but refuse to disclose the details of their presence there.





    So that ties up Group 935 and Campaing and this new map. :D

  2. I don't know but it does look like a sickle, brains to you !

    edit: i don't know how to do it, tell me and i'll add them :P

    Press that green thumbs up button next to my post. :D

    And thanks ;)

  3. http://www.xboxmb.com/forum/76-call-duty-black-ops/10064-all-black-ops-terminal-codes.html

    I suggest u take a look at these passwords and logins

    We already know the ones for the CIA server, we're trying to hack the DERRIESE server. The post at the beginning of that thread only seems to contain CIA stuff. Thanks for posting it anyway, it's nice to have a list somewhere.

    Yeah now we know:

    CIA users and passwords.

    Deramland users and passwords.

    Derriese users.

    We don't know anything about:

    DoD (Department of Defence)

  4. Remember the messages of Johns poems from Verruckt?


    TO: R. Oppen.

    FROM: V. Bush

    SUBJECT: RE: John Banana

    What a coincidence. I, too, found one of these strange limericks in the Verruckt archive. Like this one:

    "I once knew a soldier named Smokey

    He slapped me on the head and awoke me

    Turns out he was dead

    I cut off his head

    Yet but headless he still tried to choke me."

    I fear this poor man "John" may have lost his mind in Verruckt.


    TO: R. Oppen.

    FROM: V. Bush

    SUBJECT: Maxis Files

    My friend,

    I have managed to pull down and decypher a hanful of the Servant files from the Der Riese Datenbediensteter project. Dr. Maxis was a man ahead of his time. He was also a man obsessed and bordering on insane.

    I will forward to you what I have translated thus far. It is frightening material to say the least, but perhaps that is merely my mind making a subconscious association with today's date.

    How go the recordings?


    TO: R. Oppen.

    FROM: V. Bush

    SUBJECT: Another one

    My friend,

    I found yet another of those limericks from the Verruckt archive. Here it goes:

    "Despite the scary, anxious feeling

    Killing walking dead is appealing

    My first kill felt great

    Felt like my first date

    Kicking their brains right up to the ceiling."

    I feel like the boy who wrote these was trying to tell us something. I look at the meter, the chosen words, but nothing comes to mind. Perhaps you will see something. Maybe it's the letters?

    DK-MFK. Do you think this means anything? And then there's this one:

    "Smokey and I were trapped in a room

    We accepted our impending doom

    'Til we noticed a monkey

    Which seemed kind of funkey

    Until we threw it and it went boom."

    This John fellow must have been losing his mind. Monkeys that explode? Preposterous. We should discuss this over coffee.

    Now first letters of every line of every messages are:





    Now we try to maybe encode the message BUT remember we don't know original order of the limericks so we need too try change order of the messages. as now MIBAWIHTIYDKMFKSWTWU means E E.

    Also in the message it was set up like this DK-MFK so maybe only first two or the 3 last letters of each messages.


    I'm sure there is code to break in to some user of Der Riese server most likely Peter's

  5. This is a list of all possible users, passwords, commands, and files in the terminal

    roppen twalker fwoods jbowman jfkennedy rmcnamara rnixon drmaxis edward erichtofen nbelinksi peter samantha sophia tdempsey tmasaki amason asmith berlin jhudson jmccone jturner lbjohnson rhelms rjackson rkain sagnew tbrooks

    Possible usernames/passwords taken out of the wall of text....

    Now can some one say why these would be 100% real?

    Where we got these?


    And as we can see there is no PASSWORDS for users we know that are real....

  6. hey, me and my friends were playing Kino last night and i noticed 4 more portraits. they were didn't look completely blacked out, just really dark. they are visible in two areas that i am aware of. when you start the game up in the lobby run up the stairs on the left and go to the window, look to the right and you should be able to see four portraits on the wall. you can also see them from the room with the fire trap thing if you stand where the fire comes just look up in its direction. we couldn't figure out a way to make the characters (Dempsy..ETC) to say anything about them? we tried shooting them throwing grenades, monkey bombs but got nothing.

    the one closet to the window (Far right) we thought looked like Castro. This lead us to believe that these are four dimmed portraits of the playable characters from Five.

    Just thought i'd post this as i'd looked on the forum and saw that no one had mentioned it?

    Lets just noclip there and see :D

    (If someone has modded box or has enabled monkeytoy in PC)

  7. The meteor on kino. Im starting to think that that has somthing to do with it. maybe richtofen didnt start this at all. maybe the meteor crashed down creating a zombie and richtofen tried to train it and then it went beserk trying to kill everything in its path :|

    No that was Maxis, he was trying to train them and there were more than one zombie because in one of the tapes Maxis says bring me another after he kills it. Meteor was something to do with the teleporter and Die Glocke. Richtofen was at Shi no Numa when the meteor crashed and Takeo, Dempsy, and Nikkita went to check it out.

    They got element 115 from the meteor and they used element 115 to create wunderwaffe and other super weapons and teleporter. And it also created the zombies because the element 115 regenerate dead cells.

  8. I keep seeing posts here and there questioning the nature/legitimacy of the verruckt server. It is a server, but it isn't a remote server. "login veruckt" (only one R) will prompt you to enter a user name.

    Now, I haven't gone too deep into user name/password hunting because I'm usually with buddies who just want to play zombies/MP, but I have tried "JBanana" "Peter" "TDempsey". As far as passwords for those accounts (assuming they are actual accounts), I have no idea, but that is what the collective CoDZ mind is for. As has been previously stated, I believe the passwords, or at least clues to the passwords (for veruckt, derriese, and dod alike) are hidden within servers we already have access to. Perhaps try ENCODING passwords we've already tried?

    By the way, I've been lurking these boards for quite some time, but I've finally decided to jump into the fray. I've got a few topics in mind for posting, but until then, happy hunting!

    There is no verruckt server you can put login porn96 and it asks you username and password.

  9. I saw this stream of Five map before the game was released, and this guy got downed under one of the red teleporters.

    And I saw Group 935 logo flying in the portal. I might be wrong but I'm pretty sure it was that.

    But also the Five could be related because we know that Americans knew about element 115 and were developing something out of it.

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