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Posts posted by Matuzz

  1. :CLINDOEIL: OK @Matuzz 

    ​I'm not that interested in CoD MP anymore nor the futuristic campaign stuff and I don't see value in spending 120 € on Zombies alone after Black Ops II zombies for me was such a big dissapointment. So I rather focus on other games.

  2. Man the comments in this thread is rubbish filled with pointless console fighting.


    Anyway, Sony is upping their game and it seems they are grabbing the CoD DLC early for their platform. PlayStation 4 dominating the market sure helps them to push more 3rd party contracts I guess.

  3. 1. Fallout 4

    2. Destiny: Taken King

    3. Uncharted: Nathan Drake collection.


    Never had PS3 so it's nice to get the Uncharted trilogy as remaster. I enjoyed a lot of the Last of Us Remaster. Fallout 4 a must have of course, I have played all the previous Fallout games and Wasteland 2 and there is just something amaxing about these post apocalyptic RPGs. And then Taken King expansion for Destiny. 

    ​I add Uncharted to my list now too. I never had a PS3 either, so it's good to catch up on the exclusives I couldn't play before. Never played much Fallout, so I wasn't expecting to like the trailer anyway, and I didn't, so I'll have to see gameplay first.

    ​Honestly trailers and not even gameplay tell you truly what Fallout is. You make your character and pick your skills and perks and upgrade them as the game progress and you gain experience. The game is heavily focused on story and you will directly affect how the game will progress with your choices. You can choose to be good or evil or waht ever you want. The map is huge and there are multiple different and crazy factions in the post apocalyptic world. You can gain them as your friends or enemies. The game will also provide some comedy gold.



  4. 1. Fallout 4

    2. Destiny: Taken King

    3. Uncharted: Nathan Drake collection.


    Never had PS3 so it's nice to get the Uncharted trilogy as remaster. I enjoyed a lot of the Last of Us Remaster. Fallout 4 a must have of course, I have played all the previous Fallout games and Wasteland 2 and there is just something amaxing about these post apocalyptic RPGs. And then Taken King expansion for Destiny. 

  5. Looks promising, shame it's not done by the guys behind New Vegas, but that was to be expected. NV was right up there with the classic Fallouts.


    If they pull this shit again I'm so fucking done with Bethesda.


    Yeah New Vegas was made by Obsidian which was previously Black Isle Studios that created Fallout. The Original story writer included.

  6. Do you think we are going to see new Mason or perhaps David coming back? The future technology might have kept him young enough that he could come back as a commander. So far we only know the first names of some characters. Also the Single player campaing having Co-Op could give us quadruplets. :D





    • Rumors of PlayStation getting the exclusivity started before any of the trailers were released.
    • In each and every trailer for Call of Duty the Xbox has been slapped somewhere. For example in Advanced Warfare reveal it was stated that game play was from Xbox One. In the BO III reveal Xbox was not mentioned.
    • In the callofduty.com pre-order page the game cover displayed is from the PlayStation 4. To me this is the most convincing thing there to say at least that the Xbox doesn't have exclusivity. In all the previous games the cover art has been for Xbox.
  7. Rumors say it although there is no Basis. 

    Playstation likes to stamp their name on everything. Just look at Destiny. Every commercial for destiny treats it like it was a PS4 exclusive even though both consoles are the same with no differences.

    PS4 has exclusive content for 1 year in the base game and every DLC for Destiny.

  8. Matuzz if that were true you wouldn't be here. 


    Furthermore, what if this story is the story of the O4 in argartha? Is that possible? Thoughts? 

    ​I'm here to see the news and what they game will look like and what it will turn out to be. I have not even decided if I will buy it. What I'm sure of is I will not buy it at least on the launch. I will wait and see the actual hands on impressions of the community. Part of why I'm here was also that I like figuring out the cryptic teaser things Treyarch does, and I don't need the game for that. Heck I got the Black Ops DLC packs only way after the last DLC dropped when they all wen to sale. Didn't stop me from doing my theory content.

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