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Posts posted by AgentA

  1. I'd much rather the easter eggs be so hard to find, that ti would take us a month to even find 10% of them, then the easter eggs to just be plain easy, and finding them all in the first week.

  2. I don't think its likely, Activision dropped WAW's 4th map pack because it was near to MW2's release so i imaging there gonna wan't all the attention to be on MW3. So as much as i want there to be more zombie maps i doubt there will be.

    As far as the exclusivity deal goes i imagine either Microsoft or Sony will try to sign a new deal ;(

    Might be Sony this time around. I think they learned their lesson.

  3. While thinking, I thought of something (I know, strange, right?)

    With Map Pack 4 coming out at the end of August, for PC and PS3 around the end of September, they could then release a fifth map map near the middle of October and release it to PS3 an PC right before MW3 comes out.

    Sound like a plan?

    Also, might I say, that MW3 is the last game that falls under the exclusive agreement between Activision and Microsoft, so in the next Treyarch game, everyone will get zombie maps at the same time!

  4. Guys, listen. I have heard numerous times that the new map Rezurrection that is coming out on August 23rd is out for ALL consoles at the same time. Is this just a rumor or is it true? I have a PS3 and would be really happy if it came out for all the consoles at the same time. No exclusive dates for different consoles, the map pack comes out for every console at the same time. Sound.

    Well, this is actually really simple. If you weren't lazy and actually looked at the official Call of Duty website for yourself, you'd find out it says:

    Available on XBox 360 on August 23 and coming soon to PS3 and PC.
  5. Many people, including myself, didn't get the Hardened or Prestige edition of Black Ops and those who did got codes for the classic maps revamped for Black Ops. I didn't have much money at the time but I was still able to get the normal version. I think it's unfair that only people with a ton of money can get that kind of version of a game. If any of you agree this is unfair please reply.

    No. That would never happen, and it isnt going to. Suck it up, they arent even that good, theyre better for WaW.

    I love how this really DID happen. You, sir, must feel like an idiot.

  6. Been reading alot of the stuff on here for a while and figured I would share my idea for what could happen with Richtofen's master plan. Basically the gang goes to the moon to get the final piece for Richtofen, they then take all three pieces and put them into the QED and you should get the super weapon of super weapons, but something goes wrong and Richtofen is transformed into a boss zombie that you need to kill in order to finish the easter egg. It kinda makes sense based on all the things found in the poster and the info that was posted by 3arc, but then again I'm a noob at all this still and could be completely wrong, gotta start somewhere i guess lol.

    What would happen, then, to the person playing as Edward?


  7. I actually do feel like Carbon should put up a forum wide ban on talking about easter eggs for the first day at least. At least that way, people might try to figure out things on their own.

  8. Alright, as we all know (unless you live under a rock) that the new zombie map, Moon, is being released soon. Now, this thread is here to debate whether Moon comes before or after Ascension. I will provide evidence both ways.


    Scenario: Using the rocket to fly away from the zombies, the Crew lands on the moon for the final battle.

    Proof: As you can see, in this picture, the earth looks beaten, and the zombies look stronger than in Ascension. It also kind of makes sense for this to be the final battle, also.


    Scenario: Flying back from the moon to Earth, the Crew are greeting by Samantha's army.

    Proof: They land in Ascension on a lunar lander, something no one has been able to explain to this day. They also look beaten and worn, and the rocket BLOWS UP during the time you play.

    Discuss this and debate, CoDz.

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