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Everything posted by CrazyApple

  1. Would be fun, but only flip the maps not everything..
  2. They cant, its impossible (litterly) because if you have something you want to work like "Press X 2 times to activate radio" they do that in the gsc. Thats where you put all the scripts, you cant "hide it" or the engine cant read it. I am a PC mapper and I know alot. If you want to know the bell is even in the map, extract the fast file with a fast file extracter and get the gsc and see if any bell sounds are scripted to play. If it isnt in the GSC......it isnt in the map. I plan, very soon to create a decompiler but I first need to do some research, very deep.....and if it works out correctly I can decompile d3dbsp and fast files. Yes but he is not looing at those gsc's, he is looking at the default ones in the raw folder. You don't know what your talking about. IN the folder called "raw", there are the .gsc files. If you edit them, you made a new mod. AND YES, THERE ARE ALL EASTER EGGS IN IT. THERES NO WAY TO HIDE IT!. Also... i flue around der riese with /noclip.. and gues what? I didnt find any new easter eggs besides the ones that are already found. And if you don't know what a "gsc" or mod tools means, then don't play the hero... Bell = fake.. Want proof? Get cod waw on pc, download mod tools...
  3. sounds and scripts are decompiled from the .ff files they are in a folder called 'raw'
  4. oyea? why would they release mod tools so that they can 'hide' their scripts? No. Besides i found all der riese easter egg scripts so don't tell me it's undiscovered. Oh and, the bell sounds after the bug? yea, that makes alot of sense. Edit.. even if it's true, it's not the game, it was probably your crap sound card or your high. Obviously not the game. Ever thought about how much sense this all makes? C'mon, what does a hanging body has to do with a bell?
  5. if you see "hanging body" in that script, your halucinating. You were talking bullshit. Theres no such easter egg as the one you told. First of all, if you find an easter-egg, you would have uploaden it. Secondly, if it's true what you were saying, it would have been discovered a long time ago. But no, all that is bullshit!
  6. Ammo-o-matic... why did they declude it? Could have been a nice Perk!
  7. Will there be zombies at 1st of september review? Since Co-op is related to Multiplayer that means zombies could also be revealed...
  8. Ok, i just signed up to say that this bell thing is BULLSHIT. You little kids, go to hell! Heres the script of the whole shi no numa map! radio_eggs() { if(!IsDefined (level.radio_counter)) { level.radio_counter = 0; } while(level.radio_counter { wait(2); } level thread play_radio_sounds(); } battle_radio() { if(!IsDefined (level.radio_counter)) { level.radio_counter = 0; } battle_radio_trig = getent ("battle_radio_trigger", "targetname"); battle_radio_trig UseTriggerRequireLookAt(); battle_radio_trig SetCursorHint( "HINT_NOICON" ); battle_radio_origin = getent("battle_radio_origin", "targetname"); battle_radio_trig waittill( "trigger", player); battle_radio_origin playsound ("battle_message"); } whisper_radio() { if(!IsDefined (level.radio_counter)) { level.radio_counter = 0; } whisper_radio_trig = getent ("whisper_radio_trigger", "targetname"); whisper_radio_trig UseTriggerRequireLookAt(); whisper_radio_trig SetCursorHint( "HINT_NOICON" ); whisper_radio_origin = getent("whisper_radio_origin", "targetname"); whisper_radio_trig waittill( "trigger"); whisper_radio_origin playsound ("whisper_message"); } radio_one() { if(!IsDefined (level.radio_counter)) { level.radio_counter = 0; } players = getplayers(); radio_one_trig = getent ("radio_one", "targetname"); radio_one_trig UseTriggerRequireLookAt(); radio_one_trig SetCursorHint( "HINT_NOICON" ); radio_one = getent("radio_one_origin", "targetname"); for(i=0;i { radio_one_trig waittill( "trigger", players); level.radio_counter = level.radio_counter + 1; radio_one playloopsound ("static_loop"); } } radio_two() { if(!IsDefined (level.radio_counter)) { level.radio_counter = 0; } players = getplayers(); radio_two_trig = getent ("radio_two", "targetname"); radio_two_trig UseTriggerRequireLookAt(); radio_two_trig SetCursorHint( "HINT_NOICON" ); radio_two = getent("radio_two_origin", "targetname"); for(i=0;i { radio_two_trig waittill( "trigger", players); level.radio_counter = level.radio_counter + 1; radio_two playloopsound ("static_loop"); } } radio_three() { if(!IsDefined (level.radio_counter)) { level.radio_counter = 0; } players = getplayers(); radio_three_trig = getent ("radio_three_trigger", "targetname"); radio_three_trig UseTriggerRequireLookAt(); radio_three_trig SetCursorHint( "HINT_NOICON" ); radio_three = getent("radio_three_origin", "targetname"); for(i=0;i { radio_three_trig waittill( "trigger", players); level.radio_counter = level.radio_counter + 1; radio_three playloopsound ("static_loop"); } } These are all the fucking easter egg radios. NO ONE SIGN OF A FUCKING BELL OR A HANGING BODY! Fuck you! Thanks for understanding.
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