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Posts posted by BlackOpsTiger

  1. Another thing to think about is that the workers at the base or the zombies at least don't have a specific country denomination. Perhaps it was a joint effort between the US and Russia? The space race could have been a cover up. Who knows we'll find out soon though.

  2. Just saying, the Doomsday clock on Nuketown is an EE that counts down the match timer and when it finishes, the nuke goes off in the ending screen (where everyones' points show).

    Yep that's pretty cool how they did that at the end of each map, that's a lot of radiation and rebuilding :P

    Anyway, there are a couple of references to Zombies in Nuketown, like most other maps here is a video I found about it


  3. Nice theory, it would really make since if they set up teleporters to get more 115.

    The thing that is strange to me is that in the footage we've seen so far there are "jungle" like areas or at least areas with vegetation in the dome area.

    Where they keeping creatures there? There are tons of NOVA gas containers everywhere, perhaps this is where the "aliens" were created? I don't know my mind is running wild, can't wait until the 23rd now :D

  4. Good theory man.

    I have another theory though:

    Trinity is referring to the Trinity Atomb Bomb test performed under the Manhattan Project.

    Here is another reference to the Trinity tests on the Nuketown loading screen

    Trinity and Operation Latchkey, both Nuclear Tests

    - You also said that a metal plate says that "The Power will destroy us all"

    I believe this "power" is the Atom Bomb. I won't go into a whole lot of detail here, but Treyarch has given us a lot of hints that the Nuclear testing also fits with experiments at Area 51. But for what reason?

    - Obviously what could destroy us all? MAD? (Mutually Assured Destruction?)

    Doomsday Clock is in Nuketown :o

    - Wasn't there also an achievements leak (might be fake) that said the final Achievement would be "End it All".

    - Perhaps they have been trying to put all of the Zombies up to the moon and nuke the hell out of it?

    - Sure would make since that "The Power" would be about some kind of Nuclear device to get rid of the Zombie infestation around the world.

    Maybe we will see something like this for the final Easter Egg?


    Hopefully, Richtofen, Takeo, Tank and Nikolai were all in Area 51 when this happens right :lol:


    Zombie Community Project

    Chapter 1 - The Radios



    Chapter 2 - Reviving GKNOVA6 Viral Docs

    Chapter Notes -

    Many theories have already come out about the moon map coming as the last DLC for Zombies in Black Ops.

    Many people within the Zombie's community already know about the possibility of a "Nazi moon base" and the "s-4" or Dark side of the Moon base connections.

    The real point for this chapter is to explore the possibilities of what this base may very well be and if it can be connected to a base that many claim the Nazi's built on the Dark side of the moon near the end of the War.

    There are several other Key theories about it possibly being an alien base and several other things, but after all didn't this start out as NAZI Zombies? And I think I can connect the possibility of it returning to a Group 935 base where it all started, and ends? :cry: I sure hope it won't be over.

    Story Notes -

    The point of this story is to help decipher and determine the entire backstory of zombies with the help of the community.

    I'm going to do this by starting the story with various Chapters. There will be a lot of Chapters. I will begin the chapter with my thoughts on the subject. The community however is the real point for this story. I will be taking comments from people about what they think about the backstory and will modify the story.

    After we have completed many chapters and we think everything is connected we will write up the story and send it to Treyarch and see if we get a response about our work.

    So leave replies telling me what you think, If i'm wrong, If I did a good job, what the next chapter should be about, etc. and let's just have fun

    Treyarch has created a great backstory to the Zombies mode we all love, it must be fun to watch the community try and make theories about the story. But maybe one day we will finally get the story right? :D

    PART 1 - What is this about a Moon Base?

    - Time and time again, there have been claims about colonization or settlements on the Dark side of the moon that NASA tells us we can't see here on Earth (which may or may not be a lie itself, a lie is a lie)

    The particular theory we are going to look at is the Nazi moon base supposed to have existed. So here is the general story about the Nazi moon base:

    - It is said that the Nazi Empire had a secret plan to go to the moon for whatever reason, some say just in case they start to fall, some say for other reasons but regardless of the reason they had to get there somehow.

    - We see Treyarch beginning the Nazi Moon base story with Der Riese. We see that the Fly trap was here which was of course to "hold" the UFO spacecraft. We can also see the plans for the "vril" saucers on the Der Riese chalkboards and much more substantial evidence that "Die Glocke" was fully functional and had indeed been tested as we see translated in German on a bullletin Board in Der Riese telling us "Die Glocke is Mobile"

    Die Glocke note on Shi No Numa

    Fly Trap, the glowing items rotate up and ascend away like a UFO

    On chalkboard in Der Riese, blueprints of a working VRIL-1 flying saucer

    "Die Glocke is Mobile. They got it to work and fly

    - What happened after the construction and testing of the successful "UFO" models is unknown. But the most popular theory is that:

    1. the Nazi's either went straight to the moon or

    2. Went to an area of Antarctica known as New Swabia and built a "tunnel to the middle of the earth" there for there alleged belief in a hollow Earth with the Vril in the middle and used it as an area to send their UFO's to space, or the moon.

    - But is there ANY proof that the Nazi's were developing UFO's capable of ascending to the moon, before space shuttles? Absoultely, Part 2 :P

    PART 2: Proof of Nazi UFO technology

    Many of us here already know that the Nazi's most likely were able to produce working disc-shaped Aircraft, they were even given a name during WW2, Foo Fighters.

    I'm only going to go over a couple of these that are even relevant if at all to the storyline.

    1. The Bell

    - A lot can be related to the Bell and how it was actually both a "UFO" and a "time travel" device, in fact it is the most famous of the Nazi UFO's.

    I won't waste to much space and time here on it other than saying the technology behind it, and possibly even the teleporter can be seen with the Free-Energy experimentation notes on the Chalkboards. There is already a great page explaining that right HERE:

    http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/home/i ... &Itemid=91

    Here is also a series about it on YouTube, showing it may have been possible that the U.S. recovered "The Bell" in Kecksburg Pennsylvania and transported it to Wright Patterson AFB.

    *An interesting note is that in the Dreamland terminal files T. Walker is possibly the Son of Eric Walker, Who actually had a phone conversation and confirmed he had meetings with MJ-12 at Wright Patter AFB about the recovery of a flying saucer


    2. "Avro" Circular Disk Design

    - Recovered from Der Riese in Breslau, a non-rotating disk with spinning blades for flight this model was recovered by the Soviets during their raid of the facility. The designer Richard Miethe fled to the US with the help of France and continued to work on the "avro" car. In real life this wasn't much of a success :P

    PART 3: VRIL connection the Nazi UFO's and possible Moon Base

    - Many of us already know a lot about the VRIL society.

    - The Vril generator allowed a gateway to open to "paradise". Which was really a gateway to "agartha" or a gateway to a hollow Earth where the "Vril-ya" race existed.

    - But the VRIL society is alleged to have created many of the Nazi UFO's. In fact, the Model on the board in der Riese "Vril-1" is supposed to be the first developed by the society.

    - The Vril of course with their esoteric Occultic beliefs adopted the "black Sun" as a kind of symbol. We see the words for Black Sun Schwarze Sonne on the chalkboard in der Riese also. Perhaps it is possible that within Group 935 the Occultic Nazi influence was spread and mixed with the Nazi's war plans.

    Black Sun Empire establishing Moon base?

    - This would mean that the Vril's beliefs may indeed coincide with the plan to go to the moon. The supposed trip to "New Swabia" was also a expedition to look for the gateway to the Vril-race in the hollow Earth.

    Notice the small entrance in the Antarctic, could be where the Nazi's going to the moon entered the hollow Earth that the tunnels in Shangri-La connect to

    - But what does this have to do with a moon base? Well if the "black sun empire" as we will term it now was established to go to the moon and found a base, the Vril generator was alleged to posses "vril energy" which some people claim is what was able to power the UFO's

    - While this may not exactly be true, it certainly was able to be used in the dimensional travel with Richtofen and his crew to arrive in Shangri-la.

    - So perhaps it can key into other locations, perhaps another location the Vril would have established could have been on the moon, this may have allowed for inter-dimensional time travel that is claimed to be able to happen with the Vril generator.

    - It may even be possible that when using the Vril Generator reaching the Aether dimension in which Samantha mysteriously may reside could be possible eventually?

    PART 4: References to Nazi Moon base in Popular Culture

    - We all know Treyarch had to get there ideas from somewhere, and by looking at some of the places they talk about a Nazi Moon Base in books and movies we can actually see connections that might make sense with the Zombie backstory.

    1. Rocket Ship Galileo

    More info here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rocket_Ship_Galileo

    - This book was published in 1947 right around the time when many people started coming out and exploring what the secret Nazi programs were doing. It is basically about 3 boys being recruited by a MANHATTAN PROJECT scientist to go to the moon by a rocketship burning off from nuclear materials.

    - They eventually do get to the moon and find out their is a Nazi Moon base and the craters there are actually from the Nazi's wiping out a previous alien race on the moon.

    - The funny thing is that Treyarch has given us clues about the storyline that show the Trinity test, Manhattan project, AND Nazi Nuclear weapons are involved in the storyline somehow, but I will get to that in the next part.

    Looks like an interesting read for those interested in a Nazi Moon Base. Remember this was way back in 1949

    2. Iron Sky


    - What is supposed to be a fictional comedy releasing in April 2012 deals with the Nazi's developing breakthrough UFO technology near the end of the war. They go to New Swabia to build a base where they transport materials and people by UFO to create a base on the Moon.

    - The other interesting thing about this is that it is one the Dark side of the moon and is named Schwarze Sonne or Black Sun.

    - So basically this looks very similar to what could be happening in the Zombie storyline with the group (vril or 935?) that developed the technology going to the moon and establishing an empire.

    - The last note is that their is a video game about it titled Iron Sky: Operation Highjump, I will get into that in the next and final part.


    PART 5: Recovery of Nazi plans and Quest to get to the moon

    - This part is going to be dealing with what happened after the Allied forces learned about these secret plans and what they did.

    - Treyarch sent us a lot of documents before the game came out and no doubt they were related to zombies, more on those HERE:


    - In these documents we were given a lot of papers about continuations of what the Nazi's had done during WW2 under programs within the US and studies of the things the Nazi's did and how they did it.

    -Many were about I.G. Farben the company that allowed Germany to gas so many in the death camps, which most likely was found and continued to develop the NOVA gas which we see in the crawlers everywhere.

    - But anyway, many documents were about MK-ULTRA which shows us that whoever was over-seeing these recovered items knew about Dr. Maxis and Richtofen trying to control subjects minds, most likely for an undead army.

    - But the important thing here regarding the moon is that some of these documents were about the German's testing Nuclear weapons and chemicals deciphered in the shape of a bell that could only be explained as Mercury X-525 (powered Die Glocke) and other compounds and elements found in Majestic-12 documents about UFO crash discoveries.

    when deciphered this pattern of numbers shaped like the teleporters or Die Glocke has numbers of elements used in nuclear reactions and recorded in MJ-12 crash reports

    - But probably the most interesting and relevant thing relating to the moon was the mention of Operation Paperclip showing rocket scientists brought in from Nazi Germany to develop rocket warfare and eventually alternate ways to reach space.

    - So what we have here is basically mention that after the War the allied forces (mainly Us and USSR) learned about all of the things planned for Nazi Germany.

    - This is important because we can see a pattern emerge as the US and Russia both race to space most likely as a result of learning that there were plans to reach space, all of this most likely classified for a long time.

    Operation Paperclip ensured that none of the knowledge about the Moon base or UFOs or teleportation/inter-dimensional travel was lost

    - Another very interesting thing is that the U.S. even ended up sending their navy to Antarctica under Operation Highjump to establish a "research base". This was all classified.

    - It is very likely that, fitting with the zombie storyline, this expedition may have been carried out after intelligence of a Nazi base to launch aircraft to the moon was discovered along with the other Nazi secret programs.

    In search for New Swabia!

    - The link between Area 51 and the moon can also be explained by an attempt to travel to the moon and perhaps learn more about the teleportation experiments originating in Der Riese.

    - Many Nazi scientists are rumored to have gone straight to classified projects in Area 51 after the war under Operation Paperclip.

    - For even further evidence of a connection we can look at the files in the terminal and see that the "Dreamland" (area 51) members had files about Der Riese and Verruckt and were heavily involved in experiments relating to Lumineferous Aether research in an attempt to perhaps travel to another dimension or just the Moon Base itself.

    LINK TO ALL DREAMLAND SERVER TRANSCRIPTS: http://gkhorrors.weebly.com/dreamland.html

  6. Foxhound said this when he closed it on the other forums:

    I removed it. Not Treyarch, not JD 2020, not any of the Zombies guys, just me. If me removing spam and threads to purge out is seen as somehow validating someone's point of view then you guys are supremely caught up in the hype of this guy's story.

    Why he was banned?

    Two accounts linked to the same IP posting simultaneously. Both accounts created within 24 hours.

    • treyarch betrayer

    • idiotic noodles

    His account was banned for that reason. This forum has honestly seen this scenario happen repeatedly. Someone with amazing information comes forward and claims to know everything about a future feature, map or game. People get rolled up into this mess and then it ultimately falls through.

    Believe what you want.

    So it looks like someone just made two accounts in one day and made up a story. He didn't confirm or deny anything but he did say it wasn't Treyarchs decision to take it down, he took it down because of spam.

  7. Well, this is my first time logging into my YouTube, CoDz, PTG, etc. account in nearly 2 months.

    One of my good friends directed me here.

    And I would just like to say, SORRY, to everyone really during the whole fake campaign. I was being so childish getting caught up in something not affiliated with Treyarch and being a contibutor to the chaos and confusion surrounding the campaign.

    I guess I was wishing for more than Treyarch gave us and was being greedy about it :)

    But anyway, I will agree profiting off of lies and copyright infringement aren't things I condone. I still respect the guys from PTG for the most part, because I know they are hard-working zombie loving guys just like us. And you know what they say Forgive and Forget, so let's do that guys.

    We all love Zombies, let's cherish the last map (most likely) for Zombies in Black Ops. Let's come together as a community across several websites and create conspiracies again and theories about what a great storyline Treyarch has created, just like old times.

    I again would like to say sorry to anyone I annoyed or confused over here while the whole thing was going on. My new job and the release of Black Ops were bad timing I guess, my job gave me less time to get on and talk to people and be involved with the CoD community and I never really got to apologize after learning it wasn't legitimate.

    I will have to say though it was a pretty good campaign, but the results turned out not so good. But you know the thing about this community that is so great is that even through all of this we are still going and paying attention to the story.

    So; In conclusion, I would just like to say I should have some more time to get back into the community now and catch up on what I missed after CoTD and start some more great conspiracies :D

    Sorry about being a jerk way back when Carbon, please forgive me :mrgreen:

    Glad to be back guys :D

    -BlackopsTiger / Jared

  8. Don't forget about Richtofen's background guys...

    He was once Dr. Maxis' "student" and don't forget the shadowy "Illuminati" and Group 935.

    Is he still working for them?

    Is he working for himself or for someone?

    Is Samantha Richtofen's enemy?

    What would Richtofen do if he were to be where Gersch and Samantha are in Aether?

    Lots of questions still....

    We need a Zombies movie when this is all over, but then again I hope it never ends :mrgreen:

  9. Hopefully it's big. I have a feeling this might be involved:

    Just kind of fits with the zombies theme of everything on fire and being chaotic. Plus it had Nova 6 in it at one point.... and the Nova6was stolen.... Maybe we get a revalation about Nova6 here and the crawlers come back? Or maybe new Nova 6 creatures. Jungle creatures... Tigers :D or Monkeys :D Let's hope Treyarch used their imagination for this map too :D

  10. 9:40 -9:43


    :?: ;)


    Loading Screen - Call of the Dead


    Loading Screen - Ascension

    Loading Screen - "Paradise?"

    (Unknown picture, but the next page/chapter of zombies has that picture of the loading screen with the leaf and what looks like some kind of structure behind it, most likely location of Paradise. A jungle perhaps in Vietnam, Laos, who knows.)

    1. The Loading Screen for Ascension = Comic Book theme

    2. The Loading Screen for Call of the Dead = A Movie Poster (Treyarch Pictures International in bottom left)

    3. The Loading Screen for "Paradise" - Can't wait to find out!

    I love Treyarch's Zombie story and hope Paradise won't be the end. Notice how they present the loading screen as a story in some way. Whether it is a comic book or a movie poster. This is their story they are telling, and we get to play in it :D

    -BlackOpsTiger / Jared

  11. This is a side note and I posted it in another thread but it does go along with this concept I guess, and it has to do with that Golden Rod and how you broke the fuse and what happens when you shoot the zombies with the Vr-11 or as I call it "Vril gun".

    Also yes, I guess Takeo does look very strange. I wouldn't go too far as to say that either fighting the zombies or being around 115 too much could have caused zombification to start, either that or the experiments Richtofen once did went wrong, very wrong.

    I wonder if we will have a map where we face Takeo as a giant walking Ninja with a Samurai sword with lightning all over :lol:

    anyway here's my other post about "Vril"



    The Vril!

    I love Treyarch for this, this is showing some serious storyline stuff here. So the Vril energy going through the human serves as a "sacrifice" to some sort of other dimension through the black hole in the lighthouse.

    Sam in Aether? Maybe Sam was involved in some sort of Vril Energy transformation with 115. Maybe 115 is Vril energy! man this is getting me excited. I'm doing some research and will make a huge thread about this stuff soon!

    BTW most people know about this already but:

    "By the simple contact of the three fingers and thumb of the hand on the VRIL Generator a transformer coil, an electrical connection is formed. This transformer cycles and recycles life giving light energy (VRIL) into the human body, awakening, realigning, balancing, re-tuning and healing the physical at the deep chemical and atomic levels. Through continual contact with the VRIL Generator the amperage of light energy is increased over and over again. The body human and the VRIL Generator coordinate a frequency that harmonizes with the user, and allows the user to enter realms once undiscovered. These realms we describe as the Subterranean Kingdoms of Light, deep in the Crystalline Grid surrounding the Earth’s Core. Wherein lays the Supreme Center of Self, which coordinates, controls and inspires life throughout the planet and to the Central Sun, center of All Self Awareness in Immortal Consciousness. The Doorway to Immortal Consciousness, One with Shiva, the mulit-dimensional states."

    Source: http://invisiblecollege2.blogspot.com/2 ... chive.html

    ^ Some Crazy Stuff, I'm researching it though!

    EDIT: From reading the above in blue the "Believe in the Welteis" is starting to make since. The dead with the Vril energy "renewed" but why. what were the vril / 935 trying to do? Create the master race or the "coming race" described in the Novel "Vril the coming race" this is all getting more creepy but very interesting and fun to see Treyarch is making a horror story out of this!

    EDIT2: for those that don't know what I'm talking about this was a poem given to us by Treyarch months before release of black ops:

    ""From a part we may judge of the whole. MKULTRA. Bluebird. Artichoke. The past, the truth. Blome

    Brought the evil. Someone hid it. God vs god. Believe in the Welteis and the

    dead start walking. Power. German knowledge. Beware of the Black Sun.

    Search the truth. It is still there. Son of the HUD. Four letters. Building

    87. Clean the world in a manner which is honorable."

    The Welteislehre theory - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Welteislehre

    "The body human and the VRIL Generator coordinate a frequency that harmonizes with the user, and allows the user to enter realms once undiscovered. These realms we describe as the Subterranean Kingdoms of Light, deep in the Crystalline Grid surrounding the Earth’s Core. Wherein lays the Supreme Center of Self, which coordinates, controls and inspires life throughout the planet and to the Central Sun, center of All Self Awareness in Immortal Consciousness. The Doorway to Immortal Consciousness, One with Shiva, the mulit-dimensional states."

    Sounds a lot like the theories proposed by these Nazi leaders and propagandists during World War II about scientific explanations of inside the earth and "spiritual" and "occult" connections with the conscious and "MULTI-DIMENSIONS" AETHER/ SAMANTHA DIMENSION ANYONE?

    Don't believe me just do some research about the Vril and how the supposed secret society influenced not only UFO technology but personal beliefs and cults in other dimensions.


    EDIT3: You know the Return through Aether element is also starting to make more since. If we look at Aether as the dimension returnable through Vril energy. If that little golden rod that descended after the sacrificed man went up the lighthouse had vril energy in him, what if you sent him through Aether? Wherever that ends up being.... with Samantha.

  12. beats campers, makes the level harder, and we have yet to see anyone make it past 50. So I like it I guess. But it would be nice if you got a break from him maybe every 4 or 5 rounds like a dog-wave.

  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DhPhSiN6bb0

    The Vril!

    I love Treyarch for this, this is showing some serious storyline stuff here. So the Vril energy going through the human serves as a "sacrifice" to some sort of other dimension through the black hole in the lighthouse.

    Sam in Aether? Maybe Sam was involved in some sort of Vril Energy transformation with 115. Maybe 115 is Vril energy! man this is getting me excited. I'm doing some research and will make a huge thread about this stuff soon!

    BTW most people know about this already but:

    "By the simple contact of the three fingers and thumb of the hand on the VRIL Generator a transformer coil, an electrical connection is formed. This transformer cycles and recycles life giving light energy (VRIL) into the human body, awakening, realigning, balancing, re-tuning and healing the physical at the deep chemical and atomic levels. Through continual contact with the VRIL Generator the amperage of light energy is increased over and over again. The body human and the VRIL Generator coordinate a frequency that harmonizes with the user, and allows the user to enter realms once undiscovered. These realms we describe as the Subterranean Kingdoms of Light, deep in the Crystalline Grid surrounding the Earth’s Core. Wherein lays the Supreme Center of Self, which coordinates, controls and inspires life throughout the planet and to the Central Sun, center of All Self Awareness in Immortal Consciousness. The Doorway to Immortal Consciousness, One with Shiva, the mulit-dimensional states."

    Source: http://invisiblecollege2.blogspot.com/2 ... chive.html

    ^ Some Crazy Stuff, I'm researching it though!

    EDIT: From reading the above in blue the "Believe in the Welteis" is starting to make since. The dead with the Vril energy "renewed" but why. what were the vril / 935 trying to do? Create the master race or the "coming race" described in the Novel "Vril the coming race" this is all getting more creepy but very interesting and fun to see Treyarch is making a horror story out of this!

    EDIT2: for those that don't know what I'm talking about this was a poem given to us by Treyarch months before release of black ops:

    ""From a part we may judge of the whole. MKULTRA. Bluebird. Artichoke. The past, the truth. Blome

    Brought the evil. Someone hid it. God vs god. Believe in the Welteis and the

    dead start walking. Power. German knowledge. Beware of the Black Sun.

    Search the truth. It is still there. Son of the HUD. Four letters. Building

    87. Clean the world in a manner which is honorable."

    The Welteislehre theory - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Welteislehre

    "The body human and the VRIL Generator coordinate a frequency that harmonizes with the user, and allows the user to enter realms once undiscovered. These realms we describe as the Subterranean Kingdoms of Light, deep in the Crystalline Grid surrounding the Earth’s Core. Wherein lays the Supreme Center of Self, which coordinates, controls and inspires life throughout the planet and to the Central Sun, center of All Self Awareness in Immortal Consciousness. The Doorway to Immortal Consciousness, One with Shiva, the mulit-dimensional states."

    Sounds a lot like the theories proposed by these Nazi leaders and propagandists during World War II about scientific explanations of inside the earth and "spiritual" and "occult" connections with the conscious and "MULTI-DIMENSIONS" AETHER/ SAMANTHA DIMENSION ANYONE?

    Don't believe me just do some research about the Vril and how the supposed secret society influenced not only UFO technology but personal beliefs and cults in other dimensions.


    EDIT3: You know the Return through Aether element is also starting to make more since. If we look at Aether as the dimension returnable through Vril energy. If that little golden rod that descended after the sacrificed man went up the lighthouse had vril energy in him, what if you sent him through Aether? Wherever that ends up being.... with Samantha.

  14. Alright so this was my earlier post:


    Now. From seeing the footage and thinking about it for awhile. I thought about what the Vril were and what they stood for. The "Coming Race". Now how could that possibly be? And then I looked back at that poem Treyarch gave us, and looked at this part in particular and it clicked

    "Clean the World in a Manner Which is Honorable" right after the info about "Building 87".

    Now this is just a theory of mine, but what if this "Vril" or "87" gun didn't turn the zombie into just any person. What if it was genetically modified by the Vril or Group 935 to Convert the zombie into the Aryan/Vril "race" these people were so obsessed with.

    It would make sense with "Clean the world in a manner which is honorable" because if you think about it, having the zombies and 115 spread and infect the population while killing the rest would leave the work up to this gun to "clean" the world and leave the "Perfect race" in a honorable way that would seem fit to these insane people. Now we all know that this "Perfect Aryan Race" stuff is all BS as all races are equal. But I just wanted to post this and get your guys' thoughts.

    IDK it just seemed to click when I saw the zombie becoming human and thinking about why the Vril needed to be involved with the gun. So there's my current theory, I'm sure it will change a couple days after escalation and easter eggs, but tell me what you think :D


  15. I will make a post larger than this soon about who the Vril Society are and what it might mean in relation to the storyline, but anyone remember the Chalkboard in Der Riese showing an layout of a potential "UFO". Turns out that was a part of the Vril Saucer Series. Here is one of the real diagrams.

    Also another interesting note is that part number 1 is "Glocke" as in "Bell" perhaps Die Glocke was an internal component of a Vril Aircraft?

    The Vril 7 also used similar design:

    Taken from a CoDz article comparing the two:

    More non-UFO related Vril info soon

    *Many of us have known this for awhile now, I'm just posting it for those that don't know.

  16. Ahhh BoT good job yet again, i can only hope you didnt post this over there as well?

    By there I'm assuming you mean PTG? Nope I don't post over there anymore. Nothing against them, I just dont have time to shuffle websites everywhere, and thanks I'm doing some more research about real-life projects the Nazis may have been attempting in changing DNA through heat.

    Which appears is what the weapon does right now. It may be a fictional weapons but i'm just checking to see if there is any historical accuracy I can research before we know full-well what it is.

  17. Hmmm - New Find

    Notice how it says the numbers "87" on the side of the what I will call it "Vril" gun. Which I believe has everything to do with the storyline.

    Anyway, some may remember the things Treyarch sent out a long time Ago? There was a poem in one of the packages that I and many others helped decode. This was the original document:

    This later decoded to:

    ""From a part we may judge of the whole. MKULTRA. Bluebird. Artichoke. The past, the truth. Blome

    Brought the evil. Someone hid it. God vs god. Believe in the Welteis and the

    dead start walking. Power. German knowledge. Beware of the Black Sun.

    Search the truth. It is still there. Son of the HUD. Four letters. Building

    87. Clean the world in a manner which is honorable.""

    So it looks like those docs weren't useless and they did teach us some history lessons after all. There is a grand picture coming into play in all of this. If you think Call of the Dead will have nothing to do with the storyline you are wrong. I believe and will defend this belief that EVERYTHING in Zombies is connected to the storyline in some way, on EVERY map.

    So perhaps "Building 87" isn't a physical building, but rather meant the process of Building "87"? Perhaps that is the name of the gun, 87 or just "Vril" yes it looks like V-R11 or V-R1L but it's no mere coincidence. If you don't know what Vril is, it relates to some crazy things. I will make a thread about it's relation soon if I get enough requests for the information.

    Time travel properties to the future bringing those zombies into suits, as we now know? Or perhaps it has characteristics to reverse the effects of element 115. I'm getting back into this storyline again. Thanks Treyarch!!!!

    -BlackOpsTiger / Jared :D

  18. -I remembered something else today relating to the Casimir Effect. There is also the chance of it describing "Free-energy" or "Zero-Point Energy".

    -Which can in-turn theoretically describe anti-gravity propulsion systems.

    -So I hopped on google and searched around some trusty sources but that only turned up scientific results most of us couldn't understand. But I started looking around more and found this: http://www.alien-ufos.com/computers-ast ... simir.html

    -Now I understand that because it is based on an alien-ufos board it cant really be a "trusted source" but we can at least listen to what they are saying. And it kind of does make since. Plus they point out more about the Casimir effect which I did look up and most of it turned out to be true and possible.

    -If anybody knows Nick Cook and his book "the hunt for point zero" you will know all about The Bell and UFO's trying to be created by the Nazis. Now I want to point your attention my thread over here: http://callofdutyzombies.com/forum/view ... 53&p=70123

    -so knowing this and that the device can not only open a gravitational field but it can also cause an instability and reversal in gravitational pull causing an antigravitational propulsion system, perhaps we can conclude that the Russians were not only trying to perfect travel through Black Holes.

    -But this may be tehcnology stolen from the Nazi's back in 935 at Der Riese or other places taken to try and perfect UFO's or new types of aircraft. We know they stole the technology and attempted to. So perhaps it is possible? Maybe we will find out more in Map Pack 2 when we go to the Ural Mountains where they were building the aircraft? ;)

  19. ok sorry that was my fault, also while searching around the internet I ran into some really interesting things and I found some really interesting connections and made a really interesting theory. I will make a new topic on it soon after I do a little more research and confirm that it isn't just internet conspiracy and this really happened, after all this is just a game but Treyarch does look into real-life events. We haven't found out everything about Der Riese, or a certain scientists and the Vril-7 perhaps? More on it soon.

    as for the Der Riese server it's either they've hidden it from the scripts or their are no passwords yet I think.

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