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Posts posted by Korima

  1. There was a theory that I was speculating about Der Riese... What if it really is the end? It was the last awesome trailer we got before the map pack came out, and in the end of the trailer it can be assumed everyone died. So, a theory is that Der Riese is the actual end. Disregarding the easter eggs that were thrown in as an experiment for future eggs, I could see it possible.

    Okay, the reason for this is... First, in Der Riese (Black Ops version) You see the moon and a nebula thing behind it... Then you see all the Stars and cosmos/thingies just like at Area 51 after nuking it. You also here the same alarms from Area 51 going off in the background. The radios would just be there to tell the gang a bit more of what happened and why sam and Richtofen had such a feud...

    Idk, Really we concluded this while looking for a reasoning behind the 1-2-3 Paw Prints that are now in Der Riese...

  2. Nacht Der Untoten: 2 new songs added. 1 for blowing up the barrels outside (Undone). and the old radio now plays Twilight

    Verruckt: PhD flopper handprint, and a radio that plays music from the campaign.

    Shi no Numa: Three radios, when all are activated explains how the gang got to Kino.

    Der Riese: Unknown. Strange Paw Prints added into the tower for some reason.

  3. I'd imagine they were there in World at War. I don't think they would've added any cosmetic changes (apart from DG-3 skin, and updated graphics, obviously). But I suppose we'll all know in about another two weeks. It'd actually be nice to discover something for once without going through the games coding or no-clipping even. Richtofens Grand Scheme was fully done in 6 hours I believe.

    That's actually what makes me wonder... Since in the World at War version, there were no dogprints in the tower. Also, While playing modded World at War zombies, after getting to a certain round and no clipping after the flytrap was activated there was a weird electric effect on Teleporter B's map. the same map that has a random metal square clipped through it as though it could be a button or something... in the exact area on the map that the incomplete room was at in World at War...

    A lot of this stuff just seems too suspicious to just be a coincidence. I really think they added something in...

  4. I'm a little behind on posts, so I'm going to post this real quick then read through and edit this post accordingly. Okay, So earlier a person mentioned the strange paw-prints on top of the tower. There are three of them If i see them correctly.

    I also found something interesting...

    1. By the Dr. Maxis nameplate there's the obvious 1 Pawprint with a large hole going down, probably outside of the map.

    2. By teleporter B, go to prone and there's 2 Pawprints outside of the map where the zombies spawn just randomly chillin on the wall

    3. There's the 3 (?) Pawprints on the top of the tower for some odd reason. Throwing a grenade up there results in it falling down the tower and exploding somewhere I could not see.

    4. There's 4 Pawprints leading to the door that was scrapped in the WaW version that would lead to another room that was speculated to be the Amm-O-Matic room.

    Hmmm.... 1...2...3...4... All four are unreachable... But they are reachable for grenades or bullets.

    It makes me feel like they just maybe added in something, unless they were there in the WaW version.

  5. I enjoy using the QED. If I'm just going at Zombies for fun, the QED is a nice twist to things. Sometimes it'll royally screw you over, sometimes it'll make scary astronaut that LOVES to steal Jug or Quick Revive become your bestest friend forever with a ray gun.

  6. Soul was separated from the the body, in which her soul reigned over the Zombies in the Aether. That Aether being in another realm from our own, therefore she can technically be 'everywhere at once' to us/them.

  7. I highly doubt this is the end. I remember seeing a post going very in depth about a race before humans called the Vril-ya and it went into the whole conspiracy theory stuff that Treyarch has been basing Zombies off of. There was stuff on the Moon before any human got there.

    "Look to the skies to see the end of all creation AGAIN" Obviously this isn't the first time this has happened. Makes sense if its using the Hollow earth Theory mixed with the Vril-ya. The Vril-ya being the flawed beings before us and something happened or something that they disappeared into the Aether...

    I don't remember the post exactly... But I do remember one part of it very clearly. It stated that when the Vril-ya manage to escape the Aether, they take on a humanistic form.

    I kind of wonder if that humanistic form is either the monkey-cannister things, or what the Crawlers really are.

    The storyline isn't over. Richtofen now controls the zombies. Samantha wants him dead. The roles are reversed now. We don't have all the answers yet.

    Plus COD is running out of ideas... Cold War, WWII, Modern, etc... I see either Future Warfare or a standalone Zombies game with the Campaign explaining more about the zombies in modern day times and how we're combating it (Which would explain CODZL, being set in place post-nuked earth).

  8. Actually, there is a 4th player we have yet to see. There were two undercover American agents in 935: Peter and H.Yena. We confirmed Peter is dead in Shi No Numa, but what of Yena? Well... On Kino there are 6 portraits: our heroes (for now), blank portrait one (H.Yena?), and blank portrait on the ground (Peter). I don't like my iPhone.. This is all theory.

  9. Actually, what I heard was that they worked on Ascension and This one together the second they announced MW3. Treyarch didn't want the fans to wait for another seperate game to conclude the story, so they worked on two maps together in order to finish in decent time, with little sacrifice to quality. So if this truly is the final zombies map that concludes either this 'arc' of the storyline (lol 3arc...) or the entire storyline together, then it gives them enough time to go "Lol, MW3 is about to release. MAN THE HARPOONS, FIRE THE CLASSIC MAP PACK!!!" Which will give the people who dare not risk the atrocity (IMO) of another MW game something to do. ^_^

  10. Duke Nukem Shrink ray FTW!!!!

    But I am kinda disappoint at the map... but I think it's only cause I played it twice... maybe It'll be like Ascension where everyone was all "WTF IS THIS SH*T?!" to "Oh... Okay. MAybe it's not so bad now."

    As for the song, I like it... It's got the usual multiple-view meanings as well as a break from the screaming. Though the screaming is pretty awesome, it drives the GF nuts when she plays and I activate the music. now its an "I can deal with this" XD. Time to do some analysis... in the morning that is.

  11. My thoughts are is if they do have the time to release another map pack that isn't rushed and continues the storyline (if this map doesnt end it) then it'd be the classic map pack.

    But I have a feeling this is going to be the end. The final battle sort of thing... Or final Betrayal? :twisted:

  12. While running through the first playthrough we noticed a few things... just for those who haven't posted it before:

    there are gongs throughout the level, which if hit in the right order will do something. We only got 3 before we got stuck XP

    There are 4 spinning puzzles with glyphs. I will post pictures tommorow.

    Richtofen has the vril generator. Hmmm....

    There is a brick that says "Do not Hold X" which causes a waterfall that seems pointless except to slow a few zombies down.

    To access the PaP you have to press the two pressure plates to cause the stairs to lower. watch to skulls on either side of the stairs to know your time limit. when it hits the top, a torrent of water will push you down (much to the monkey's amusement)

    Okay... Sleep time... Will post more tommorow.

  13. Plus retaliation fits if the map pack names follow the story.

    First strike being ascension and us actually defying Sam Directly

    Second being Escalation, which escalates the story by adding Vril energy and Paradise to the puzzle

    Third being Retaliation, possibly Sam retaliating at Paradise for us freeing Gersch and revealing who H. Yena is, or where he is. (Probably Mystery photo that's still hanging, and Peter being the mystery photo that's on the ground since he's KIA)

  14. So...

    First Strike:

    We 'attack' with Sam for the VERY First time by releasing Gersch from her grasp.


    The crew believes we actually attacked her as well, thus ending her. That explains the lack of Sam in this one. So Richtofen thinks all is well, now we just have zombies to finish off. Or... We could just go to an area they aren't at. 'paradise'. The plot 'escalates' with the introduction of Vril energy and it's relation to 115.


    The crew arrives at 'paradise' only to find Sam. And Sam is not happy. Not. One. Bit. And now the crew must survive her 'retaliation' to the 'first strike'.

    Just a theory, but it makes a damn lot of sense. Vril restores life properly. 115 creates zombie-life. Sounds like a fun showdown to me.

  15. I believe I've found all the battery locations.

    Starting room: Two under the stairs, one in the cabinet near the radio, one next to that cabinet, one next to the teddy, and one in the cabinet next to that. TOTAL: 6

    The room next to that, taking the door on the ground floor: 1 one the ground next to the door. TOTAL: 1

    The area that holds Lunar Lander A (well, russian letter looking like an A): One next to PhD Flopper, one in the window up the stairs. TOTAL: 2

    The area down the stairs of Speed cola: 1 in the window across from the mystery box spawn, 2 under the stairs leading up to Speed cola. TOTAL: 3

    So that's 12... If I found them all... Honestly, I was expecting 15. XD

  16. In all honesty, I like it. It gives the imagination something to create. Basically Zombies is a "create your own storyline" type thing. They throw us a few things, but a majority of the plot is made by us. I like that. It allows us to create an explanation for everything. I would post my own storyline as to what happened, including what I'd believe to happen, but it'd be a metric fuckton (pardon my french) of text. ^_^

    As for the map packs, I'm seeing two or three more. We haven't heard any announcements or pictures of MW3, so we should be safe. So I'm seeing a 'Paradise' map, something that either branches off the 'Paradise' or another fan map, and then finally the old maps for the public.

    My theory on the final new map is something we came up in ascension. We have 12 playable characters now: Nikolai, Dempsey, Takeo, Richtofen, Macnamara, JFK, Castro, Nixon, Sarah, Rooker, Trejo, and Englund. Release 4 new characters and you have the fan's wish for 16-player zombies. SO, in comes all the references to the Moon. Final map: a HUGE map across the span of the moon (not literally, but large enough) in which all the characters meet up in a final showdown with the zombies. As we all know the nazis had something going on up there, and that's where 115 came from... so a Nazi base (LOL Iron Sky), in which they have all turned zombie. OR We could always have a giant Area 51 map. Who knows?

  17. I think it was totally worth the money. Honestly, They gave us 4 multiplayer maps which, like first strike, ARE ANNOYING AS HELL DUE TO CAMPERS, but that's slowly dying down. I have a feeling once everyone gets a feel for the maps, then they will be REALLY fun.

    The zombies was a dream come true, but could have been better. (Before I start, let me inform you how I'm going to word this. My clan hates Dempsey's lines. Ever since "Freak meat bag sacker!" We've always stated "ugh... Shut UP Dempsey...")

    The cast being Danny Trejo, Dempsey's Girlfriend, Cowardly Dempsey, and Dempsey (in which when Dempsey returns, He'll be Dempsey Classic.). That.... Could have been better... Also, the False advertisement (from what we know) about attachments really ticked us off. It went from "Attachment machine!" to "PaP multiple times!" to "It's random" to "Well.... maybe we missed something?". Not cool.

    But, overall I like the new map. it allows us to put the china lake to use before putting it back in the box (EAT IT ROMERO!), allows me to play my run n gun style with all the escape routes, and pays homage to the creator of all zombies.

    All in all, I think it was definitely worth the 1600 Microsoft points (UNLIKE MY FRICKEN FRIEND WHO GOT IT FOR FREE >=[ )

  18. Wondering.... I did the easter egg on live... but we skipped the lighthouse codes and completed it... So... Do the lighthouse dials have to do with the weird marking on the wall? May there's something we have to do to that wall....? I tried shooting it with a VR-11 Lazarus, Porters, DG-2, and Hk-115. Nothing....

  19. I kinda like the map. Yes, I think it's safe to say the slogan should be changed to "There's a little Dempsey in all of us" from some of the stupid lines they say... They could have made Englund a little more Kruegerish, rather than have him be 'the old guy' of the crew. "Behold, the majesty of flight~" ugh...

    As for the songs, I respect your opinion, but I like all of them so far except the Eminem one. Each one of them adds to the plot, except for Eminem's, so I gotta give it to A7X to keep plot to the songs rather than be all "Awesome... A zombie song? Use this song in our new album that wasn't made for zombies, but fits in i guess."

    This is my first time hearing A7X except for their apparent songs on the radios on Saint's Row, so.... Yeah, I like em.

    The Romero idea... I like it. I no longer get bored of Zombies now. Why? Because every map has always been "Go to this spot, all the time, and hold out because the map doesnt have enough escape routes to run 'n' gun." You can't do that in CotD due to Romero and when skippys shoot him his penis catches on fire and he rapes you unless you cool him off.

    But I do agree, there needs to be some way of fixing it for online matches where people go "Trollolololol!" and start shooting him when you're nowhere near water.

  20. Ok, hi, im shinigami, finally registered on here. So the easter egg is solved and the step by step guide is written, however the "elephant" type noises on the other side of the door continue after they teleport. I had assumed as the sound was heard earlier but had stopped it was richtofen repairing the teleporter but since it can still be heard after the egg and the DG-2 powerup doesnt disappear after a set time, is it possible that there is more?

    Just to keep others from flaming, this is him. I can confirm.

  21. OKAY! WE GOT IT! Shini, I, a forum viewer JHuds323, and a guy from solved it! The submarine appears once per round. If you hit the foghorn combination wrong, then it disappears. The order of the foghorns for us was....

    The one at the bottom of the ledge, the one next to speed cola, the one by the lighthouse door, then the one behind the rock on the otherside of the ledge. it causes the light to appear.

    Now its time to get the VR-11

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