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Posts posted by Telixion

  1. Be careful when you talk about glitches. If you guys are talking about bugs in game its ok. But Please don't talk about steps to perform GLITCHES that helps people exploit game in order to get to high rounds. It is against CoC.

    If you just read what he wrote it would give answer to your comment...

    Anyways I don't think its a glitch. Richtofen laughs when it happens. It has only ever happened to me when I had Who's Who and I believe I also had an AN. It is a risk involved in going that route.

  2. You can't activate them all at the same time. So for example you shoot off the heads. When u try to activate the bears it will not let you. Also it is best to shoot the heads off first because if you do so while another song is going it will not count the heads you shot off and you will not be able to activate it. (

  3. I chose Richtofen. I feel that in the end he will make the more morally correct choice. So far everything he has done has helped. He has released Samantha from the pyramid. While under its influences Richtofen/Samantha don't really have much control under their actions or behavior. Looking at Maxis he has Nuked earth and currently as much as we know is destroying all electronics. Although personally I think Maxis is a better person.

  4. I noticed that both the in game images and the TRANZIT map have lava in them. Also there is a lot of ash floating around that I know people previously thought could have been from the "MOON" explosion. The North Highway Diner and the bus stop obviously are all in english and while that could be anywhere I want to say I think this map takes place in the US.

    Looking at this map we can see the most active volcanoes currently ( http://geology.com/most-dangerous-volcanoes.shtml ). Now the explosions from moon could have created this elsewhere. But just going with facts lets see if we can take some guesses as to where this map takes place?


  5. look if there isnt any hits in the pause menu then how else will u find the easteregg. by the way waffles, YOU ALREADY BITE ME. lol. also they should tell a area to look for the easter egg.


    There usually is an audio que or some sort of visible button to start the EE. After that they give you clues on what to do for the next step. Usually these things are new items on the map that weren't there before, interacting with weapons that are new to that map, or deciphering clues with things like morse code.

  6. Easter Eggs are what I play zombies for. I think I have the most fun trying to figure them out. Honestly I want a challenge. Something just so insanely hard to figure out. I would love the return of a bunch of informative pieces like in Der Reise. Like that brick that lowered into the ground with the paper under it. But seperate from the main EE.

    Actually I would love to create some of these EE. I think that would be fun. Im always doing puzzles.

  7. Haha I guess I wasn't the only one thinking along these lines.


    Ya the part about it not making sense mining on earth makes ... sense. I always thought it was some impact site that they were digging in. But going off this theory explains a lot.

    Yeah I had thought so at first but it seemed like it goes pretty well with the theory so I decided to include it. And it really does open up a whole lot of doors for the story, I'm really excited to see what else they have hidden.

    Also, I hope you don't think I stole your work or anything because given that I was after you I assume people will think that, but I want to put it out there that I didn't.

    haha don't worry about it. I don't think that at all. Im actually glad you thought the same thing. Kind of to me makes it more real having someone else post your thoughts as well.

  8. Well after spending all night looking through Shangri-La I kind of want to talk to you guys about what I think it could be.

    So me, crazy, and strwsbob ran through and I think we came to an agreement that its not an actually interactable EE. More just like informative stuff we can get from the map. So we searched for mountain ranges that kind of matched the background image (the mountain) and we couldn't really match anything. But we did notice that the layering of it is similar to a canyon.

    So remember that for a second.

    Ok now this gets into something I thought about when this map first came out. When you switch to the eclipse version there are two things. One is the object covering the sun. It isn't completely circular (Unlike how the moon would be). Second, and something a lot of people don't know, Is that you can see another large object in space. Its left of the eclipse, a little above the waterfall mountain. But it is shaped like some sort of asteroid. So that made me think of Mars because of its two moons.

    So going off of the possibility that it could be Mars I searched for mountain ranges on mars and found out that there is a famous canyon on Mars (My girlfriend laughed at me for not knowing about it already). Apparently its the largest known canyon EVAR. Even when you look at the loading screen of Shangri-La you can kind of tell its in a canyon.

    Now that particular image in Shangri-La I wasn't able to match up with images I had found on mars exactly. But I don't know. What do you guys think that would mean if it was on mars?

  9. When I first saw dead ops arcade I thought that the world was a giant map made up of squared sections and depending on which area you went to it would take you to a new area. Kind of like zork. Where you can choose if you wanted to go north and the north section above you led to different places. But it was already preplanned. Like old school zelda games.

  10. Hello! I would like to post what changes I would like to see with the next zombies we are sure to get this november!

    1: Get rid of insta hit zombies. Back in W@W in nacht der untoten you were able to shoot a zombie while it was about to attack you and it would reset its attack animation. So if you had a gun with alot of ammo or the flamethrower you basically could sit in a corner and just pulse the trigger and wouldnt get hit. So I believe that is why they implemented the insta hit (Being hit instantly when within its attack range) was to get rid of that exploit. So my suggestion to get rid of this is to remove the feature that makes the zombies reset their attacks when being shot at. There are many times a zombie is close and of course you want to shoot it. Even with jugs you can be downed within a second because of you shooting at it and it insta hitting you over and over. So if we got rid of the reset it would make everyones life much better!

    2:Add a single player EE for each map. The easter eggs are great! Huge fan of them. I loved call of the dead because I could do the easter egg by myself. However I didnt like that it was a very short version of it. I understand why it was but still. I think the single player easter egg should be much harder of a puzzle than the co op (i like a challenge). Just something I would really enjoy and it would give the developers more enjoyment trying to figure out which EE will be solved first!

    3: Reduce the length of co op late rounds. I believe I speak for everyone that this is a must. The hardest part of any late round ( after you have all desired equipment) is the very begginning. This is when you can tell how well your position can withstand the next round zombies health. After the first 3 minutes its just sticking to a repetitious strategy. I usually refuse to play 4 player zombies because of how long the rounds last.

    Those are really the only ones I think are kind of a must for me. The following are just some little things I think would be really cool.

    1: Some sort of leveling system. I don't care how it is setup. For example it could be based of kills or points. If it unlocked things as you leveled up that would be cool. If not thats fine, I would just like some sort recognition saying: I play zombies ALOT.

    2: Badges. This is more for just the lobby but badges showing you have reached "round ___" or have completed the easter egg on said map. Have killed a giant amount of zombies with _____ weapon. Little things like that would be cool to try and collect. Really time consuming ones would be nice for when you get bored of a map but still have a reason to play.

    3: Story. Love the story. Love the characters. If its new characters that we play as in the next game that would be fine with me as long as we are still linked to the main heroes in some way.

    4: Easter Eggs. I really liked how moon was setup with its clues to the story. However I really enjoy finding littles pieces of evidence laying around. Also I think there should be something requiring the sniper rifle zoom to be able to see/find. I always enjoy trying to find things with that.

    5: Dead Ops Arcade 2. First one was awesome. Would love a second!

    Well thats it. If I think of anymore I will post them.

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