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Posts posted by carbonfibah

  1. I am currently working on a CoDz terminal website. There you will have access to the terminal files found on Black Ops.

    the web address is


    HINT: Username and password are



    just like the real terminal :)


    remember this is in BETA form and I am still working on it, so please be patient. Feel free to follow along in the process as I create it. Use this thread to give me feedback or suggestions.

    Also try not to publicize this too much.

    The main reason why I am showing you this before it is done is because I want your feedback to make it awesome!

  2. This forum section is for the DLC 4 zombie map, Moon.



    All-Zombies “Rezurrection” DLC coming for Black Ops — and Jimmy Z talks!

    by OneOfSwords on August 3, 2011

    Despite the rather popular rumors about the name and content of the next Call of Duty: Black Ops DLC that have been circulating for a few weeks — and you know how I feel about rumors! – the truth tells a different story: Yes, there is a fourth DLC pack on the way, and to the delight of co-op gamers, it’s a purely Zombies affair.

    They're back for the attack

    The Rezurrection DLC pack will be available on Xbox 360 on August 23rd, and will feature five maps. Four are remastered and upgraded versions of the World at War Zombies maps that started it all – Nacht der Untoten, Verruckt, Shi No Numa and Der Riese. If you were introduced to Zombies gameplay with Black Ops, these are the historical maps that will fill in some of the backstory for you — and in addition to updated weapons and polish, they each still have their own surprises to offer. A limited number of fans have already gotten to play these maps — they were included in the Hardened and Prestige editions of Black Ops — but keep reading, because there’s a nice surprise in store for you near the end of this article.

    In space, no one can hear you shuffle

    Additionally, there’s a fifth map — Moon — that takes place just where you’d think it would. Yep, the Zombies are headed to outer space, and the rules of engagement will apparently be changing. Details are understandably still under wraps because, well, surprises are fun. And there’s a bit of bonus content as well — Rezurrection will include a special Moon Xbox 360 Dashboard theme and the official Zombies soundtrack, featuring three new tracks. All that stuff’s part of Rezurrection.

    I got a chance to ask Treyarch’s Jimmy Zelinski, creative lead for Zombies, a few questions about Rezurrection in an email interview and…well, he’s a cryptic guy. I asked him for details on a few of the things I’ve heard will be in this pack, and…see what you make of his answers for yourself:

    1oS: Will we learn any new tidbits of backstory from Moon? We already know Der Riese is where they come from, but is there more to tell?

    JIMMY ZELINSKI: If your question is to ask me if our zombies are from Der Riese, this would be a good opportunity to re-explore the WAW maps to search for further clues as to the truth behind the origins of the zombies. As to Moon specifically, of course there will be clues to the past and other story elements, but don’t be surprised to discover a few hints as to what may be coming in the future.

    1oS: What’s a “phasing Zombie?”

    JZ: I don’t know. Where have you seen a phasing zombie? Who have you been talking to? What’s this word “phasing” you’re using…?

    1oS: How does the Quantum Entanglement Device work?

    JZ: The answer to what the QED can do can be found in the research of Einstein, Kaluza, Plancke and Klein. That would suggest the possibilities are limitless. Get in the game, throw it out there, and see what it will do FOR YOU.

    What horrors await off-world?

    1oS: Are there other new weapons this time around? Any new gameplay mechanics?

    JZ: This game mode is all about discovery. Whether our characters discover new weapons in the various places they visit is dependent on where they go. Same can be said for gameplay mechanics — the location dictates how you play. Ever been to the moon?

    1oS: Why is Rezurrection misspelled? Is there significance to that?

    JZ: You never know where hints and Easter eggs may appear in Zombies. What looks like a typo may be a typo…but it might also be the hidden truth behind everything.

    One small lurch for Zombies...

    1oS: What’s your weapon of choice for the inevitable zombie apocalypse?

    JZ: A high capacity, accurate, high caliber, and high rate of fire weapon. That’s what I would choose.

    1oS: Space – the final frontier. Is this the end to the Zombies storyline?

    JZ: [No answer to this one, but a friend over at Treyarch said they saw him storm off to get a breath of fresh air.]


    So, to recap: August 23rd, Rezurrection offers five Zombies maps, an extended version of the Zombies soundtrack, and a special Moon theme. It will cost 1200 Microsoft Points.

    Unless you wind up getting it all for free…!

    If you are an owner of the Hardened or Prestige editions of Black Ops, you already have the four upgraded classic maps thanks to the redemption code that came in the package; that was a perk for buying a limited edition of the game. So, as a thank-you to the hardcore fans for their support from the start, Hardened and Prestige edition owners can download Rezurrection for free on August 23rd. We’ll get into the logistics of exactly how it will all work later, but the short version is you’ll be able to go into your Download History and re-download the classic pack you already own, and the fresh download will include the new Moon map. And you’ll also get the soundtrack and theme, too. It’s not that tricky, but like I said, full logistical info will come closer to the release date.

    So…Zombies fans, speak up! What do you think?

  3. What if we don't have cameras?

    Could I get, say, Alpha and some other CoDz-ers in a game and one of them can take a picture?

    Good point, I added this to the original post, but here it is anyway.

    Don't have a camera?

    Ask one of the console CoDzGroup names to verify your rounds themselves by adding you as a friend and viewing, etc....

  4. 4guardians2.png

    That is right! As the CoDz community grows we have to make sure we as a website continue to grow as well. This in part is why we have introduced 4 new forum groups. "The Four Guardians" as we like to call them will be featured for each group. Richtofen for 50+, Dempsey for 40-49, Nikolai for 30-39, and Takeo for 20-29.


    These groups will be a great way for all forum members to show off their hard work in zombies here on the forums. Now I am going to go over a few details here.

    Why the gray color?

    I predict these groups to grow very big, and with the color that we have already, adding more of one or more of multiple colors could be exhausting on the eyes. This is one of the reasons why the 4 groups are different shades of gray. The lightest shade being the lowest tier and the darker shaded group being more noticeable, the highest tier.

    What console/platform/game do I need?

    The PC, Xbox 360, PS3, Wii and iPad/iPhone/iTouch are the platforms accepted. Call of Duty: World At War AND Black Ops are both accepted.

    What maps can I submit?

    You can submit any World at War zombie map or any Black Ops zombie map. (DOA included)

    Is this solo or co-op zombies?

    These rounds must be done in CO-OP zombies.

    Can I change groups?

    Yes! You can move up the tiers! You could be Takeo today and Dempsey the next! All it takes is one good zombies game! So if you do beat your highest round and qualify for the next tier. Follow the same thing you did to join your first group and you are good to go!

    Can I use mods?

    NO! No mods are allowed, no JTAGS or any kind of modified console which allows changing gameplay to a state which is not normal gameplay. PC mods where you have extra health, etc... are not allowed, if you submit a group request for a PC game you cannot use any mods, you will only be cheating yourself.

    I am not from the US, can I join?

    Sure! Anyone from any country can join. There is no age limit or region specific requirement.

    Don't have a camera?

    Have friend to take a snapshot for you or you can ask one of the console CoDzGroup names to verify your rounds themselves by adding you as a friend and viewing, etc....

    How do I submit my group application to assure I get in?

    You can post in this thread or private message the forum name "CoDzGroups". This person will be in charge of "investigating" the requests to join groups, and will verify leaderboard scores, etc... You need to supply photo or video evidence of the leaderboard screen that shows your gamer name and highest round. You will need to post a link to this picture which needs to be clearly visible.

    *For the Dempsey and Richtofen further confirmation will be needed which will consist of messages to one of our console accounts. For xbox the gamertag is "CoDzGroups" and our PSN is "To Be Announced."

    These are the requirements to join the groups.

    Richtofen - To join this group you must have reached round 50 or higher in zombies. You must have photo and or video proof. You must also contact one of the CoDzGroups console names to confirm.

    Dempsey - To join this group you must have reached between rounds 40 and 49 in zombies. You must have photo and or video proof. You must also contact one of the CoDzGroups console names to confirm.

    Nikolai - To join this group you must have reached between rounds 30 and 39 in zombies. You must have photo and or video proof.

    Takeo - To join this group you must have reached between rounds 20 and 29 in zombies. You must have photo and or video proof.

  5. I like the grays, and the reason why I did that WAS because it is similar to white. These groups are going to be HUGE an I don't want orange all over the place, gray makes more sense. OK? Ok, so the colors are not changing.

  6. The ZOMBshes group is not gone!

    It is just hidden! This group attracts the wrong kind of behavior and attention now, it wasn't always that way.

    But alas! Times have changed, so now this is the super secret hidden society of zombie chicks!

    [brains] [brains] [brains]

  7. Ok this is where I am at...

    So when I first made this site, well it was just a free forum back in the day we didn't have as many users or active users as we do now. The majority of users were from the US. However as time went on and CoDz became more popular with each WaW map pack and now with Black Ops, the users on CoDz are from all over the globe. Now we had this before, but now it is much more mixed. So back then I had made group for a few UK guys that were active when most of the other active users were all American. Anyway I made the UK zombies group for them. Now that the site is bigger that group tripled in size and was the largest group on the forum. I have received so many messages over the years from users asking for groups for their own countries. Now if I did this that would make way too many groups and segregate too much. Having only the UK zombies doesn't seem fair anymore. I know a lot of you (UK zombies) are now upset that you lost your group. Well guess what, you really haven't.

    What I have done is delete the UK zombie group yes, but I also made 4 new groups with the same/similar color that anyone from any country can now join, even the uk zombies :) You can haz your color back! These are the new groups and how they are set up.

    Richtofen - Reached round 50 or higher in a zombies game

    Dempsey - Reached rounds 40 - 49 in zombies

    Nikolai - Reached rounds 30 - 39 in zombies

    Takeo - Reached rounds 20 - 29 in zombies

    Now these groups are open to EVERYONE, any console/platform, any country, it doesn't matter. As long as you have proof and can back up your leaderboard rank you can join the group. As of right now I have the xbox confirmation set up, which will be dealing with the gamertag "CoDzGroups" The PSN will have to be created by a moderator or the PS3 ambassador.

    So some details. This will not count for solo zombie games, this is only for 2 or more players. Which means it will show up on the leader boards. So you can use any platform, that means PC, XBox, PS3, Wii, and iPad/iPod. It also means any zombies map (except Dead Ops Arcade) on any game, so that means World At War and Black Ops. You can only be in one group, so, if it calls in the above number range as I posted then you will be in that group only.

    If you want to be in one of the 4 groups, you need to either request so by visiting the group's page by clicking on the groups name at the bottom of the main forum page or you can PM me on the forums and we can go from there. The only groups that will need confirmation are the dempsey and richtofen groups. The others only require video or images of leaderboard status.

  8. The logistics of the groups have not been set up. If you are a scummy person and want to lie to us than that is your prerogative, but we will need, images, video, or even a message over xbl, from that gamertag for proof.

    Also solo doesn't count.

  9. I was thinking

    Tier 3, 935 intern

    Tier 2, Veruckt Survivor

    Tier 1, Aether resident

    Love it so far though!

    Will we be able to travel up the Ranks?

    Will the pictures come with being in the usergroup?

    Will any other usergroups be affected?

    Those names are pretty good.

  10. I updated my original post.

    Ok I am deleting UK zombies and adding 3 new groups, same color I think, but different other stuff..you know what I mean, anyway, they will be something like zombie pro tier 1, zombie pro tier 2, etc... These will be how many levels you have gone in zombies. So this is for anyone in any country, all you need to do is provide photo proof of you highest round on ANY zombie map (without hacking, or modding or other means of gameplay which is deemed innaproproate) with the round number and your gamertag showing. I haven't quite decided on what to call these groups, but this is my idea.

    Probably 20 - 30 - 40+ *for now, I might add an elite group but for now, just 3.

    If your highest is between....

    Tier 3: rounds 20 - 29

    Tier 2: rounds 30 - 39

    Tier 1: round 40 - n/a

  11. *****UPDATED 7/23 1:34PM EST******

    Ok this is where I am at...

    So when I first made this site, well it was just a free forum back in the day we didn't have as many users or active users as we do now. The majority of users were from the US. However as time went on and CoDz became more popular with each WaW map pack and now with Black Ops, the users on CoDz are from all over the globe. Now we had this before, but now it is much more mixed. So back then I had made group for a few UK guys that were active when most of the other active users were all American. Anyway I made the UK zombies group for them. Now that the site is bigger that group tripled in size and was the largest group on the forum. I have received so many messages over the years from users asking for groups for their own countries. Now if I did this that would make way too many groups and segregate too much. Having only the UK zombies doesn't seem fair anymore. I know a lot of you (UK zombies) are now upset that you lost your group. Well guess what, you really haven't.

    What I have done is delete the UK zombie group yes, but I also made 4 new groups with the new color that anyone from any country can now join, even the uk zombies :) These are the new groups and how they are set up.

    Richtofen - Reached round 50 or higher in a zombies game

    Dempsey - Reached rounds 40 - 49 in zombies

    Nikolai - Reached rounds 30 - 39 in zombies

    Takeo - Reached rounds 20 - 29 in zombies


    Now these groups are open to EVERYONE, any console/platform, any country, it doesn't matter. As long as you have proof and can back up your leaderboard rank you can join the group. As of right now I have the xbox confirmation set up, which will be dealing with the gamertag "CoDzGroups" The PSN will have to be created by a moderator or the PS3 ambassador.

    So some details. This will not count for solo zombie games, this is only for 2 or more players. Which means it will show up on the leader boards. So you can use any platform, that means PC, XBox, PS3, Wii, and iPad/iPod. It also means any zombies map (except Dead Ops Arcade) on any game, so that means World At War and Black Ops. You can only be in one group, so, if it calls in the above number range as I posted then you will be in that group only.

    If you want to be in one of the 4 groups, you need to either request so by visiting the group's page by clicking on the groups name at the bottom of the main forum page or you can PM me on the forums and we can go from there. The only groups that will need confirmation are the dempsey and richtofen groups. The others only require video or images of leaderboard status.

    Also as you get higher rounds in zombies you can RE-SUBMIT to move up to a higher tiered group!

  12. RT @CCM404E

    Write good posts and theories. If you're posting good, well thought through and interesting theories, people will take interest in you and give your posts [brains] . Always try to research your theories and think them through as much as you can. Once you think they're good enough to post, post it. Make sure it has a good point or question, backed up with hard evidence.

    Title your thread appropriately. You'll get much more helpful responses when your title is appropriate.

    Posting in the right Forum Section. This is crucial.

    Use the search button to determine if a topic has been made before making a new thread to avoid repeat topics.

    Large Posts. Try to make one large post that has a brilliant theory and very good evidence that users will attribute to you.

  13. Here are the winners for the CoDz video contest. Followed by their winning videos!


    Thanks to kflogowhtbg3.png for hooking us up with products for prizes!

    Grand Prize (Powerslave723)



    1st Place (DonPedro)



    2nd Place (Frosted Shrapnel)



    3rd Place (Tom652)



    Honorable Mentions











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