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Posts posted by carbonfibah

  1. How am I greedy? I put sooo much time, money and effort into this site over the last 4 years. I don't have to pay for it anymore and and I can just shut it down.... do you want that? no... so don't call me greedy, I don't care about getting money from this gxp kid for me, I just want help paying for the site, I have my own job and i make money and i support myself and the bills I pay, this is an extra 80 bucks a month that I pay out of the love for zombies, treyarch, and the community.

    watch what you say undead.

  2. ya... so if I got shirts before anyone, or even shirts at all then I think I would be more open to this idea, and yet here I am left out and people are surprised at my reaction?

    Let's fix this and move on to better and perhaps profitable things, i dont do this to make money CoDz has only costed me thousands of dollars over the past few years and I have had MAYBE like 400$ donated to me in total... so ya it would be nice to have some help.

    But ya GFXP if you read this email me [email protected] and we will work something out.

  3. Nobody sent me any shirts or any swag and this is my site, that is F*ucked up, anyway if you hook me up then maybe I would be more apt to actually let you peddle your shirts here.

  4. Why should some kid get rich by peddling shirts on my site? I have to pay 90 bucks a month to keep this site up. It is not excessive at all. Plus KF is a sponsor, they give me free products. Bottom line is if he wants to be an affiliate and sell shirts here, $$$ has to go towards the site, otherwise he can take his shirts elsewhere.

  5. Glad to see you back and congratulations. :)

    One question though. What do you think about adding to what could get you into the Four Guardians usergroups? I only ask because there is an official leaderboard for No Man's Land solo.

    For example, if you got 200 kills in No Man's land, it'd be equal to Richtofen. Does that sound like a possibility?

    Thanks for running a great site.

    Interesting point. However I think we will stick with co-op scores as some people might not have Moon.

  6. Since CoD XP I have been very... well busy. Pretty much as soon as I got back I met a girl :D and well my new relationship has for better or for worse kept me occupied. Don't worry though I am still here, just not around as much hence the addition of a couple admins to help pick up the slack from my absence. Everything seems to be working alright here.

    If you have anything to say to me or questions or comments or anything post in this thread as I will be back as much as I can over the next few days.

    - carbon

  7. Check out the 4 part video series for the zombies panel.

    Collin Ayers is rocking a callofdutyzombies.com tshirt and we even get a shoutout. I was sitting in the front but as soon as it was time for questions I ran back so I could be first :) I also flipped my shirt around so everyone would know who I am :D

    Part 1:


    Part 2:


    Part 3:


    Part 4:


  8. I just upgraded it to a higher tier, which was more expensive, hopefully it helps. I also am the one who is managing the server, so I can choose to start or stop, or restart, or fix it when it's down, so when there are issues, contact me on twitter @carbonfibah so I can fix them as quickly as possible.

  9. Is the forum working for everybody?

    We recently got suspended from our old host Bluehost. We were on a shared server and consumed too many resources. So to remedy this problem I found a new host. We now have a VPS. VPS is a virtual private server. It is inbetween shared servers and a dedicated server. Dedicated servers pretty much start at around $500 a month. I have this VPS for $50 a month. One of the reasons for using VPS over shared hosting is the level of performance you get with it. Like previously said, with shared hosting all of your resources are shared, but with VPS every resource is ours and have been assigned by the VPS administrator and we are the only ones who can use it. The reason for this is because of the virtual network used to create a VPS. VPS server is in fact a dedicated server divided into multiple parts using a virtualization manager. On one physical server you get multiple servers you can then distribute to customers which need it. All of the created VPS on a single physical location are then completely isolated from each other, ensuring constant performance.

    So now we have this new server which will hopefully be more stable and faster. It is a lot more expensive however which is the only downside.

    I am curious if the site is working for everyone, is it faster. slower? Is it working?

  10. ****DISCLAIMER****

    This post does not reflect CoDz as a website, these words are my own and reflect my personal outlook on the situation. Please do not construe this as a flame war.

    Where to begin..... First off, the reason for this post is because recently there has been murmurs and what not that need to be addressed. This is the first time in probably over a year that I have posted about this subject. Anyway....

    Ok, to better understand the situation, and where I am coming from I need to give a little background and start at the beginning, otherwise this won't make sense, and I will not convey my ideas effectively. A lot of you only know of some competition, or rivalry between a couple groups/sites, but don't know WHY it even exists, or what you are doing wrong to continue the debacle.

    So, a long time ago during World At War, I was invited out by Treyarch to play map packs 2 and 3 a couple weeks early before they were released. They were community events, members from the gaming community selected to participate, in my opinion as a way of saying thank you to the community members who do so much for their game, for free, out of love, etc, etc... So between those two events I created callofdutyzombies.com. Now at the time, there was only one other zombies site really, nazizombies.com, but they were not really connected to Treyarch like we are, so as it is, their site was/is not as heavily trafficked. Also there was WeTheGamerz. Now CoDz and WTG have been affiliated/friendly since the beginning. Myself being friends with that site's owners helped, and together both sites working on zombies and both sites having people at Treyarch community events really helped make both popular in the gaming community.

    Now MW2 came out and CoDz definitely died down after WaW zombie hype. Now WTG is not just zombies, so they continued to flourish. We steadily grew as we planned and what not for Treyarch's next game, which we now know as Black Ops.

    Then one day a gift from the heavens arrived on my doorstep. It was a USB drive from Treyarch. This is the GKNOVA6 USB that everyone knows. Now this is where PTG and TD come into play. Now Treyarch is here, running an awesome ad campaign to help publicize and hype up the community for Black Ops, and people started to take advantage. Now at first nobody on a global scale knew where these USB drives came from (I did because I figured it out pretty fast) but as a whole this USB drive which lead to a mysterious website could have been from any gaming company. CoDz got a USB drive and was involved in GKNOVA6 becuase as a site we love the type of mysteries and codes and what not that Treyarch produces. As a site we are known for solving these things, not to mention quickly too. Also I was the one who got the GKNOVA6 briefcase which was a instrumental part of the gknova6 campaign. This is also around the time that the PTG/TD website came into existence. Well after CoDz was made and well after CoDz has established itself in the community.

    So nobody came forward and took credit for gknova6, some said it was not them but that was about it. So as more and more info is coming from the GKNOVA6 source mysteriously, people like it of course, and were given the idea to make their own mysterious stuff to either have fun or trick people, I don't know. Whatever the reason, people made hoaxes, mimicking, mocking, replicating, etc... ripping off this pure gknova campaign, and tainting it with lies and deceit. Soon nobody knew what to believe anymore, the lies were everywhere, it was just some sick game to people.

    Before it was an amazing code breaking game for community members to partake in out of enjoyment for the game and what the gknova6 campaign stood for (the single player and zombie storyline). CoDz community was built around finding easter eggs, solving puzzles, research, and finding the hidden in all we are given. We are a devoted group of conspiracy theorists and zombie zealots alike. But now, now we are suddenly infested with the seeds of lies spreading across the site and the community as people continued to play off Treyarch's gknova6 for their own gains and pleasures. For example, one group of people who used Kevin and Elena's songs from zombies and re-dubbed them, i guess illegally would be the word and try to profit off their hard work by adding their own words and making videos, etc.... I don't profit from CoDz, I don't have adds or any of that, some members donate, but that is not even close to what someone could make if they really wanted to milk it . I am in it for the community, always have, since day one and will always be.

    Also to piggy back and take advantage of gknova6 like they did to publicize their band was ridiculous. Now I have been quiet about all this, and just ignoring this because I don't want any wars or arguments or any of that, but I feel like something should be said. Now I am all for the past is the past, and as long as no hoaxes and lies are being spread then I am happy. I don't see why sites can't work together. We all love zombies here, we love playing the game.

    Why does it have to be so rival this and politics that. I mean I wish people would just let things go, I notice still some members either instigate the issue, or just keep the candle lit. I say blow out the candle and buy a light bulb. Come on now people. Yes they created hoaxes and lied and what not, but that is not our problem, do they get invited to Treyarch events? No. Do they have Treyarch people watching their site like us? sure, probably because they have to. This is not some kind of contest, that defeats the whole purpose of a community, I am trying to bring zombie lovers together, with no issues just the passion for zombies and all it has to offer.

    This forum has never been the same ever since the gknova6 hoaxes plagued us. Ever since then I feel like I have been fighting a battle to regain what we lost. I feel that we are in a great place now, I just wish some members would just drop it, like its not that hard, but some people just continue to say things or do things to re-ignite the fire and it really bothers me.

    I think that is all that I have to say on the matter.


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