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Resolve the paradox

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For this step there must be four players. If you have completed the prior steps alone, make sure three teammates hop in to assist you with this one. One of the players needs to have a Timebomb, and place it on the charged guillotine bench. All four players have to stand around the device and the Timebomb can be activated.




Doing so will send the players to 'Round Infinity', where the game is black and white and the zombies are nearly invulnerable. The Big Guy can be fed candy to kill zombies, though, and Monkey Bombs still work here as well.




The players have to find a switch, placed on one of the bodies of Samuel, Russman, Misty and Marlton. Their bodies can be located on:


  • Directly in front of the guillotine.
  • In front of the Saloon entrance stairs.
  • To the left of the Gunsmith Shop entrance.
  • In the crevice behind the Barn and the Gunsmith Shop, where the Navcard Table parts are also located (behind a wall that can be opened with a drunk Big Guy).
  • In front of the Jail entrance.
  • In between the General Store and the first Magic Box location.
  • In the alley between the Candy Store and General Store, the one leading to the Courthouse area.
  • In between the giant rock near the gallows and the awning of the Candy Store, near the arrow sign.
  • Behind the rock to the left of the church, where you've also charged an Amplifier
  • Just past the entrance to the Church, nearby the workbench.
  • The alleyway between the Bank and Barn walls, the body will be laying on the wall of the bank.


Once you've found the switch, interact with it to grab it and head back to the guillotine where you have to place the switch on. But do it quickly, Round Infinity will last merely 90 seconds. If the players fail, they have to wait to get another Timebomb and repeat the step.

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