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Contact the Entity

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The dials given to us by the Hermit can be used at Artifact Storage.




Each dial can be placed at the upper level of Artifact Storage. You must scroll through the numbers on each dial until you hear a ding. Once done, the Blood should begin speaking to you. Pay attention to its words, as it will guide your next step.


The Blood will offer you a clue to the location of an offering that it seeks. To acquire the offering, simply hold interact. The clues and locations are as follows:



Where bounded slept- Forecastle 

Where bread breaks - Gangway 

Where crows roost - Forecastle

Where earth crumbles - Geological Processing

Where falls freeze - Cargo Hold

Where feet slip- Ice Grotto

Where filth cleanses -  Decontamination 

Where fire sinks - Sunken Path

Where helixes peak-  Lighthouse Level 4

Where lightning aims - Security Lobby

Where lines berth - Docks

Where lungs close - Lagoon

Where madness sleeps-  Specimen Storage

Where mountains throw - Outer Walkway 

Where north is found - Bridge

Where one mysteries - Lighthouse Level 1

Where power ends - Human Infusion

Where preservation freezes - Main Deck

Where the hidden burns - Hidden Path

Where thirst dawns- Stern


After collecting 3 offerings, the Blood will give a clue to the location of the Seal of Duality. To collect the Seal, you must melee a wall and place a Dynamite Bomb.


In the walls of an Icy Hall- Ice Grotto, melee the wooden board with Samantha's drawings of herself and Eddie. 




Where Aether was Gathered-  Geological Processing, melee the bulletin board with Samantha's drawings of herself and Fluffy.



Where cages hang- Boathouse, the wooden board on the wall featuring a map of Russia.



Where humans suffer- Specimen Storage, the bulletin board featuring the failed human experiments.










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