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Buried, The Giant, The Ghost, Always Running

Prince Lolz

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I apologize for the lack of organization, but I simply felt I must share this. In the map Buried as you all know there is a giant, call him Sloth, Leroy, (my personal name for him is buddy), or simply the giant, whatever suits you. This mysterious 'man' if you can call him that, has locked himself up in a cell for protection, and somehow appears to have lived through a great deal of tragedies that nobody else did. But I ask you, how on earth did he live? No food besides candy, not infected, or even of old age. I have a sort of mad theory as to how this all came to past. I think that the giant is the child of the ghost, and the mysterious inventor. Bear with me please just read the whole thing. 


The town of buried is sitting on top of what seems to be the largest rip left of the rift on earth, but it obviously was not originally from Africa, and the tectonic shift answer simply does not sit well with me. It would have had to shift under the Atlantic Ocean, through the trenches and somehow be in tact. Now besides the madness of that idea what could cause it to shift that far in the first place, and not rip the earth apart? Think about the idea of William, the man who lived in what is now the witches house. All the evidence we have of him is his portrait, but its enough for me. I would like to theorize he was an inventor. Just imagine the time period this town is obviously from, it was the greatest industrial revolution since the renaissance. I imagine he found this material known to him as..nothing. It was mysterious and had odd effects on life and machines. Element 115. The name of vulture aid is enough evidence for me on this one, Vulture aid elixir? For those years and about 20 or so after, everyone was after some miracle elixir. Radiation, carbonated water, carrot juice, powdered minerals, ect. Just look it up on google, there were thousands of wacky ideas. So the fact they went out of their way to call it an elixir, seems fishy. Brewed in his still, mixing 115, barley, and such stuff he created vulture aid.


Moving on and trying to do this quickly and somewhat organized... He experimented with element 115, and started to notice its effect on human beings. It invigorated the body, and gave them a mysterious glow. Now for the big theory, sometime later his beloved wife fell ill. It wasnt looking good, so he created a machine. Using 115, and the power of a steam engine he created the most advanced machine on the earth at the time, To infuse the element into his wife to attempt to save her life. The machine worked too well, overloading with the power of element 115, further boosted by the great energy of the rift beneath them, (western americas, which we know has a big rip thanks to tranzit) The machine began going wild, the wife died within the machine, and her husband was actually killed by a falling rock from the tremors caused by the machine. Eventually the machine exploded, causing the entire town to vanish all at once. The young child/teen/young adult, (later the giant lets just call him sloth for simplicity sake) sloth was also in the house near the epicenter of the machine, the 115 infusing into his body causing him to grow, and have a far extended life span, and not require food. we already know 115 causes growth and extreme physical endurance in the dead, and in perk drinks to the living. so if every cell in his body was powered by it, imagine what that would do... It caused brain damage obviously, and an extreme growth and physical strength. Later on the missiles launched at earth from the moon caused large rifts to open bigger as we know, and going from that, the town reappeared on the other side of the rip, intact. All of the townspeople are dead, save for sloth due to his new body, and the ghost, as she is in a strange somewhat dead state already. 


Now think about the ghosts behavior and the song "Always Running". When you see her, she is crying. And she hesitates when she gets close. On top of that if she can avoid killing you she will, instead stealing points, or life energy (as i personally think they are). When you go near the house she warns you, to leave her alone, stay away, this is my house. Consider that on top of the fact she almost seems to thank you for stopping her by giving you perks, both at the end of her round and when you tip her in the back of the house. Then think about always running. She says she is running from what she has become, its unstoppable. Shes running from all that she is. She is simply a widow, with no way to communicate her physical pain, and the emotional torment of losing her husband, and her son. I imagine she tried to communicate with him, but he is afraid. whenever there is a ghost round sloth hides away. I believe the only reason she attacks you is she is forced to by the force over her (the aether) and another part of her enraged and seems to blame you for the loss of her family. 

The giant and the ghost are in pain. And they are afraid. They do not understand what has happened to them even less so the giant. All he knows is that you are friendly people who have been his only contact, and that booze makes the pain of his disformed body go away. 

Now I am well aware how insane this sounds, and how little evidence I have but just think about it. In zombies there is always an explanation, there wouldn't be a ghost and a giant immortal guy without some sort of logic. And 3arch has always had us make up most of the story...so here I am. Making up a story, that when put into place with most of the map of buried, makes a whole lot of sense. 

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