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Everything posted by zombiekyle

  1. I have a picture of the wheel for the ultimate wind staff, have no idea how to add pictures to a post
  2. Sorry if reposting. As I said earlier in another thread me and my friends put three ultimate staffs (ice, wind, thunder) in the 3 giant robots and then the fire staff in a new pedestal in the excavation site.
  3. Sorry, thought no-one knew because it isnt on the full walkthrough and I didnt see it on this thread
  4. Hey guys, new info Was playing with a buddy today and found out that the ultimate staffs ice, wind and lightning fit into slots in the 3 gigantic robots and once they are placed there you take the fire staff and place in the bottom of the excavation site in a newly spawned black pedestal. Died before we could get further. Hope I could help
  5. Hey guys this might be nothing but I have a school project to do and found sonething very interesting maybe a clue to the next map? I found a picture of a guardian lion (seen in Die Rise) under water and the description said cleopatras underwater temple??? Might be our next adventure is under water
  6. I have been led to believe that you hear a noise when you kill around 30 (what others say) or so zombies on alcatraz island and then a second noise on the GG bridge after about the same amount of kills as the island and a third noise can be heard when throwing the retriever into the fire pit before finally entering afterlife and retrieving it at its original spawn location. Also try turning down voice volume and SFX up to full to hear any such sounds. From Zombiekyle
  7. Ok, so as soon as you have hells retriever you need to kill a number of zombies BEFORE you go to the GG bridge, I'd say just survive two rounds with just hell's retriever in both areas before attempting to throw in the pit of Lava. Many people say they hear an afterlife sound each time they have enough kills but I never seem to hear anything. Post a reply if you do and try add to my horribly brief walkthrough X_X
  8. Yes I completely agree and I will add to to the information on the Death machine. The first time I had pack-a-punched it wasnt called the Meat Grinder, it was called My Little Friend which is wierd because I didn't see any difference. I think it might be increased Fire Rate after continious fire.
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