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About blinkeye

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  1. Sadly this is not a hidden area when you enter the round power room you cross a tiny bridge, the area you see in the video is what you see when you look down, so nothing special in my opinion.
  2. Yes i heard it before when i was looking around in town in theater mode. I heard it clearly when i was looking into the laundromat room. What i didn't know was that you could also hear it in the bank, also i've never heard it when i was playing i only heard it in theatre mode. i checked on that but the power siren has a deeper sound. Does any one know more of this?
  3. it could be that yes but if the jetgun overheats doesn't it emedietly explode instead of giving a chance for cooldown?
  4. i checked the text and all the way at the bottom i found something interesting that i haven't seen or heard in tranzit before: does anybody know what this means?
  5. I mean when someone teleports the beam comes falling down from the pylon and while the sparlky thing is falling someone aims at the door so that maybe the beam redirects at the door or something. i thought about this since the the drop beam goes really slow before it hits the ground and actually spawns the drop so maybe it has an actual purpose?
  6. Hello, not so long ago a guy named wallaby made this post with an interesting video in it: http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=136&t=26375&p=255686&hilit=power+up+teleport#p255686 I have read that there whas a reward drop but then i noticed the sparkles with the beam while it was falling down. Now to the point. i've seen people make videos about how there are beams shooting to the laundromat door or going to the street light (wich gives the same sparkles by the way). But has anyone tried looking at the door while the reward drops down so maybe it gives power to the beam to the door? like: 1. teleport 2. reward drops 3. look at the door 4. charged beam shoot to door or traffic light 5. profit? I saw the video and quickly made an account to suggest this so i hope someone's interested ;)
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