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Everything posted by Bumpyrug

  1. Your right, sometimes when I'm playing I hear Nixon when answering the last red phone. You may be on to something with it being the same time frame as five.
  2. Sorry guys from what I say and read they all looked real to me :oops:
  3. This is going to seem like a very dumb question but I got a brain... why is it not coming up as me having one??
  4. You're correct on the date, sadly I was unable to find what date Ascension is set at. I have read a few different remarks about these videos, all of them say pretty out there ideas like sam kills Takeo off or that the zombies finally get to him or that he is the least favorite character and people are wanting him kicked off the game and someone new brought in. I did find several stories from people who said the same idea though, that someone being either Sam, Maxie, or another person who was Maxie's boss are telling Richthofen to kill off the others because the experiment was a failure. I personally think there are more people behind this then just Richthofen and Maxie, there bosses pr whoever got them together on this have to have some take over in this, I think this person known as the "Handler" is ment to go in and fix this failed experiment or have some part in this.
  5. I found the videos, I want to point out that even though these videos may seem odd at first watch all three the documents look way to well made to be fan made and it states that they were made with in conjunction with the creators of black ops. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxL-6jGWbm4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mf12MVXb4WY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xmZS1Ea6XAQ Let me know what you think, remember look at Takeo's file he is the only one with a date of death.
  6. I was reading something on the forums a few days ago and stumbled on a few videos, I don't know if you've seen them but in the videos there is a man reading all the files of the characters. Now what shocked me was the fact that Takeo had a date of death on his file? maybe that has something to do with your sacrifice theory. Ill try and find the videos and post them for you. Also there was another file in the bunch with a picture of a man blacked out and under name they called him "the handler" maybe a new character?
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