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About asdwad2321

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  1. So i just went on his facebook and posted what i believed in, and he got curious, then just stopped talking.... (just incase it doesn't show up): http://img823.imageshack.us/i/asdfeu.png/
  2. SteelSpiritPenitent, if you were correct, why did their death machine only last a normal time? the game must have registered that they have passed the step so its not needed anymore
  3. Hey guys, i would first like to start off by telling you the general knowledge: - So we know the steps are the same from the single player mission when you escape Vorkuta. - We also know that everyone is currently stuck on the "raise hell" part of these "nodes" There are a million or so theories out there. Of those million, 95% are either bullshit or have been proven wrong. However, these are the current steps that HAVE been proven. Step 1- Secure the keys- Gerrish device thrown at generator, causes to "unlock" the first part on the nodes (hence the keys) Step 2- Ascend from darkness- Go to the computer and activate it, redirecting power to the trapped man aka Dr. Gerrish. This helps the doctor "ascend" from his trapped location. Step 3- Rain fire- Press the buttons while "fire is being raised" aka the monkeys dropping from the sky. Step 4- unleash the horde- Now this one is a little tricky. Unleash the horde is when you stand near that clock for two minutes. Its unleashing the horde because a nuke goes off and causes the next horde of zombies to spawn. Step 5- Skewer the winged beast- For this, everyone is suppose to use the lunar pads and spell out the word "LUNA". Step 6- Wield the iron fist- Acquire the death machine Step 7- Raise hell- currently unknown Step 8- Freedom- currently unknown Now comes my own theory. I agree with all the steps until step 5. There IS a way to destroy the rocket before it takes off. This COULD be what it means by skewer the winged beast. You destroy the rocket, THEN do the lunar pads. BUT, another one of my theories is that you keep the rocket alive, and on step 8, you activate the rocket and see what happens. Now thanks to NGT and their 4 part video, they somehow might have passed step 7. They shot at that one locked door near the quick revive and the yellow character gained some points. The reason their death machine only lasted 45 seconds is because the game registered that they had passed the step. They also couldn't buy anything because they were "locked in" and HAD to get to step 8. There must have been a switch or something on the other end of the door, causing the step to be completed. At the end of this step, they should've went to the rocket and tried to launch it. Now, i own a PS3 and have only played ascension a few times at a friends. However, these are my current theories. If you also notice that after you get the death machines, Samantha screams and turns the screen black and white, as if it was when you spawned. And lastly, since so many people are saying the next map would be in the moon, how else would they get there? They would have to use a rocket to reach to the moon. It would make sense that the last step, step 8- freedom, would have to do with them getting on this rocket. My theory is that you activate the rocket after step 7, a cut scene comes where you meet Samantha and she's all pissed and spawns mass amounts of zombies, all the characters get on a lunar pad, go to the rocket, and take off towards the moon. All this happens in a cut scene, so its not interactive. Well, this post is getting quite long. I have some other theories but i cannot try them until i get the maps, which is March 3rd. Also, PLAYTHEGAMECO claims they will reveal the last step on March 3rd. What are your thoughts on this, because i personally am 50% on it. They did help on the bullshit of henry leingham BUT they're story about "Z" is quite interesting.
  4. Honestly, i think all that means is one simple thing. Whenever you play Kino, if there are no dogs on round 5, then you open the first door to the right of the spawn. When you open that while the round 6 is flashing white, you will almost always get the box.
  5. There is only one of two things it can be, the dog or the Cosmic Silverback
  6. asdwad2321


    Good find buddy!
  7. Then why would someone who had been forced against his will know that he can escape and suddenly stop? Why would he do that, why would anyone do that?
  8. I was thinking that. Especialy with all the recent evidence. But its been awhile since Prototype came out and the story definitly pointed at a sequal. And the jacket reminds me alot of the Alex Mercer jacket. And all the posters with faces seem like Alex's new victems. At the same times they could go along with the Hitman franchise. Alex's jacket had a hood and he wasnt bald, so its probably not prototype 2. Im guessing a brand new game
  9. how he would survive, thats a little unclear. The fact that he probably did survive, very likely.
  10. Anyone think that it could be Singularity 2. In the end of the first one, the 3 different endings, there is a map showing someome taking over Europe and other parts of the world. It was made by Activision, it COULD be it?
  11. when did sony say that? If they did, here comes another 10/10 by sony
  12. with all the clues that were found such as Reznov still possibly being alive, I have to agree with them. Think about it, your escaping the prison and he just randomly stops. He must have a back up plan if he were to do something like this. Then there are other factors too. When you were brainwashed in Verkuta, Reznov was still there with you. As they were planting number sequences into you, its quite possible Reznov planted his own also. He knew about the Nova gas and what it would do. So, he had you go and kill that scientist because he probably couldnt do it himself. On top of that, like the code cracked, there was indeed no body found. It only makes sense that he is still alive.
  13. yeah i had that problem as well. I would join a game then it would get stuck at "waiting for other players" and boom, kicked. Happened for an hour before i got back in
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