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The truth of derise


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As you may know derise is the giant  and at the end of derise Samantha maxis's daughter walks in on one of his experiments on her dog fluffy it gets teleported away and then reappears as a HELLHOUD they run but they are cornered richtofen thinks this is the the best time to get rid of maxis and Samantha so he traps them in the teleporter and by by maxis and Samantha but this is the end for 1.0 richtofen because the origins crew shows up seconds after he thinks he kills them and they are begging him to not open the telporter and he does and richtofen 2.0 comes out and kills 1.0 and paves a way for a better tomorrow according to takeo

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8 hours ago, Dp9richrofen said:

As you may know derise is the giant  and at the end of derise Samantha maxis's daughter walks in on one of his experiments on her dog fluffy it gets teleported away and then reappears as a HELLHOUD they run but they are cornered richtofen thinks this is the the best time to get rid of maxis and Samantha so he traps them in the teleporter and by by maxis and Samantha but this is the end for 1.0 richtofen because the origins crew shows up seconds after he thinks he kills them and they are begging him to not open the telporter and he does and richtofen 2.0 comes out and kills 1.0 and paves a way for a better tomorrow according to takeo


Yea but that basically makes it so that the events that involved Richthofen 1.0 after Der Riese never to place as Richtofen 1.0 was killed. From that point Richthofen 2.0 reminds the the group that things didn't go as planned..

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