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Accumulating Storyline

Guest MurderMachineX

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Guest Zombieofthedead

Yes, BACKup. They were to extract Peter. Not kill everyone. The backup was there only just in case. The backup being the other Marines.

I am clearly not making any progress with you guys...

It still doesn't make sense to just go alone.

Not to mention, the times would just be... off.

Could we move to another topic, so you guys don't make too many final decisions? I really want to explain this huge theory I've got, but it's gonna be some time.

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Guest Zombieofthedead

Well, not really. I wrote the storyline up to September 10th, which is where Richtofen mentions the spy. I've been going chronologically.

I meant the time between the actual outbreak and when the marines got there. It looks to me to be at least a day or two.

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Guest Zombieofthedead

Well, we know the basics. Richtofen "tricked" him. He's dead, and currently graved (may have been, and most likely is, hanging man). Escaped from verruckt.

I will explain more about the verruckt aspect in my thread. If you guys fail to see my logic in the topic, well then we'll keep arguing after I post it.

EDIT: Just so you know, the topic will take at most a day to write, so you may want to find another thing to discuss on the side.

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Guest MurderMachineX

I can wait a day. The others can if they wish. Don't have to.

A day is nothing, really. This thread's gone a few weeks at a time without a response. It just hasn't lately because things have really kicked up lately.

I do appreciate all the help and input guys. Thank you.

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Guest BlindBusDrivr


The circled one is the zombie chewing the arm.

And I don't really see what the big debate is about how Dempsey was captured.

It was either

A) He was already a spy and got compromised


B) If you think he was the same Marine he is now, he went in ahead of his team to take them on, in the midst of his cockiness. But got captured.

It doesn't really matter though, all that matters was he got captured and Peter escaped.

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Guest Zombieofthedead


The circled one is the zombie chewing the arm.

And I don't really see what the big debate is about how Dempsey was captured.

It was either

A) He was already a spy and got compromised


B) If you think he was the same Marine he is now, he went in ahead of his team to take them on, in the midst of his cockiness. But got captured.

It doesn't really matter though, all that matters was he got captured and Peter escaped.

OR third option, he was capture AFTERWARDS. It actually is a pretty big deal.

I'll have the topic soon, I wasn't sure if I'd get it done today or not, but I'm sure now.

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Guest BlindBusDrivr


The circled one is the zombie chewing the arm.

And I don't really see what the big debate is about how Dempsey was captured.

It was either

A) He was already a spy and got compromised


B) If you think he was the same Marine he is now, he went in ahead of his team to take them on, in the midst of his cockiness. But got captured.

It doesn't really matter though, all that matters was he got captured and Peter escaped.

OR third option, he was capture AFTERWARDS. It actually is a pretty big deal.

I'll have the topic soon, I wasn't sure if I'd get it done today or not, but I'm sure now.

How does it make sense he was captured afterwords?

He wasn't in the team of 4 at verruckt.

and off he went after how could the germans have captured him when it was no russian land?

also, you said the Nazis wouldn't shoot because they were more lenient since it was ending/over, but that's when they were the worst! at the end of ww2 when the russians got close they tried killing as many of th remaining jews off as possible, they were 10x as strict as at the start.

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Guest Zombieofthedead


The circled one is the zombie chewing the arm.

And I don't really see what the big debate is about how Dempsey was captured.

It was either

A) He was already a spy and got compromised


B) If you think he was the same Marine he is now, he went in ahead of his team to take them on, in the midst of his cockiness. But got captured.

It doesn't really matter though, all that matters was he got captured and Peter escaped.

OR third option, he was capture AFTERWARDS. It actually is a pretty big deal.

I'll have the topic soon, I wasn't sure if I'd get it done today or not, but I'm sure now.

How does it make sense he was captured afterwords?

He wasn't in the team of 4 at verruckt.

We do not know this. You do not know this.

and off he went after how could the germans have captured him when it was no russian land?

Easy, they remain secretive.

also, you said the Nazis wouldn't shoot because they were more lenient since it was ending/over, but that's when they were the worst! at the end of ww2 when the russians got close they tried killing as many of th remaining jews off as possible, they were 10x as strict as at the start.

I said this, however it is possible he did this when they didn't notice, or even before they got there. Then he could just slip away in the confusion.

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Guest BlindBusDrivr

No, just, no. when they are in allied territory, they don't just sneak out a spy to become a test subject, they execute him.

None of the our at verruckt are dempsey, they sound WAY different. the characters weren't even on the story yet.

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Well its confirmed that Dempsey was part of the marine recon team.

But maybe it was 5 men team, the 4 marines we play in Verruckt + Dempsey as their leader.

Dempsey got captured somehow, the Marines were attacked by zombies and killed.

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Guest Zombieofthedead

No, just, no. when they are in allied territory, they don't just sneak out a spy to become a test subject, they execute him.

None of the our at verruckt are dempsey, they sound WAY different. the characters weren't even on the story yet.

They didn't have the voices yet. PLACEHOLDER!

Also, if that logic is true, bus driver, then why wasn't peter just killed? Hm?

Well its confirmed that Dempsey was part of the marine recon team.

But maybe it was 5 men team, the 4 marines we play in Verruckt + Dempsey as their leader.

Dempsey got captured somehow, the Marines were attacked by zombies and killed.

This is a possibility, but the issue is the time between the outbreak, and when they get there. Everyone would be dead by then.

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Guest BlindBusDrivr

No, just, no. when they are in allied territory, they don't just sneak out a spy to become a test subject, they execute him.

None of the our at verruckt are dempsey, they sound WAY different. the characters weren't even on the story yet.

They didn't have the voices yet. PLACEHOLDER!

Also, if that logic is true, bus driver, then why wasn't peter just killed? Hm?

Well its confirmed that Dempsey was part of the marine recon team.

But maybe it was 5 men team, the 4 marines we play in Verruckt + Dempsey as their leader.

Dempsey got captured somehow, the Marines were attacked by zombies and killed.

This is a possibility, but the issue is the time between the outbreak, and when they get there. Everyone would be dead by then.

I already told you why they didn't kill him. They didn't know but he had to make a move before they did. So he made it look like they had broken out on him and ran around to the power room. Where he shut off the power to lock himself inside so they couldn't shoot him since they doors were bullet proof.

But a zombie came up behind him. bit off him arm, he killed it and managed to get away, he can figure out how to break open the door, he has one zombie, not a whole horde like the rest if you were going to counter with that. and then from here I explained what I believe happened after that point.

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In Verruckt, there are graves. Not like legit graves, but disturbed ground where a person was most likely buried. In the trailer for Verruckt, we see the Zombies rise out of the ground in many places, like the courtyard. So at some point or another, 115 got to them. I believe that it was German who did this when the team came, after Dempsey was captured. The Germans were known for trying to destroy everything in order to keep all there research to themselves. If they couldn't have it, no one could.

So with that, I will back up a little bit. In my opinion, Dempsey is in no way one of the Marines that fights there. On September 10, a spy was found by security, which we all agree was Dempsey. On September 17, he was delivered to Richtofen. However, if Dempesy had already fought against the Zombies in Verruckt, why would there be any sort of security there at all to send him to Richtofen?

In terms of Peter, I think that maybe the group who came in after Dempsey helped in escaping him, but weren't able to help themselves. I originally believed that Peter was trying to run through the map sabotaging it by turning off the power and burning the building. While I still believe the arm could be his, I think the Germans are the ones who set fire to Verruckt.

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Guest Zombieofthedead

In Verruckt, there are graves. Not like legit graves, but disturbed ground where a person was most likely buried. In the trailer for Verruckt, we see the Zombies rise out of the ground in many places, like the courtyard. So at some point or another, 115 got to them. I believe that it was German who did this when the team came, after Dempsey was captured. The Germans were known for trying to destroy everything in order to keep all there research to themselves. If they couldn't have it, no one could.

Letting the zombies loose would reveal their secrets, would it not? Someone would try to figure out what happened.

So with that, I will back up a little bit. In my opinion, Dempsey is in no way one of the Marines that fights there. On September 10, a spy was found by security, which we all agree was Dempsey. On September 17, he was delivered to Richtofen. However, if Dempesy had already fought against the Zombies in Verruckt, why would there be any sort of security there at all to send him to Richtofen?

Think about it, why would it take 7 days to get to where Richtofen was? That is no far distance. Something HAD to have happened. I think they were probably waiting for the spy to be delivered, but after 7 days they figured something was wrong, and so sent people there.

In terms of Peter, I think that maybe the group who came in after Dempsey helped in escaping him, but weren't able to help themselves. I originally believed that Peter was trying to run through the map sabotaging it by turning off the power and burning the building. While I still believe the arm could be his, I think the Germans are the ones who set fire to Verruckt.

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Guest BlindBusDrivr

In Verruckt, there are graves. Not like legit graves, but disturbed ground where a person was most likely buried. In the trailer for Verruckt, we see the Zombies rise out of the ground in many places, like the courtyard. So at some point or another, 115 got to them. I believe that it was German who did this when the team came, after Dempsey was captured. The Germans were known for trying to destroy everything in order to keep all there research to themselves. If they couldn't have it, no one could.

Letting the zombies loose would reveal their secrets, would it not? Someone would try to figure out what happened.

So with that, I will back up a little bit. In my opinion, Dempsey is in no way one of the Marines that fights there. On September 10, a spy was found by security, which we all agree was Dempsey. On September 17, he was delivered to Richtofen. However, if Dempesy had already fought against the Zombies in Verruckt, why would there be any sort of security there at all to send him to Richtofen?

Think about it, why would it take 7 days to get to where Richtofen was? That is no far distance. Something HAD to have happened. I think they were probably waiting for the spy to be delivered, but after 7 days they figured something was wrong, and so sent people there.

In terms of Peter, I think that maybe the group who came in after Dempsey helped in escaping him, but weren't able to help themselves. I originally believed that Peter was trying to run through the map sabotaging it by turning off the power and burning the building. While I still believe the arm could be his, I think the Germans are the ones who set fire to Verruckt.

Umm, it's rather plausible that it took 7 days. Richtofen was on a boat moving through a channel in Siberia, it's not unlikely it took sometime to ship in the spy from there. If he's on a boat, it doesn't matter if they are transporting Dempsey in Horten Ho's empty bomb compartment, they can't land on a cargo boat. They would have to wait for Richtofen to reach a port. So ergo, it makes perfect sense it took that long.

As too the burying of the bodies in the courtyard, I think it may have just been they though they were dead, but they weren't. Remember, it was the beginning of their research with the zombies, they didn't know exactly when they were dead.

And also, I was told by Faust if you go by the forest you can here like a Russian saying or something, which he told me makes him believe it was the Russians who set fire.

Also, in late 1945 of WW II, the Russians would definitely be in that territory.

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Guest Zombieofthedead

Umm, it's rather plausible that it took 7 days. Richtofen was on a boat moving through a channel in Siberia, it's not unlikely it took sometime to ship in the spy from there. If he's on a boat, it doesn't matter if they are transporting Dempsey in Horten Ho's empty bomb compartment, they can't land on a cargo boat. They would have to wait for Richtofen to reach a port. So ergo, it makes perfect sense it took that long.

We do not know his location, but I would guess it's more likely Der Riese due to the teleporter tests going on at the same time.

As too the burying of the bodies in the courtyard, I think it may have just been they though they were dead, but they weren't. Remember, it was the beginning of their research with the zombies, they didn't know exactly when they were dead.

I don't think that this is the case. There were probably alot buried before hand. I wouldn't doubt if an outbreak had happened previously, so I think they WOULD know. We don't have all the facts here.

And also, I was told by Faust if you go by the forest you can here like a Russian saying or something, which he told me makes him believe it was the Russians who set fire.

Okay, they could have. That's reasonable. I mean, if you saw the undead running around by the asylum, wouldn't you? I never said the Russians didn't burn it. It's just that you can still pretty easily get out of that. The trees are burning, not the whole area.

Also, in late 1945 of WW II, the Russians would definitely be in that territory.

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EDIT:i typed this before the last reply, damn you guys are replying too fast :lol:

Umm, it's rather plausible that it took 7 days. Richtofen was on a boat moving through a channel in Siberia, it's not unlikely it took sometime to ship in the spy from there. If he's on a boat, it doesn't matter if they are transporting Dempsey in Horten Ho's empty bomb compartment, they can't land on a cargo boat. They would have to wait for Richtofen to reach a port. So ergo, it makes perfect sense it took that long.

but that is working on the assumption that Richthofen was on the boat, personal i think it is plausible, but it is not a solid fact and a few people may argue he was not infact on the boat from COTD

As too the burying of the bodies in the courtyard, I think it may have just been they though they were dead, but they weren't. Remember, it was the beginning of their research with the zombies, they didn't know exactly when they were dead.

And also, I was told by Faust if you go by the forest you can here like a Russian saying or something, which he told me makes him believe it was the Russians who set fire.

Also, in late 1945 of WW II, the Russians would definitely be in that territory.

i pretty much agree with the entire second bit though,

and i believe the fact that the Germans didn't know what the zombies where is what lead to the out-break at verraukt

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Guest BlindBusDrivr

EDIT:i typed this before the last reply, damn you guys are replying too fast :lol:

Umm, it's rather plausible that it took 7 days. Richtofen was on a boat moving through a channel in Siberia, it's not unlikely it took sometime to ship in the spy from there. If he's on a boat, it doesn't matter if they are transporting Dempsey in Horten Ho's empty bomb compartment, they can't land on a cargo boat. They would have to wait for Richtofen to reach a port. So ergo, it makes perfect sense it took that long.

but that is working on the assumption that Richthofen was on the boat, personal i think it is plausible, but it is not a solid fact and a few people may argue he was not infact on the boat from COTD

As too the burying of the bodies in the courtyard, I think it may have just been they though they were dead, but they weren't. Remember, it was the beginning of their research with the zombies, they didn't know exactly when they were dead.

And also, I was told by Faust if you go by the forest you can here like a Russian saying or something, which he told me makes him believe it was the Russians who set fire.

Also, in late 1945 of WW II, the Russians would definitely be in that territory.

i pretty much agree with the entire second bit though,

and i believe the fact that the Germans didn't know what the zombies where is what lead to the out-break at verraukt

I think they knew, they just didn't know that just because they were out and down, doesn't mean they're dead. As long the brains active, so is the zombie.

And I don't see how Richtofen WASN'T on the boat. I mean first of all his personal radios are on it and the island. He knows what the place it. He linked them to the tele porter there. He knew exactly how to get what he wanted and get the tele porter up and running. I mean there's almost no evidence he was not on the ship/that area.

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Guest Zombieofthedead

I think they knew, they just didn't know that just because they were out and down, doesn't mean they're dead. As long the brains active, so is the zombie.

They've been doing tests on the dead before this, dude. First CotD radio, Richtofen mentions that maxis had told him the key to breaking open the human mind was operating on someone who wasn't dead yet. I think Richtofen and others already knew plenty enough about the zombies.

And I don't see how Richtofen WASN'T on the boat. I mean first of all his personal radios are on it and the island. He knows what the place it. He linked them to the tele porter there. He knew exactly how to get what he wanted and get the tele porter up and running. I mean there's almost no evidence he was not on the ship/that area.

It doesn't make sense, compare the time he was doing teleporter testing and this. Right around the same time. The distances are too great, and so it doesn't make sense.

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Guest BlindBusDrivr

I think they knew, they just didn't know that just because they were out and down, doesn't mean they're dead. As long the brains active, so is the zombie.

They've been doing tests on the dead before this, dude. First CotD radio, Richtofen mentions that maxis had told him the key to breaking open the human mind was operating on someone who wasn't dead yet. I think Richtofen and others already knew plenty enough about the zombies.

And I don't see how Richtofen WASN'T on the boat. I mean first of all his personal radios are on it and the island. He knows what the place it. He linked them to the tele porter there. He knew exactly how to get what he wanted and get the tele porter up and running. I mean there's almost no evidence he was not on the ship/that area.

It doesn't make sense, compare the time he was doing teleporter testing and this. Right around the same time. The distances are too great, and so it doesn't make sense.

Are you forgetting Richtofen was a master of teleportation?

And why do you think he had the tele porter built in Siberai? So he wouldn't have to travel back and forth on the boat anymore!

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Guest Zombieofthedead

I think they knew, they just didn't know that just because they were out and down, doesn't mean they're dead. As long the brains active, so is the zombie.

They've been doing tests on the dead before this, dude. First CotD radio, Richtofen mentions that maxis had told him the key to breaking open the human mind was operating on someone who wasn't dead yet. I think Richtofen and others already knew plenty enough about the zombies.

And I don't see how Richtofen WASN'T on the boat. I mean first of all his personal radios are on it and the island. He knows what the place it. He linked them to the tele porter there. He knew exactly how to get what he wanted and get the tele porter up and running. I mean there's almost no evidence he was not on the ship/that area.

It doesn't make sense, compare the time he was doing teleporter testing and this. Right around the same time. The distances are too great, and so it doesn't make sense.

Are you forgetting Richtofen was a master of teleportation?

Are you forgetting that Maxis would suspect if his teleporter wasn't working, but Richtofen's was?

And why do you think he had the tele porter built in Siberai? So he wouldn't have to travel back and forth on the boat anymore!

Then Why didn't they send Dempsey through there, hm?

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Guest BlindBusDrivr

It's because Maxis never knew about the tele porter there. It was a secret work by Richtofen.

And why didn't he send Dempsey through? Because it wasn't finished yet. After he picked up Dempsey, he finished the tele porter so he could move back and forth between his test subjects and Maxis.

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