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Accumulating Storyline

Guest MurderMachineX

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Guest MurderMachineX

I know. I was just saying that it wasn't Nova 6 YET.

I see enough interconnection to suppose that Nova gas was a subdivision of Group 935.

EDIT: I think that's just overcomplicating things. They're just mutant Zombies with Nova gas.

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hmm, I believe that they are curious of how Richtofen just disappears at time, like when he's on the Moon at Griffin Station, nobody knows where he's went, and then poof he's back around. It's probably the start of Maxis' distrust.

but the thing that gets me here is:

it was sent to richtofen

by the illuminate

in 1975

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First, we don't know who its from. Second, it isn't sent TO Richtofen. It is sent ABOUT Richtofen.

but we do know, it has the same address as the first note written in illuminate

and it is adressed to FS ER

Faithful Servant Edward Richtofen

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Guest BlindBusDrivr

There's many things that could stand for.

for one,

Frederich Steiner Energy Research

Nevermind, I found out what it means:

Frederich Steiner Engineering Request

It makes sense if you think the note is from 35', not 75' because then it would be the initial request for the creation of the chemical weapon.

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There's many things that could stand for.

for one,

Frederich Steiner Energy Research

Nevermind, I found out what it means:

Frederich Steiner Engineering Request

It makes sense if you think the note is from 35', not 75' because then it would be the initial request for the creation of the chemical weapon.

But wait the note in Der reise saying the seed had been planted ect. Was addressed to an FS ER

The note started with "faithful servant" and was written in illuminate

The old der riese note was sent richtofen with the initials meaning

Faithful Servant Edward Richtofen

IMO this is not debatable, there ia no reason anyone would send a note to stiner in illuminate code.

in W@W stiner wasn't even around so it was 100% richtofen

And now you are saying the same people are sending a note to the same initials but the initials mean completly diffrent things?

Personaly I think that is highly improbable and about that 35 thing, I'll have to take another look at it,

and also I have asked this a million times but can anyone read the Note in COTD that is similar to these ones?

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If you guys need clear pictures from specific things I can no clip and take them to you.

For Kino and "FIVE" that is, if you need from the other maps, buy me DLC :lol:

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Guest BlindBusDrivr

Matuzz, could you try and get a clearer pic of this?


And @ Nayrc,

where is the illuminati coding on here, I see what's possibly enigma coding but that's all. Not illuminati symbols.

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Guest MurderMachineX

Well guys, we can keep going with that, but I'm going to make a return to the Thundergun at the moment. Here's a quick little rough draft history of the Thundergun:

Group 935 developed the Thundergun Mk I. It was a non-working prototype. When Group 935 fell in the Zombie outbreak of Der Riese, one of the survivors, Pavel Gorki went to his government, the Soviet Union, and told them of the technology at Der Riese. The other survivor did the same with the United States. The countries had a standoff at Der Riese, but the Soviet Union won. There they acquired the Thundergun Mk I and reverse engineered and improved upon the design. It became the Thundergun Mk II, which was a deadly weapon, and it had Russian writing on it now. Somehow a Russian with a Thundergun Mk II crossed the Berlin Wall to go to Kino der Toten and died, leaving the Thundergun Mk II. Also, shortly before the Zombie breakout in Ascension, the Thundergun Mk III was finished. It was the same as the Mk II except that it could reload in between shots. It was sent as part of a gift to Clarke in Kowloon City as part of a weapon cache in return for his help in Nova 6 prior.

How's that sound?

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Matuzz, could you try and get a clearer pic of this?


And @ Nayrc,

where is the illuminati coding on here, I see what's possibly enigma coding but that's all. Not illuminati symbols.

not that note, the DER RIESE note,

(best pic i could get at the moment) top right note


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Guest BlindBusDrivr

Matuzz, could you try and get a clearer pic of this?


And @ Nayrc,

where is the illuminati coding on here, I see what's possibly enigma coding but that's all. Not illuminati symbols.

not that note, the DER RIESE note,

(best pic i could get at the moment) top right note


Oh ok. I suppose but it still doesn't make any sense that they would send a note about Richtofen, to Richtofen.

Gosh I hate these loopholes.

Sorry Nayrc, I forgot about that note.

I will go ponder about this in the meantime.

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Guest BlindBusDrivr

Well guys, we can keep going with that, but I'm going to make a return to the Thundergun at the moment. Here's a quick little rough draft history of the Thundergun:

Group 935 developed the Thundergun Mk I. It was a non-working prototype. When Group 935 fell in the Zombie outbreak of Der Riese, one of the survivors, Pavel Gorki went to his government, the Soviet Union, and told them of the technology at Der Riese. The other survivor did the same with the United States. The countries had a standoff at Der Riese, but the Soviet Union won. There they acquired the Thundergun Mk I and reverse engineered and improved upon the design. It became the Thundergun Mk II, which was a deadly weapon, and it had Russian writing on it now. Somehow a Russian with a Thundergun Mk II crossed the Berlin Wall to go to Kino der Toten and died, leaving the Thundergun Mk II. Also, shortly before the Zombie breakout in Ascension, the Thundergun Mk III was finished. It was the same as the Mk II except that it could reload in between shots. It was sent as part of a gift to Clarke in Kowloon City as part of a weapon cache in return for his help in Nova 6 prior.

How's that sound?

Sounds pretty good. I'm not sure if that's how the ThunderGun ended up in Kino, but the rest is pretty solid.

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Guest aegisknight

I am going to leave some quotes that refer to the Devil and Illuminati, take them or leave them. To me, they mean the Illuminati are the voices. Also, don't forget that the dogs are called hellhounds. This is only from 3 of the characters, and only one map.

I believe hell hounds is a play on Dempsey, brought up in Shi no Numa.

"the Devil's dogs, no match for the US marines".

The marines earned the nickname "hell hounds" by the germans during world war one

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I'm cool with almost all of it except the Kino part, but I seldom think of something better, it has to be a good day.

EDIT: To aegis: Well don't forget that they call them "hounds from Hell" so I think that was also where the name came from.

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Guest aegisknight

I was wondering this lately about the crawlers, perhaps they were an experiment with the tele porters, combining two things genetically?

Look at this clip ( beware it's kind of grotesque)


I've been under the impression that the crawlers were experiments to create a living vessel for nova6 delivery, since Steiner had not yet been able to create the stable weaponized version (that was done by Clarke).

I also do not believe it was the only attempt to use zombies to incorporate other nazi weaponry. I believe the Shrieker zombie was created as an attempt to further weaponize the Nazi sound cannon, powered by 115.

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Guest MurderMachineX

I'm pretty sure they're Zombies. They have faces, so they aren't Gas Zombies.

Well how do you suppose the Mk II got in Kino then? I don't see any other possible away. And the Thundergun in Kino has Russian writing on it, so it isn't a Mk I.

EDIT: I could just put it "somehow" got there.

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Guest MurderMachineX

Well, I can't think of anything I'd need, but I can't speak for everyone else. Thanks for offerring though :)

Next paragraph:

During the next few years, Group 935 was busily working and creating inventions. Dr. Richtofen did not trust nor like Dr. Maxis, and Dr. Richtofen began to do many things behind Dr. Maxis's back. Dr. Richtofen finished the teleporter, and he was able to use it to Teleport to the Moon and back as much as he wished. In doing so, he secretly organized a workforce to help him build a base on the Moon, known as Griffin Station. When it was finally completed, in 1942, Dr. Richtofen announced to the rebellious Group 935 workers that they were to work in Griffin Station from now on, and he revealed the purpose: the Pyramid, or as Dr. Richtofen called it, the MPD. He assigned Doctor Groph to be the leader of Griffin Station. Dr. Richtofen continued to work for Dr. Maxis, who knew nothing of what Dr. Richtofen had done.

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Guest aegisknight

you keep the extra "s" with proper nouns such as "Maxis".

Something is bothering me: Der Reise is a waffenfabrik; weapons factory. But the original purpose of 935 was to improve the human condition, they didn't affiliate with the Nazis or weapons creation until some time after that. So why would a group not making weapons start with a weapons factory? Or is it not their first facility?

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Guest MurderMachineX

That is correct, it is Maxis's, not Maxis'. Just like a boss's employee. You only leave off the s if it is plural with an s.

Well it had been 5 years when you arrive. Perhaps it wasn't originally a weapons factory but it had been turned into one. After all, weapons is what the Nazis really wanted.

EDIT: Also, what about the Pocket Teleporter? I just ask because the next section is practically going to be a list of 935's inventions and locations, as we don't have another specific date until 1945.

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